
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 23:02, 13 May 2009 by OptimisticFool (Talk | contribs)
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"It's better to be an optimistic fool than a pessimistic genius."

Have a seat on the couch! Make yourself comfortable!

My Contributions

Anime me.

My more major contributions include:

Other Interests

I have also gone on to solve an 11x11x11, a 25x25x25, and a 50x50x50 cube using Rubix (once one can solve the 6x6x6 and 7x7x7, any size is do-able).
(Note: I firmly believe that anyone can learn to solve the original Rubik's cube simply with the booklet that comes with it. Buy one at a local Toys"R"Us, or find one online.)


A whopping $1,000,000 to anyone who can find any of the following for me:

  • Any of the Fonts that aren't already linked
    • Note: I already have Adobe Garamond Pro, Æ Systematic TT (BRK), Andy, Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Biondi, Brush Script MT, Nimbus Script, Plump MT, Rounded Informal, Shruti, Space Toaster, Team MT, Times New Roman, Twentieth Century Poster1, Verdana, Victorian LET, Viner Hand ITC, and VOY DOT LCD ... so no points for those. Yes, lots of exceptions, but there are still plenty more to find.
  • An article without an image (that needs one)
  • A reason to go behind the black (like I did with this)
  • A reason to edit out stuff that's just in the foreground (like I did with this and this)
  • An image whose edges I could improve (like I did with this and this)
  • Any other image challenge (like this or this)
  • A list of all the pages (including redirects) that I've created

Just point me in the right direction on my talk page or via e-mail to claim your $1,000,000. That'd be dandy.

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