Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 12.2

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Marzipan's Answering Machine #12
watch Version 11.2 Version 13.2
"Your Marzipan machine's been Thnikkafied!"

The Thnikkaman starts a band, Strong Bad's prank call ends in song, and Homestar threatens himself again.

Cast (in order of appearance): Marzipan, Bubs/The Thnikkaman, Strong Bad, Homestar Runner

Places: Marzipan's House

Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Running Time: 3:17

Page Title: Marzipan's Answering Machine

DVD: Everything Else, Volume 1



Marzipan's Greeting

MARZIPAN: Yeah, yeah. Leave a message.

Message 5

SINGERS: {singing} You Got a Call from the Thnikkaman!! {These words float across the screen.}

THNIKKAMAN: Hey, Marzipan. It's the Thnikkaman! Your Marzipan machine's been Thnikkafied! I was just calling up to see if you wanted to join my Thnikkaband. I got instruments, drums, cymbals, drums. Now all I need is some Thnikkagirls to dance around in some go-go boots. All you gotta do is shimmy-shake a little bit to the left, and, if time permits, shimmy-shake a little bit to the right. Oh, and in regards to your question, "can you have some?", yeah, shut up, kid!

SINGERS: {singing} Here hang-ups the Thnikkaman!! {These words float across the screen.}

THNIKKAMAN: Errrrrrrrooom... click!

Message 4

STRONG BAD: Marzipan, look: this is Goatface. I have a goat for a face. Like, not that I have a goat's head for a face, or that my head is a goat's head — like, my face is an entire goat. So, anyways, I was calling you ups 'cause I wanted to join your Goatface Club! Since you've got quite a goat face yourself, I figured you'd be the go-to guy, or gal. It's hard to tell with that goat face of yours. Anyways, my number is {imitates a goat} eeeeeh-uhhh! So gimme a call back! We can compare goat faces, though I can't imagine... that yours... your- is- pret-... you're ugly. Marzipan, this is Strong Bad, and you're ugly.

Message 3

MARZIPAN: Hi, Marzipan, this is not Marzipan, just calling to leave you a mean prank call so that you don't get your feelings hurt when other people prank call you. Um, here's the prank: we all know that hair color is not your true color.

Message 2

{Every time Strong Bad repeats a phrase, he imitates a different voice in an attempt to make it sound like a crowd.}

STRONG BAD: Hey, Marzipan! Marzipan! Marzipan! Marzipan! Marzipan! This is all your friends! All your friends! All your friends! All of your friends! Calling you! Calling you! We're calling! We're all calling you! Calling you! To tell you we hate you! Tell you we hate you! Tell you we hate you! Tell you we hate you! And you owe us some money! You owe us some money! Yeah, you owe me ten bucks! Yeah, you owe me twelve dollars! You owe me twelve dollars! You owe us some money! {falsetto} And you said you'd bake us a cake! You said you'd bake us a cake! {falsetto} You said you'd bake us a cake! You said you'd bake us a cake! {falsetto} You said you'd bake us a cake! {hand claps begin in time to Strong Bad's repetition} You said you'd bake us a cake! You said you'd bake us a cake! {a drum beat with a bass pattern begins} You said you'd bake us a cake! You said you'd bake us a cake! You said you'd bake us a cake! You said you'd bake us a cake! You said you'd bake us a cake! You said you'd bake us a cake! You said you'd bake us a cake! {cymbal crash}

Message 1

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {angry} Oh, hello, Marzipan! You've got the H-star, you got the H-star-R, and boy, have I got a bee in my bonnet! So, what, I gotta hear from Strong Bad now that you have an "in" at the Goatface Club? Were you even going to mention it to old Boyfriend Dan? That's — that's me. Boyfriend Dan. You know good and well that I've dreamt of being in a Goatface Club ever since I was a moderately-sized baby. And you said you'd bake us a cake! And who's this Boyfriend Dan I keep hearing about?! Well, you tell him to watch his back, 'cause the old Goatface Killa is on the loose! Now, that's me. Now I'm the Goatface Killa.

Easter Eggs

a Goatface
  • Click on the tape holder during Strong Bad's ranting to see what a "Goatface" really isn't.
    • First it's a human body with a goat face, drawn on a piece of lined paper.
    • Click on the paper to cross it out with the message: "no!"
    • Click it again to see another example of what a goatface isn't: a person with goat's head, neck and front legs sticking out of his head.
    • Click on it to cross it out with the message: "nope!"
    • Click a fifth time to see a true goatface: a person with an entire goat for a face, with the neck connected to the middle of the goat's body.
    • Click the goatface again to see its majesty, with the message: "genius!"
  • Click the tape holder at the end of Homestar's message to see a milk carton with the following info on it:
{a silhouette of Homestar with goat horns and a goatee}


Fun Facts


  • When this answering machine was released, it had the old HTML links at the bottom of the page instead of the new Flash file. This has since been corrected.
  • This is the first and so-far only time Strong Bad used an alias and admitted at the end it was him.

Inside References

  • Homestar's message contains yet another reference to Dan.
  • The Thnikkaman was first introduced in the Strong Bad E-mail monument.
  • The milk carton with the silhouette ad was last seen in kind of cool, when Strong Bad was looking for Senor Cardgage.
  • The Thnikkaman speaking of shaking to the left and right might be a reference to what Coach Z said in 2 emails.
  • The Thnikkaman speaking of "shimmy-shaking" is a reference to The Homestar Runner's dance instructions from 20X6 vs. 1936.
  • "Goatface" is a name ending in -face.

Real-World References

  • Homestar's mention of a "Goatface Killa" is a reference to Ghostface Killah, a member of Coach Z's favorite rap group, the Wu-Tang Clan.
  • The "you'd bake us a cake" line sounds very similar to the chorus from System of a Down's 'Prison Song.'
  • The Thnikkaman's "I got instruments, drums, cymbals, drums" line is very similar to the manner in which Dick Halloran (the chef from The Shining, played by Scatman Crothers) dictates the contents of the freezer and pantry.

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