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Revision as of 01:15, 19 January 2008 by Hooray4Trogdor95 (Talk | contribs)
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Yo, I'm Hooray4Trogdor95. Check out my friend Hooray4Homestar. She introduced me to

Bottom 10

10.Smaller versions of already bite-sized foods, just like Strong Bad, Less Food, Who needs that.

9.Movies and Shows that try TOO hard to be funny

8.Girly Girls. Uggh, There is such a thing as TOO much pink

7.Fish. Bad look, Bad Taste

6.People who call me a nerd.

5.High School Musical. 'nuff said

4.Pestimists, They don't like ANYTHING.

3.Movies that are based on books, but are nothing like them

2.People that think Is stupid

1.You, ya freakin' weirdo, now scram!


For Everyone that like Pokemon, my friend, Hooray4Homestar, and I are making a Homestar/Pokemon mix club. Talk to me or Hooray4Homestar if want to join.

My Contributions

These are my contributions to this site:


"This user can play the violin"

"This user is sorry for throwing that first cake at Strong Sad"

"This user is doing The Cheat's taxes"

"This user comes for the for the wuggas, but stays for the jiggy juggas
