From Homestar Runner Wiki
| This user has an Instant message address.
| This user has an Email address.
| This user is between 13 and 19 years old.
| This user's favorite Chapman is Matt.
| This User can do it. This user can do it nine times.
| This user loves to play Peasant's Quest, for some reason, he can only get 149 points.
| This user can play the guitar.
| This user knows someone who is a Muppet(not really).
The Capricots:
Our Motto: "In Caps, We Trust"
I first saw Hmestar Runner, when my brother came home from college, the first cartoon i saw was new hands, and after I saw that cartoon, H*R soon became a huge inside joke between my friends.
[edit] To My Crew Not on Wiki
To Dempsey, Mike C., Jimmy...
Dog food gangstas--canned or dry, we neva die. PEACE.
[edit] Contact Me
If you want to talk to me about Homestar stuff, then go to discussion (located in scenic "Top of Web Page").
[edit] More Help
If I don't have the answers then ask or look here.
[edit] Characters & Stuff
If you are reading this then CONTINUE READING. I've got a question for all ya'll. Whose your favorite H*R character? Mine, is a The Cheat (my family even named our cat after it). Tell me at my "discussion" thingy. So...until next time,you keep on sending me stuff and I'll keep on making fun of them-I mean answering them.
[edit] Current H*R/H*R Wiki news
[edit] Greeat
Internet=terrible Last Log in: Last year.
subject: theme song
Dear Super Bad,
It bugs me how your email show doesn't have a theme song.
If it did have a theme song, your show would be a whole
lot cooler.
Jonathan Shaheen
Ontario, Canada
[edit] Something you might not know
This hasn't been changed in a year, hope Harry doesn't see this.