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Revision as of 21:26, 5 August 2005 by Ookelaylay (Talk | contribs)
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A few things. Firstly, the cast list gives Creepy Comb-Over Strong Bad whereas the Easter Egg section gives Senor Cardgage. Which should it be?

  • EDIT: Since it's been almost a week since I posted this and I haven't had any feedback, I changed CCOSB in the cast list to Senor Cardgage, just to get rid of the contradiction. If you think they should both be CCOSB, by all means change it.

Finally, I removed this fun fact:

  • The Prince of Town easter egg, which shows him asking if anyone will claim the lifetime supply of fishsticks, is there to show why he's so fat. He ate the lifetime supply of fishsticks and became the King of Town we all know and hate.

...on the grounds that it should be self-evident. --Upsilon

Can anyone confirm that he actually says e-mail 100 times? I got 96, but it's hard to count... I just pulled up calculator and hit enter every time, but you get into a groove and accidentally hit it twice or so when he says, "eeeeee-maaaail..." --favetvshows1x3 17:22, 10 Oct 2004 (MST)

  • I spent a good twenty minutes and counted the emails in a .wav editing program. Yes, he DOES say "e-mail" 100 times. Phew. I'm...parched. I'm not sure if this is a Fun Fact or not, but I went ahead and added it. Feel free to change my wording (I mean, how do you refer to the word "e-mail" in an e-mail?) as you may see fit. --Bellatrix 18:48, 22 Nov 2004 (MST)

This claim in fun facts looks dubious: When Senor Cardgage/Creepy Comb-Over Strong Bad says "Many combolations, Elizagerth", it's a reference to the credits in japanese cartoon. ???

Have you read the transcript for japanese cartoon? Check the credits. -- Tom 19:43, 18 Oct 2004 (MST)

Senor Cardgage is definitely eating a Zagnut. This also coincides with the house that gave sucky treats. -- 22:51, 3 Feb 2005 (MST)


Closed STUFF


How can the Compy know that Strong Bad has answered 100 e-mails if it wasn't there to see the Tandy emails?

  • Decline Number A, facts are statements, questions are... questions. And secondly, maybe Strong Bad told it somehow (it WAS there for 50 emails)? --Jay (Talk) 04:29, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
  • Decline. I dunno. Why does the King Of Town eat underarm deodorant? How does Homestar hold stuff without any arms? How does Strong Bad type with boxing gloves on? It's just one of those unanswerable questions that makes the H*R universe so hilarious! -- tomstiff 12:59, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
  • Decline Maybe its a cartoon, and not reality? -- Tony Stony 20:15, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
  • Deline Who knows, who cares? The Pardack
  • Decline. How did the Compy know that Strong Bad asked for a glass of water? It's a cartoon, spammit, don't take it so literally! --Upset_Your_Balance 05:44, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC)
  • Decline. Sorry. Ugh! These obnoxious losers and their overly agressive declines. I'm not like that. Sorry, but suspension of disbelief must be a factor in this. --VolatileChemical 06:33, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC)
  • Declining with a visCOSity. This is not fun, and it's not a fact. - aaronak 23:47, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC)
  • Strong Bad has a list of the e-mails he has done on his computer. You know, the list he usually has a scroll buttons song for? Duh-cline. Donny vs Universe

Discount Flashback Warehouse (DECLINED)

In the Discount Flashback Warehouse easter egg, Strong Bad sounds a lot like Senor Cardgage. In fact, the whole easter egg resembles the Senor Cardgage Mortgage toon.

  • Declinating the countryside, declinating the peasants... Of COURSE Strong Bad and Senor Cardgage sound similar - they're alternate versions of the same character. As for similarities between the two, all I see is that they're both commercials. --Jay 23:50, 12 Apr 2005 (MDT)
    • Second. -- tomstiff 11:48, 13 Apr 2005 (MDT)
    • Second. -- mibluvr13 23:40, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • Comment from original poster: After watching it a couple more times, I see that the second part is quite a stretch. As for the first part, I think I need to clarify: Strong Bad talks like Senor Cardgage, i.e. he uses a monotoneous voice. (Nice decline message tho'...) Therefore, the fun fact rephrased: In the Discount Flashback Warehouse easter egg, Strong Bad's style of speaking is similar to that of Senor Cardgage.
  • Excardon me, but what differation does that make, Valerie? Decriminoted (decline).' ISlayedTheKerrek
  • Okay, maybe it's just me, but does anybody else notice that Strong Bad's voice is kinda rasp and expressionless? That's whay I'm basing the whole thing on.
  • Decline Matt Chapman can only do so many different voices, and it makes it especially hard to try and do two alternates to the same character. Strong Bad also does somewhat of a Senor Cardgage voice at the end of theme park. -Upset_Your_Balance
  • Comment One might also add that both seem to have a common source. That is, the cheap television ads that small businesses create. If you somehow don't know what I'm talking about, just watch a local network for a little while, you'll see and hear plenty of dead air, gaudy graphics, poor diction, and bad acting. Actually, I don't know how you can fully appreciate Homestar Runner without having watched even that small amount of tv.
  • D3kl1n3!! I didn't bother to read all this to see if somebody had already said this, but The 'Discount' bit came before 'Senor Cardgage' bit. --kerrek slaya 02:50, 16 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • Here comes the Thnikka-Decline-Man! Um, its also a second with kerrek slaya, but sewiously, this did come out before Senor Mortgage. Check yer facts, folks. ---the spludge 16:43, 16 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • Comment from original poster: Ah cwap, I did forget to check the release dates. My apologies to the hrwiki users. This might have been the wohst hundwed wohds I evoh spent.
    • Note on the characters: Strong Bad and Senor Cardgage are not the same person or even alternate versions of one another. According to Strong Sad, Senor Cardgage was a real person who lived nearby the Strongs' home. Creepy Comb Over Strong Bad is a hypothetical version of Strong Bad who resembles Senor Cardgage. --The Real Zajac 14:51, 17 Apr 2005 (PDT)
  • DEE-CLINE! Aslo note that:
(A) Senor Cartgage IS Creepy Comb-Over Strong Bad. He's a, as Zajac said, a hypothetical version of Strong Bad.
(B) Strong Bad, in this case, is bored and sad. Senor Cartgage is pretty much always bored and sad, and so, as a result of being simply a hypothetical version of Strong Bad, Senor Cardgage is going to sound like Strong Bad here.

TakuaKaita600 17:12, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Remove useless comment on main page

One of the comments on the main flashback page says that Strong Bad says "My very own a The Cheat" but that the text is "My very own The Cheat." This is useless, because this is just Strong Bad's weird accent. He often calls The Cheat "uh-The Cheat". For an example see for kids, when he asks, "Can you say, uh-The Cheat?"

It's very useless indeed, but it's not uh-The Cheat, it's a The Cheat. As in 'a book' or 'a Tragic Clown Dog'. Kvb 15:56, 29 Apr 2005 (UTC)

very not-so-low prices

Do you think that Strong Bad's "How can I make these prices any lower" could be a reference to how Wal Mart says they have low prices but they're not?

Wal-Mart has great prices. I got a Gamecube there for fifty cents less and two games more than at Best Buy. --homestar3.14 04:10, 28 May 2005 (UTC)

Yeah, but once they raised the prices on Slimfast for 1 week by a dollar and "lowered" it to the original price. --Ookelaylay 21:24, 5 Aug 2005 (UTC)


A long time ago, shortly after I joined, I added a remark about how Sir Strong Bad's shaving off half his mustache would hurt, since it is shown he has bones in it in That a Ghost? Why? --Ookelaylay 21:26, 5 Aug 2005 (UTC)

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