
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 00:55, 9 March 2006 by JoeyDay (Talk | contribs)
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Joey Day
My current stress level: Just fine.

Welcome to the user page of Joey Day. Many people ask me if JoeyDay is some kind of codename or if it means something clever. Sometimes I wish I could say yes, but it’s actually my boring old real name, short for Joseph Nathan Day. Because I’m really into web-design and internet-related technology, some of my friends call me “Joey Day dot com”.

I’m also not from Australia, as some have mistakenly inferred from my kangaroo-crossing logo. The kangaroo actually comes from my first name, as joey is also the proper term for baby marsupial.


About me

I am the proprietor of the Homestar Runner Wiki. I started the Wiki on October 7, 2003 and still technically own it, though I prefer to think of it as community property. I am not The Brothers Chaps, nor am I related to them in any way (yes, people have asked me this).

I don’t mind answering questions about the Wiki, but I get a little swamped sometimes. It’s best to direct support questions to the entire administrator team at or post them at the FAQ talk page.

My Homestar Runner experience

I was introduced to Homestar Runner shortly after Strong Bad Email 51, “website”, was released (circa Nov. 18, 2002). Web-design has been one of my hobbies for a while and a friend of mine knew that toon would resonate with me. It’s still one of my favorite emails. Other favorites include “the basics”, “superhero name”, “guitar”, “techno”, “japanese cartoon”, “english paper”, “caffeine”, “different town”, “flashback”, “virus”, “do over”, and “”.

I own the complete set of four Strong Bad Email DVDs, the Strong Bad Sings CD, a Trogdor polo, and a Stinkoman blue ringer tee. I’d really like a Kick the Cheat, but those suckers are expensive. The Everything Else DVDs are also on my wishlist.

Wiki stuff


Projects I’m working on

To do Evolution of the logo
To do Hosting timeline and server migrations
To do Write more about “The beginnings and early days”
To do Confirm the timeline for “Administration and Maintenance”
  • TriviaTime — TriviaTime is a bot capable of hosting a trivia game in the #hrwiki-trivia channel. Help me come up with more questions!
  • GrapeNuts — GrapeNuts is a python wikipedia bot capable of performing many automated tasks on the Homestar Runner Wiki. If you need help completing a task you think could be automated (like find and replace), let me know and I’ll be glad to lend his services.

Things I’m proud of

  • Due to a glitch in the html file, I was able to transcribe “Fall Float Parade” (using the swf file) before it was properly available on the Homestar Runner website. It was my first transcription in a long time and it felt a-pretty-pretty good to be back in the trenches.
  • I get my kicks pruning the Links page.
  • My wedding video blooper reel is a music video for “Circles” from the Strong Bad Sings CD.
  • I’ve carved a Bubs pumpkin (2004) and a The Cheat pumpkin (2005).
  • On behalf of the Wiki, I received a letter from Matt Chapman along with a small collection of original pencil sketches.

Committees I belong to

External links

Personal tools