From Homestar Runner Wiki
User Bloxxes
| This user is under 13 years old.
| This user plays TF2.
| This user is right handed
| This user's favorite character is Homsar.
| Homsar's words of wisdom: "Sign me up for soccer class, Debra!"
Hewwow. I'm Star Guy! Runner. Or, just Star Guy. Either fits. I discuss MORE than I edit. Unless you count discussing as editing. I am now back as a user!
[edit] It's Homsar's Bowler Hat!
"Sign me up for soccer class, Debra!"
[edit] Bottom 10
1. Communists
2. The KoT
3. Not sleeping
4. Idiots with no grammar.
5. Obama
6. This one time where I had to watch Dora with my niece.
7. That stuffed snake on my shelf. Why did I even buy that thing at the zoo?
8. My brothers
9. The Jibblies.
10. Not having any clean pajamas.
[edit] My Other Site Accounts
TheHumstarRonner - Wiki Forum
Excallyburr - Steam
Excallyburr - YouTube
[edit] My Current Sig
Star Guy