Talk:Two More Eggs

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Revision as of 01:25, 29 August 2015 by Catjaz63 (Talk | contribs)
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Individual episode pages?

Would it make sense to start making pages for each episode, with transcripts and Fun Facts and the like? We have a transcript of the one cartoon they did for Mellow Mushroom, and this show — unlike their work on, say, Gravity Falls or Aquabats — is entirely the Brothers Chaps' creation and feels very much like a Homestar Runner spinoff, complete with very blatant callbacks right down to the title. It's not like anyone is going to want to make a separate wiki just for it. Octan 20:37, 17 August 2015 (UTC)

Ugh. I hadn't heard about this. I don't like it. Dear God I hope it doesn't become a show. I was hoping the hiatus was finally over. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 21:27, 17 August 2015 (UTC)
Anyway, no, there are clearly similarities with HR (running gag wise) but I don't think transcripts should be included. It's property of Disney, unlike HR, which I believe has some sort of creative commons license. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 21:33, 17 August 2015 (UTC)
And 40 toons for 40 weeks? They haven't done that on hr since like 2003. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 22:34, 17 August 2015 (UTC)
The difference between TME and H*R is that Disney is directly funded The Brothers Chaps to make it. It's not that TBC hate us, but it was rough to make a maybe 2 minute cartoon every week in 2002, when your only income was maybe merchandise that people probably bought. - Catjaz63 00:56, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
We could totally make a Two More Eggs Wiki spinoff, but the amount of work it would take and the hoopla with the admins would probably result in me dead. - Catjaz63 01:31, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
Also, (don't kill me), I watched it and I don't think it's very good. Cute and sporadically funny, but each episode is so short that they never really flush out to make a satisfying 'toon. The different styles are cool and all, but right now it feels lacking in purpose and direction. The main character's (if it can be called that) catchphrase is "helloshe". Vector Strong Bad anyone? Personally, I don't like that it recycles this HR trope-they should diversify while retaining their distinctive style, it's the hallmark of comedic talent. For the most part they do this but not enough to make it feel organically developed. Anyway, maybe I'm just being passive aggressive (or active aggressive) because they're selling out to the man.--Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 03:52, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
The Brothers Chaps had a development deal a few years back, and they said that one of the things in the deal was to create a pilot for a show. TBC have been doing H*R for nearly 10 years, give them a break. Just because they're not doing content you like shouldn't mean you start bickering about what they create. - Catjaz63 03:57, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
I'm not bickering. I'm critiquing their work. I can do that. My point is that I've bought their stuff and watched their stuff for 12 years. I know I'm not a billion dollar company so it feels like they don't really even care about me. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 04:07, 18 August 2015 (UTC)

The theme song is awesome though. Insanely catchy. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 04:24, 18 August 2015 (UTC)

This conversation has gone way off topic. The question isn't whether we like it or not, it's whether we should document it or not. The answer is no. TBC themselves don't mind us documenting their work, and even think it's cool that we do. Disney on the other hand is pretty aggressive about its copyrights and would not be happy if we kept a large number of screenshots, full transcripts, etc. for these like we do for H*R toons. This is not H*R content. It should not be documented as if it were. I don't have an issue with having a fun facts section which, when they do something which is an inside reference, says which toon it was in and what the reference was, but to have a whole series of separate pages? No. — Defender1031*Talk 07:19, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
Full transcripts? No no no no, Bob. I know my legalististiticsiticities from Litigation Jackson and I know that's in the No-Zone. But yeah, it should stay one page and one page only. - Catjaz63 10:02, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
By the way, we need to get around to listing the H*R references in TME. Just even some similarities, as there are some running gags in H*R that're in TME. (to a slightly lesser extent) - Catjaz63 10:44, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
Didn't I say that? Before I tangented off I mean? Yeah, unless we want to get hit with the "Non specific More Eggs" (what the crap that didn't come out well) we shouldn't mess with a massive corp like the Disney. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 16:02, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
And Cat, what do you mean? Like list all running gags (like singular instead of plural in HotDip? Or direct references? --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 16:04, 18 August 2015 (UTC) Anyway, I think the series is growin on me.
I don't think generic running gags like that, but things like distinctive running gags. Gags that you would find only in TBC content usually. (which there aren't many of) - Catjaz63 16:27, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
Oh, in the one with the driver some guy says "Stevie Twice Times". That's distinctively Chap. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 16:41, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
I don't see why not to list the ones like SIoP also... And the determination of "distinctive running gags" is pretty subjective. — Defender1031*Talk 17:00, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
In the theme song video there's a box labelled "A tip!" and in the hot dip one the description says "mineral" and some other stuff. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:16, 18 August 2015 (UTC) Meanwhile, I was wondering if there was a way to separate nondescript nouns like "A sport!" from ones like "that paintball place down the street". They seem to be distinctish gags. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:16, 18 August 2015 (UTC)

