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REMEMBER- this is just like any other page on the Wiki. Feel free to add on to any non-personal info or if a you have a problem with me (ya right, who would?) or if you just think that I'm so super cool and want to tell me (ya right who would'''n't'''?), go ahead and add a section at the bottom of the page, but PLEASE sign what you write.

Revision as of 22:04, 15 May 2005

REMEMBER- this is just like any other page on the Wiki. Feel free to add on to any non-personal info or if a you have a problem with me (ya right, who would?) or if you just think that I'm so super cool and want to tell me (ya right who wouldn't?), go ahead and add a section at the bottom of the page, but PLEASE sign what you write.




(My notices)

  • If anyone knows how to add pics to this page, please type a way to do it under this notice. If no one does, I will convert to a "cut off your toes" style help.
  • Also, If anyone knows how to write a story in Fan Fiction, please post here and tell me!

My Favorite Stuff

About My Namesake and H-star-R Experience

Cheatachu72 is an obvious reference to The Cheat's screen name. But enough about that. Here's how I learned about (In detective voice-over) It was church. I was sitting at my seat at church, Church @ The Springs (best church ever) when, in the craziest voice in mankind came from the church's screen. Teen Girl Squad! Cheerleader, So and So, What's Her Face, The Ugly One! And it was the infamous Let's Get Yogurt! episode. I was immediately hooked. Anyways, I asked my friend if he knew where the toon was from, and he said a website called The 1st toon I ever watched was the also infamous Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon. I then watched all of the Strong Bad Emails there were at the time (mile was the new email). I can now proudly say that I have seen every toon (including easter eggs) in the H*R universe, and I keep that title by waking up extremely early on Monday morning and checking HRWiki's Updates page so I don't have to strip search for updates(Ix-nay on the detective voice-over).

Fave Quotes

(Although most are, some aren't H*R references)

  • Will you put that Fweakin' sandwich down!?!
  • Who wants to lick my cheeks? (Spongebob)
  • Any use of the word crap (Holy crap, My middle name is Crapperson, etc.)
  • Meh!
  • Fricking idiot! Gosh! (Napoleon Dynamite)
  • This is Goatface...
  • Excardon Me
  • I don't know what that means, but you smell like pea soup!
  • I don't like food anymore!
  • Freehorglinglads! (Coach Z's interpretation of Fhqhgads)
  • Douglas! (Strong Bad), Douglas (Strong Sad), or DAA! (Strong Mad)

I've devoted a special section for Homsar
  • Hey Tubbs! I just lost my jengajam!
  • (The infamous [aren't you getting sick of seeing the word "infamous"]) AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAa!
  • (Just the sound of Homsar's walking)
  • I do as I'm told!
  • I'm the ghost of Christ-mas-Past!
  • That's a real popular song! Who wants to hear of it 50 times more?
  • I'm captain of a gravy train!
  • Think I won the powerball!
  • Don't look now! I'm just a friendly reminder!
  • I'm open for interpretation!
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