Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2

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Marzipan's Answering Machine #13
watch Version 12.2 Version 14.2

Homestar gets hold of a banana, The Cheat and The King of Town cut their own demos, we hear two blasts from the past, and Marzipan's magazine subscription is about to erupt.

Cast (in order of appearance): Marzipan, Homestar Runner, The King of Town, Old-Timey Strong Bad, The Cheat, The Homestar Runner, Strong Bad

Places: Marzipan's House

Date: Monday, February 27, 2006

Running Time: 4:24

Page Title: Marzipan's Answering Machine



Marzipan's Greeting

MARZIPAN: {sounding more depressed than usual} Hi, this is Marzipan. I'm probably outside eating some dirt or something. So just leave me a message.

Message 6

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh hey Marzipan, it's Homestar. Check it out, I'm on Pom Pom's cell phone, I'm gonna send you a text message. Are you ready? Here goes... P... L... Z... Spacebar... G... E... T... Spacebar... {Homestar is seen walking by, holding a banana up to his ear as a telephone} E... G... G... S... Spacebar, oh! Backspacebar, comma, M... I... L... K... Question mark? Okay, now I have to send it. Boo boo doot! This is great, now we don't have to talk anymore! Bye!

Message 5

THE KING OF TOWN: It's my new jam! {guitar starts in the background}
I'm not talking about butter,
Or how nobody likes me!
It's the new KOT!
In the Two Thousand and Three plus Three!
I play guitar, apparently!
{guitar stops} Okay Marzipan, this was the only way I knew of to cut my demo. So I'll need to come over there soon and unreasonably search and seize this tape from you. See ya in a bit!

Message 4

OLD-TIMEY STRONG BAD: Yes yes, what what? Testing testing, two and three! I've got a hankerin' for a prankerin'! This telegrammaphone recording will be launched forthwith into the stratosphere, in the hopes that one day, many decades {the last syllable isn't stressed, as deh-kids} from now, some buck-toothèd fool will receive it, and be thoroughly bamboozled! Yes! Now, on with the prank! What's the difference between William Henry Harrison and James Garfield? Answer: Nothing! They both enjoy lasagna! Stop!

Message 3

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

{A remix of The King of Town's jam plays.}

I-i-i-i-it's my it's my new jam!
New jam! N-n-n-n-n-n-new jam!
Not talkin' 'bout {KOT!}
Not talkin' 'bout
Not talkin' 'bout three plus three! {New jam!}
Not talkin' 'bout
Not talkin' 'bout
Not talkin' 'bout KOT!
Not talkin' 'bout
Not talkin' 'bout
Not talkin' 'bout three plus three!
Not talkin' 'bout
Not talkin' 'bout
Not talkin' 'bout butter!
Not talkin' 'bout
Not talkin' 'bout
Not talkin' 'bout three plus three!

Message 2

THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hi-low, can anybody hear me? Give me the hiiiigh sign. It's The Homestar Runner, speaking into an empty soup can, with a length of twine coming from the 'neath. Hello, empty soup can. Hello, length of twine. You seem like mighty fine fellers. Why, I ought to fill you up with catgut and call you lunch. See you 'rooouuund, Brown!

Message 1

STRONG BAD: Hello Marzipan, this is Lorenz... Magazine... Man, calling to tell you that your subscription to Soy... Bread... Tofu... Hybrid... Cars... Magazine, is about to erupt! You need to evacuate! It's gonna blow sky high! Get out while you can! So what you gotta do is — and believe me, I'm Lorenz Magazine Man who are— who you're gonna trust — is bake all your money into a no-bake apple pie, and set it cooling on your windowsill. So that way, once the eruption is great, you can come home and eat pie and money! Because it's still going to be there, on your windowsill! Am I wr— am I wrong? Somebody, am I wrong? Everybody in here at the office with their headsets on said "you're not wrong". So this is Lorenz.. Magazine Man saying... the magma is seeping under the door.

Easter Eggs

"Not Talkin' 'Bout Butter"
  • Click the tape holder after the last message to see a scene between the King of Town and The Cheat.
{Cut to a more distant view of Marzipan's answering machine. Enter The Cheat from the left.}
THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises in a singsong voice}
{Enter the King of Town from the right}
THE KING OF TOWN: {to the same tune} Doo doo doo doo doo!
THE CHEAT: {loud, surprised The Cheat noise}
THE KING OF TOWN: {simultaneously} Oh! {alone} The Cheat! What are you doing here?
THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises, in a simliar structure to what The King of Town said}
THE KING OF TOWN: A remix? But I gotta cut my demo! My new album needs to drop!
THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}
THE KING OF TOWN: Oooh! A split seven-inch, eh?
{A record for "Not Talkin' 'bout Butter" in a jacket designed like a playing card with The Cheat in the upper half and the King of Town in the lower half appears at the front of the screen. In between The Cheat and The King of Town there are the words, "DJ Teh Cheat b/w The New Kot".}

Fun Facts


  • A high sign is "a gesture used as a signal (as of approval or warning) -- usually used in the phrase give the high sign." (Webster)
  • A 7 inch is a vinyl record, commonly referred to as a 45 because it is spun at 45 r.p.m. on a turntable. It is the format used for singles and each side normally holds one song. A split 7 inch would have two songs from two different artists, one on either side.
  • Catgut is a tough cord made from sheep or goat (not cat) intestines. It is commonly used for violin strings, and for stitching up wounds.
  • Eating dirt, also known as geophagy, is a practice most often seen in rural or preindustrial societies among pregnant women. The day after this toon was released, The Brothers Chaps announced at Flashforward 2006 that Missy Palmer (the voice of Marzipan) was pregnant.


  • When this cartoon was released, the link from the TV Times toons menu was directed to Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 12.2. The link was fixed the same day.
  • This is the first Answering Machine in which The Cheat, The Homestar Runner and Old Timey Strong Bad leave messages.
  • This is the first time the King of Town has identified The Cheat by name. In Where's The Cheat?, he simply referred to The Cheat as "that little yellow thing".


  • The Homestar Runner and Old-Timey Strong Bad's voices are significantly higher than in their previous appearances.
  • Two wires (presumably the power and the telephone line) are seen plugged into the back of the answering machine, but only the power cord is seen plugged in. This could be explained by the telephone jack being above the outlet, and obscured by the table; or that it is simply disconnected.


  • Strong Bad incorrectly says that "the magma is seeping under the door." Magma is molten rock located beneath the surface of the Earth. Once it reaches the surface (such as in a volcanic eruption), it is called lava.


  • On message 5 and 6, the back button only replays the same message.

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