The Cheat

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Anatomy by Doctor Sweet



The Cheat (whose name is "The Cheat", with the definite article) is quite possibly the only one of his kind. At knee-height (1' 2" et 18lb.), and covered with yellow fuzz, The Cheat presents an adorable figure that is marred only by his large gold tooth. He speaks entirely in a language of high-pitched squeaks and growls, that other characters apparently understand just fine. According to his Yearbook Character Page, his motto is "No rule is solid". He is what you could call Strong Bad's "sidekick" and Strong Mad's best friend.

The Cheat is loyal to Strong Bad for many reasons. In privileges, The Cheat earns points for doing things that amuse Strong Bad, and when he gets enough points, he earns extra privileges (e.g. use of the mute button). Strong Bad pays the Cheat for his services; in lackey, he convinces The Cheat that pencil shavings are legal tender, only for The Cheat to trick Bubs into accepting the shavings as cash. Strong Bad coerces and bullies The Cheat into being his lackey to a certain extent, and the two share a somewhat abusive relationship, as shown in little animal. Finally, The Cheat sees Strong Bad's brother Strong Mad as a source of protection, as seen in The Cheat's character video.

He has fought with an addiction to cigarettes, and plays the piano and his old keyboard. His other skills include flash animation with his computer, Tangerine Dreams. He lives in the The King of Town's grill which is a nice place, according to Strong Sad. Strong Bad's retelling of how he met The Cheat in flashback professes that he hatched from a giant egg (possibly making him a monotreme, an egg laying mammal) containing a lifetime supply of fishsticks, though it's not clear if it can be taken as truth or not.

According to Matt Chapman in this interview, The Cheat does all the voices in his Flash cartoons. Apparently he normally can only speak in "Cheatese" (usually little squeaks and squeals), but can impersonate the other characters speaking English remarkably well (for a The Cheat). Apparently, as explained in bottom 10, The Cheat has a foul stench when he is wet. For reasons yet unexplained, The Cheat's face has a tendency to randomly explode.

Greeting from his Character Video

{Page Title: Incredible Cheating Action!} {Place: The Field}

THE CHEAT: {speaking in The Cheat with English subtitles} (Yeah, I'm the Cheat. What are you gonna do about it? ...That's what I thought. Now let me finish. I help Strong Bad cheat at stuff. Hence, the name. Duh. I also DJ down at Bubs' on Friday nights. I'll put you on the guest list if you give me twenty bucks. I make cartoon animations with my computer. Don't ask me to make a video for your band. You guys suck! My main man Strong Mad protects me from larger predators, like being sat on by Strong Sad or Pom Pom. I've got a gold tooth. Wanna see it? Tough! ...Okay, fine.) {bares a toothy smile at the camera showing his gold tooth and there is a "shing" noise} (Now turn that camera off before I throw this bust of Van Buren at it.) {throws the bust at the camera} Meh!

Also known as...

Kick that The Cheat!

Halloween Costumes

See Also

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