HRWiki:Manual of Style
From Homestar Runner Wiki
This Manual of Style (MoS or MOS) is the generalized set of standards for the writing for all Homestar Runner Wiki articles. This page is supported by the Standards page, which prescribes more specific, consistent, and reader-friendly layouts and formatting for individual articles (e.g., how links should be implemented, what section headers to make use of) as well as guidelines for creating and editing wiki pages.
New content added to this page should directly address a persistently recurring style issue.
Contents |
[edit] Capitalization
Capitalization should match the official site as much as possible.
- This especially includes what Strong Bad types in Strong Bad Emails.
- Page titles for Strong Bad Emails should be in all lowercase (for instance, what i want not What I Want), to match the email menu.
- Teen Girl Squad is a special case. Correct Strong Bad's capitalization to be more in line with standard capitalization.
- For dialogue that is spoken but not seen, use standard capitalization.
- An exception is Strong Mad, whose lines should almost always be in all uppercase letters to indicate his manner of speaking. If he speaks in a notably quieter tone (e.g., "Did you just say parakeet?"), use standard capitalization.
- Capitalize the article in names that have been established to contain an integral article (e.g., The Cheat, An Ice Machine).
- Pay attention to the use of lowercase i's in unusual places.
Twitter (the website) should be capitalized, while the noun or verb "tweet" (or derivatives such as "retweet") do not need to be capitalized.
[edit] Spelling
- See also HRWiki:List of common misspellings
Words should be spelled the same way they are on the official site as much as possible.
- This especially includes what Strong Bad types in Strong Bad Emails.
- If Strong Bad misspells a word, and it needs to be pointed out, put "[sic]" following the word in question. Use brackets and italics as illustrated here.
- Always transcribe the email Strong Bad receives exactly as it appears on his screen.
- If he makes any comments about the email, pronounces any words differently from the email, or pronounces a misspelled word as it is written, note it below the blockquote using the following form: {Reads "A" as "B".}
If a word is mispronounced but not written, then spell it phonetically as it is pronounced.
- For instance, if Coach Z is trying to say the word bomb but it comes out "baermb", write only the latter unless the former is shown in writing somewhere relevant.
- Do not add a visible comment (besides maybe "[sic]") unless the phonetic spelling is identical to the standard spelling. For instance, if Homestar pronounces Colonel as "col-o-nel" (instead of "ker-nel"), it should be noted.
[edit] Special cases
- Alright is nonstandard for all right. If Strong Bad types "alright", however, spell it as he does.
- Ya'll often appears on the website: spell it this way when referencing the written word on the site. Use the correct spelling, y'all, otherwise.
[edit] American English
American spelling is the preferred form on all article pages (with a few exceptions). The Brothers Chaps use American English throughout, and the characters live in Free Country, USA.
[edit] Punctuation
[edit] Colon
- When a colon follows a word that is bold, the colon should be bold also. The two most common occurrences of this are in transcripts and filmographies:
- STRONG BAD: What are you talking about, Emily?
- Debut: for kids
- The Glossary is an exception to this rule, because some entries have punctuation as part of them:
- BALEETED!: Another way to say "deleted".
[edit] Ellipsis points and suspension points
- Whenever you are quoting material and are omitting a portion of it, use ellipsis points preceded and followed by a space:
- "Well, Lasko, The Cheat is not very popular and ... I don't even think he has a computer."
- Whenever the omitted part of what you are quoting falls at the end of a complete sentence, use a period plus ellipsis points (with a space before and after the points):
- "Except for that Strong Sad. That guy's a real bore. ... So, I hope I bored you back into your mind."
- Whenever the omitted part is at the end of the quotation, use ellipsis points plus a period with no internal space:
- "So, I hope I bored you...."
- Whenever you are using suspension points to indicate a pause or break in thought, put a space after but not before.
- STRONG BAD: You know, like the Great Leg... the Leg of Hope... Tape-Leg?
- Whenever you are using suspension points to indicate a continuation of thought, do not put a space after.
- VOICEOVER: have as many hot '60s-looking girls in your filmstrips as possible.
- For convenience of editing and predictability of display, use three periods (...) to represent an ellipsis, not the actual ellipsis character (…). When pasting text into the wiki that you typed in another editor, be careful that these characters were not automatically "corrected" for you, as Microsoft Word often likes to do. To avoid this, it's advisable to use a suitable plain-text editor, like Notepad, as your external editor. Note: It is also important that your external editor be UTF-8 compliant, in case there are any stray Unicode characters in the existing text.
[edit] Em dash (Long Dash)
- Whenever one character's speech is interrupted by another character, use an em dash ({{--}}) at the end of the first character's speech with no space before the dash.
- HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, right. Okay, here goes—
- STRONG BAD: No wait, put this stuff on. It'll add to the illusion.
- Whenever you are breaking up a character's speech in order to insert an action script on a separate line, use an emdash immediately at the end of the first line of speech, with no space before the dash. Start the second speech line with the character's name and another emdash at the beginning, with no space after the dash.
- COACH Z: OK, drap it! Coach, Z, Coach, Z, 1, 2—
- {Cut to Bubs and Coach Z wearing ties. While Coach Z's voice continues on the boom boxes, Bubs glares at him.}
- COACH Z: —3, 4, I said Coach, Z, Coach, Z, 1, 2...
- When making a list of toons (games, emails, etc.) and descriptions, use an emdash between the name and description.
- Sbemail 100 fakeout — Strong Bad tells Homestar to "keep his pants on". Homestar replies, "Pants? Hmm..."
