From Homestar Runner Wiki
Anvils are often used in nonstandard ways in the Homestar Runner universe. The Cheat is often compared to one.
- Email duck pond — In the playable Atari 2600 version of Duck Pond, the player had the option to throw an anvil. If it hit a duck, the duck would be lost.
- The Blacksmith owns an anvil, which has appeared in The King of Town DVD and The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show.
- Email — During the flashback, Strong Bad throws an anvil into the crowd.
- Steam Trading Cards — The description on Baron Darin Diamonocle's card claims he wears a gold neck brace after Dangeresque dropped a train of anvils on his head.
The Cheat Being Compared to an Anvil
- Email huttah! — The Cheat hears Strong Bad compare him to a cheese and an anvil, and Strong Bad tries to say that those are two of the finest things in life.
- Run Devil Run Interview — Mike Chapman describes The Cheat as "kind of a leopard/gerbil/anvil type thing".
- Email retirement — The Cheat is described as "Part Anvil?" on his introductory flag.
- Strong Badia the Free — The Drive-Thru Whale effectively refers to The Cheat as "the anvil".