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A widescreen aspect ratio (typically 16:9) is relatively rare in the Homestar Runner body of work. Most cartoons on homestarrunner.com are made at an 11:8 aspect ratio (slightly wider than the typical fullscreen 4:3 aspect ratio), as a result of The Brothers Chaps simply using the default Flash size of 550×400 pixels. DVD releases have all been fullscreen, using letterboxing to present any widescreen videos.

Typically, toons that are in widescreen begin by imitating the standard aspect ratio and revealing the full widescreen image over the course of the toon — for instance, Strong Bad widening the frame in flashback. As the 16:9 image ratio has become a video standard over time, toons exclusive to modern platforms like YouTube, Twitter, or Kickstarter are more commonly produced in widescreen.

Games and menus have infrequently been designed in widescreen as well, typically done to fit more elements on the screen or present two blocks of content side-by-side.


Flash Toons

Flash Games

YouTube/Kickstarter Toons


Personal tools