Like, how specific should we get? Should we include references to generic objects with pages? Also, the most recent toon she says "here on planet This Planet". --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:18, 18 August 2015 (UTC) And I'm wondering, does Matt do all of the voices? That's pretty impressive, considering how many "new" voices there are. Like for example with the ccdos some of the characters started to sound alike, like Swampslash who sounds a lot like Sbro. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:21, 18 August 2015 (UTC)

Transcripts? Well....
And there's a lot of Duplicate Characters, like in the theme song video and the driver. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:25, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
And it's cool that they do the CGI style too. Lots of new tricks being used. And that cloud thing sounds like someone, but I can't remember who. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:31, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
You must be referring to Arlington. His voice reminds me of Rumble Red. I'd like to figure out which voices in Two More Eggs match the ones from the Homestar Runner body of work. Dooble definitely has some Homsar. --Charlie Jr. 20:03, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
And in hot dip "minus two plus G" resembles "I can count to G!". Where should I put these obswervations? --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:32, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
Should we mention the similar sound effects? --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:33, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
"Trauncles" uses a similar style to A Folky Tale, and obviously it uses Commonwealth English. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:36, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
And there's a lot of Identity confusion and gender confusion. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:37, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
Am I the only one who clicked the timer in "cake show" because it looked like the outline when you press tab for an easter egg? It was hilarious. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:39, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
And I found Hector saying "Oooh Ahhh" to be eerily similar to homestar saying it in Happy Fireworks. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:53, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
Also, "so cool a phrase book" in driver is similar to "so cool a flash" and "so cool an email". --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:59, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
Is there even a point to me saying this? --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 20:02, 18 August 2015 (UTC)

Yes, there are quite a few references. They should be listed on the page itself, not here. (Perhaps as sub-bullets of each episode?) — Defender1031*Talk 20:25, 18 August 2015 (UTC)

Yes, I meant Arlington, and yes, I meant Rumble Red. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 03:24, 19 August 2015 (UTC)
And the Trauncles guy sounds a lot like Flashfight. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 04:24, 19 August 2015 (UTC)
We could make something like this on the page:

Similarities to Homestar Runner

Inside References

Gfdgsgxgzgdrc 17:09, 26 August 2015 (UTC)

Nice organization. --Image:Homsariconformysig.gifBroncoTroll 19:16, 26 August 2015 (UTC)
I don't think such a presentation is very organized at all. I'd much rather have the references broken down by episode. — Defender1031*Talk 19:31, 26 August 2015 (UTC)
So, something like this? (Obviously minus the completely bogus and silly references, which would be replaced with legitimate references to Homestar Runner and not Purple Wrench) - Catjaz63 03:02, 27 August 2015 (UTC)
I changed it a bit, so that the "Shorts" and the "Similarities to Homestar Runner" section were seperate. Gfdgsgxgzgdrc 03:56, 27 August 2015 (UTC)
I'm not sure i'd separate the sections. I'd suggest just putting the references directly as sub-bullets under the episode' entries in the list themselves and making the heading something like "Episodes and their Homestar Runner References" or something. — Defender1031*Talk 10:07, 27 August 2015 (UTC)
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