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Revision as of 08:26, 8 March 2006

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Phillip Bradbury
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Inner left thigh measurement
Studying 4th year of B Engineering (Software) at UNCLE.
How I found Homestar Runner
A couple of people were talking about it in a chat channel once, and someone posted a link to crazy cartoon. I watched it, and was both amused and confused... then I watched the latest Strong Bad Email, which at the time was mile - having seen two PbTC toons in a row, I thought they just couldn't do flash well, even though it was kinda funny at times (though I didn't really get mile of course). Then I saw First Time Here?, and watched A Jorb Well Done as it said to, another toon with relatively bad graphics, and which to this day I still don't find very funny. But then I watched all the Character Videos, and some other SBEmails, and got hooked.
How I found HRWiki
I was actually planning to make my own site very similar to this one (except not a wiki) - Transcripts, Inside References, etc... Then, on one 1 April 2005, I thought "Come on, this is the Internet, someone's surely done this already", hit Google and found this site. I signed up immediately.

Miscellaneous Randomness and Random Miscellany

My major contributions to the wiki:

Other achievements:

User:Phlip/sig: phlip TC

My IP address is - see any edits I've made while forgetting to log in here.

Use Firefox and Greasemonkey? Get my all-in-one Homestar script!
Note that the HRWiki link won't work for all pages until the project below is complete

Current Project

Creating redirects for the filenames of every file on the H*R site, inspired by the sbemail### redirects.

  • Done Big Toons
  • Done Shorts
  • Done Powered by The Cheat
  • Done Puppet Stuff
  • Done Holiday Toons
  • Done Answering Machine
  • Done Teen Girl Squad
  • Done Games
  • Done Character Videos
  • Done Navigation pages
    • Main Pages
    • Toons Menu, SBEmail menu, etc
  • Done Miscellaneous:
    • Intro
    • Email
    • Legal
    • Downloads
  • To do Museum
  • To do Secret Pages

Please add any if I've missed them!

So far I haven't been able to do The Interview (interview), Everybody to the Limit (fhqwhgads) or TROGDOR! (trogdor).

What a debate should be like

In a debate, unlike an argument or a good old-fasioned yelling-at-each-other, both sides present their arguments clearly, and accept the other side's arguments graciously. There's debunking of arguments, sure, but no "omg how can u think that?? u sux!!" or anything of that sort. Plus both sides must be willing to change their viewpoint - steadfast stubborness is a bad thing to bring to a debate. I would like to thank It's dot com for this enjoyable debate about a fun fact that was in STUFF at the time.

Dot com: I really think if it was a "knowing is half the battle" takeoff they would have ended the toon with the Commandos all saying together something like, "and information is the key to the universe"
Phlip: not all the cartoons that had these segments did something like that
Phlip: remember it's a parody of the whole genre, not just GI Joe
Phlip: though it is mostly GI Joe
Dot com: there again, we disagree. I think they would have been more blatantly GI Joe if they meant it more than "health class" video
Dot com: *film
Phlip: yeah, I see what you mean
Dot com: to me, it would be like having a robot that looked like a humanoid version of a car and fought in an army against an army of humanoids versions of jets, and then they never transform
Dot com: my plurals are messed up in that sentence
Phlip: still, it's characters from a (parody of a) kids cartoon show doing a public service announcement - it's worth mentioning that the kids shows it's parodying did that too
Dot com: so ignore that
Phlip: agreed the content of that PSA is worded more like a health class video
Dot com: you can't see me, but I'm making that face you make when you're trying to agree with another person but just aren't quite convinced
Dot com: kinda like, ehhh, with the teeth together and the mouth spread
Phlip: this is exactly why it took me this long to vote on the fact...
Phlip: maybe it deserves a rewrite - make it less GI Joe-specific, and less definite (add "could be" or something)
Dot com: I think that would cripple it as far as usefulness. I think the more GI Joe-specific things we find, the better, and the rest is periphery
Phlip: hmm... I guess so
Dot com: and only about 1 in 500 facts is a good "could be", in my estimation
Dot com: although notice I did not say zero
Dot com: every now and then, we need a "could be" or a "may be"
Phlip: how about "This episode is similar to the segments that many 90's childrens shows (including GI Joe) would inclde after their show"
Phlip: removes "based on" and replaces "and now you know" with something more recognisable to people like me who've never actually seen GI Joe
Dot com: see, I don't think it's like those at all
Dot com: it's not preachy enough
Phlip: true
Phlip: umm
Dot com: and Gunhaver comes across as a coach or (naturally) a drill sergeant
Dot com: telling his troops not to get VD or something
Phlip: ok, ditch "similar to"
Dot com: to me, it's got health class written all over it
Dot com: hence, Commandos in the Classroom
Dot com: I'm not really trying to change your mind. But I do believe what I used to believe more strongly now, so this hasn't just been idle conversation.
Phlip: I do see your point too
Phlip: I'd forgotten how preachy these segments were
Dot com: especially Captain Planet and his ilk
Phlip: (I'd only seen them on Captain Planet myself, but they were very preach tyere)
Phlip: yeah
Dot com: heh
Phlip: there*
Phlip: great minds think alike
Phlip: ok, so play down the similarity of content, just of structure...
Phlip: how about "Many 90's childrens shows (including GI Joe) would have segments like this where the characters would tell the children how to behave"
Phlip: or something
Phlip: not happy with the last phrase
Dot com: meh
Dot com: now you're stretching
Dot com: I'm not saying TBC didn't have that in the back of their minds, but I don't believe that's what they were thinking when they wrote it
Phlip: yes, the more I think about it the less it seems like a direct reference...
Phlip: though I still don't know why, if they weren't referencing it, they'd revive the cheat commandos to do it?
Dot com: I'm sorry, I don't follow your last post
Phlip: well, the cheat commandos haven't been seen for a while
Dot com: wait
Dot com: I see what you meant
Phlip: if they just wanded PSA material they could have used one of many sets of characters
Phlip: including the main bunch
Dot com: true
Phlip: SS and HR making a PSA, SB messing it up for them
Dot com: but
Dot com: they've been exploring other stuff for a while
Dot com: (no sbemail in over 6 weeks)
Phlip: this is also true
Dot com: and the Commandos have personalities that fit this well
Dot com: and Reinforcements: "hey guys"
Dot com: that kills me!
Phlip: hehe
Phlip: oh well, I've gone neutral again
Phlip: I'll mull over it a bit more
Dot com: Gunhaver's a good arrogant personality, and Renold is a good wimp, and the other Commandos are good color
Dot com: and the Blue Laser minions and commander are a hoot
Phlip: good "generic evil persons"
Dot com: (but I was actually hoping for a CC toon for a while now, so I'm a little biased in that regard)
Phlip: me too
Phlip: love the CC
Phlip: Part of this complete delicions breakfast!
Phlip: (gallon of ice cream not pictured)
Dot com: I mean, *how* could they possibly blow up the ocean!!
Phlip: with a really big microwave ;)
Dot com: oo ah, oo ah
Phlip: lol
Dot com: Firebert, you stay here and think of a better commando name
Dot com: and The Cheat is just crushed at this
Dot com: movie night is my favorite night... I think it is my favorite night
Dot com: are you even trying anymore?
Phlip: "fire the new grappling-hook zip-line (cheap as free)"
Dot com: psst... don't tell the people on the "day shift", but we're using the channel for its intended purpose... to discuss the wiki and H*R
Phlip: O_O shock horror
Dot com: *no offense to the Eastern Hemisphere by the "day shift" remark, by the way
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