Talk:Free Petry Dish, USA Character Variations

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[edit] Page Creation

I felt that this page should be here. If we're to give space to the Teenage variations and The Diapersmith, I think these plucky paramecia deserve it, too.— Bassbone (TALK Strong Mad Has a Posse CONT) 07:54, 14 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Page Name?

Am I the only one who finds it odd that this page is titled "Free Petry Dish, USA Variation", yet the more direct and accurate Free Petry Dish, USA is just a redirect to Free Country, USA? Shouldn't we ditch the "Variation", and just have this page be called "Free Petry Dish, USA"? -YKHi. I'm Ayjo! 05:19, 3 September 2008 (UTC)

That sounds re-SON-able. — Defender1031*Talk 05:20, 3 September 2008 (UTC)
I think it includes the "Variation" to go along with Teenage Variation and Middle School Variation, as it's not really about Free Petry Dish, USA, but more about the variations of the characters. --DorianGray 05:21, 3 September 2008 (UTC)
I actually thought about that, but in this case it seems to just be... out of place... i don't know if it's just the length of the title or whatnot, but something sounds off about it. — Defender1031*Talk 05:26, 3 September 2008 (UTC)
I'm going to revive this discussion, because this has come up again. (I'd also argue that if the page stays where it is, that redirect ought to point here, not there.) I still think the page should not have the "variation" at the end. I've also figured out why it's different. Those names refer to real world phrases that are sometimes used as adjectives, making "variation" the noun, whereas "Free Petry Dish, USA" is already a noun itself. If we want to stick with "variation", then I'd suggest something like "Microorganism Variation", although, really? Is that necessary? — Defender1031*Talk
I agree with renaming it to simply Free Petry Dish, USA. We could consider justifying it a bit more by making the page about the place itself, and having the character variations be a large section of it. Lira (talk) 00:45, 11 December 2016 (UTC)
Or even splitting the page into the place and the microorganism variations... — Defender1031*Talk 00:51, 11 December 2016 (UTC)
It's worth noting that this is the only variation introduced in highschool that takes place in its own named location. DEI DAT VMdatvm center\super contra 13:43, 12 December 2016 (UTC)
Yes! Definitely! Gfdgsgxgzgdrc 23:52, 12 December 2016 (UTC)

[edit] Strong Badiophage

Since no spelling is given in the toon, is it spelled Strongbadiophage or Strong Badiophage? Strong Badia isn't spelled as Strongbadia, so how should we spell the name of the 'phage? Gfdgsgxgzgdrc 23:53, 19 May 2016 (UTC)

That's a good point, but I would lean towards how it's spelled currently— I think it makes more sense for the name of a pseudo-pathogen to be all one word. I mean, it's the whole Strong Bad that's the 'phage, not just the Bad. Does that make any sense? I mean, maybe you could make the same argument for Strong Badia, but... I dunno... mumble mumble... hush a bush push leopold... Lira (talk) 00:30, 20 May 2016 (UTC)
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