[edit] Quotation marks
- Use double quotation marks for most quoted material.
- Use single quotation marks for quotations within quotations.
- As for whether to include punctuation inside or outside the quotation marks, there isn't really one standard, due to the vastly different things that get quoted. In the second example here, there's no doubt as to whether or not the punctuation is part of the link. Use your best judgment based on which particular style fits a given sentence.
- For running text, punctuation inside the quotation marks is usually appropriate:
- "One o' them said they'd buy me lunch. But I don't see nobody taking me to Chick-fil-A."
- For other things, it is sometimes better to put the punctuation outside the quotation marks:
- One of the links in the navbar is called "rando".
- Use quotation marks for image captions only if the caption is a direct quote from a toon.
- Again, when pasting text into the wiki that you typed in another editor, be careful that you haven't used "curly quotes" (i.e., ‘ ’ and “ ”). Microsoft Word also likes to change these silently. Single and double quotation marks, as well as apostrophes, should always be written with straight quotes (i.e., ' ' and " "). Again, using a plain-text editor, like Notepad, will prevent this problem before it happens.
[edit] Apostrophe
- Place an apostrophe outside a link when it is not part of the link. This carries the benefit of not requiring a piped link.
- See the note in the section above about not using "curly quotes".
- Possessive forms of singular nouns ending in s should always be written with a second s after an apostrophe, unless the accepted convention is to do otherwise (see Wikipedia:Apostrophe#Singulars). Examples of this would include Dr. Christmas's, Nibbles's, and even Reinforcements's. A notable exception to this rule is to write Bubs's name without the extra -s whenever it is spelled or pronounced that way within the official body of work (the most common example of this is Bubs' Concession Stand); otherwise, use the standard possessive spelling.
[edit] Linking
[edit] Homestar Runner and related links
- "Homestar Runner"; "the character Homestar Runner"
- Everybody's favorite undabite man. Use the first form in most cases. Use the second if you need more clarity.
- "Homestar Runner"; "the Homestar Runner body of work"; "the body of work"
- The collected works of The Brothers Chaps. Use the first form if it's natural and unambiguous in the context. Use the second form if you need more clarity. (See the note below regarding similar links in proximity to each other.)
- Includes derivatives such as Timeline of Homestar Runner and phrases such as Homestar Runner DVDs.
- The collected works of The Brothers Chaps. Use the first form if it's natural and unambiguous in the context. Use the second form if you need more clarity. (See the note below regarding similar links in proximity to each other.)
- "Homestar Runner universe"; "the universe"
- The plane of existence where all this stuff is real. I bet you'd like to visit there. Note that universe is not capitalized.
- Includes derivatives such as Inconsistencies within the Homestar Runner universe.
- The plane of existence where all this stuff is real. I bet you'd like to visit there. Note that universe is not capitalized.
- ""; "the Homestar Runner website"; "the website"; "the site"
- The place on the Internet where the magic happens.
[edit] Similar links in close proximity
If two otherwise identical links (like Homestar Runner and Homestar Runner) are in very close proximity to each other, it is strongly recommended to include disambiguating text as part of one of the links. Otherwise, put any necessary disambiguation outside the link and word the sentence so that the context speaks for itself. It is usually not necessary to include the extra text for emails where the capitalization is different from the character name.
- Homestar Runner is nominally the central character in the Homestar Runner body of work.
- Dangeresque is the central character in the Dangeresque movies.
- Thy Dungeonman is the hero of the Thy Dungeonman game.
- Homsar was created—and then supposedly killed—in the email homsar.
- Marzipan claimed to have no screen name in the email marzipan.
[edit] Miscellaneous
- In most cases (unless subtitled), write "{The Cheat noises}" and "{bubbles}" for The Cheat and Pom Pom's speech, respectively; more can be added to the stage directions to indicate emotion or other actions, but do not put words in their mouths without clear consensus to do so.
- If a character is speaking especially oddly, it is usually better to describe it in words rather than transcribe the actual sounds. For example, put "{speaking backwards}" in transcripts rather than spelling out words with the letters reversed.
- When listing, if a character, place, or item has a clear debut, note it with "Debut:" before the first appearance. Use bullets for each entry with a link to each cartoon, game, etc., regardless of whether there is already a link in the running text of the article above the list. If a description follows the link, use normal text.
- Avoid the terms "you" or "we see" in articles, especially in descriptions in transcripts. Addressing the reader is acceptable when describing how to do a task, such as accessing Easter eggs and DVD content and playing games, but keep the wording concise.
- Instead of: "We see Homestar peeking over The Paper at the end of the email."
- Preferred: "Homestar peeks over The Paper at the end of the email."
- Instead of: "You can click on the Lappy's screen at the end to see Strong Sad continuing his weather forecast."
- Preferred: "Click on the Lappy's screen at the end to see Strong Sad continuing his weather forecast."
- When referring to real-world people, initially mention their full name but in subsequent mentions refer a person by their last name or a pronoun. For example:
- "Ryan Sterritt is a contributor to Homestar Runner. He helped produce the DVDs, and is credited for authoring and encoding. Sterritt also modeled the beanie caps in the Yahoo Store."
- This rule is relaxed for Chapman family members in order to improve clarity.
- Instead of: "Donnie Chapman is the older brother of The Brothers Chaps. Matt Chapman states that Chapman is 'the reason we're funny' in a DVD commentary."
- Preferred: "Donnie Chapman is the older brother of The Brothers Chaps. Matt states that Donnie is 'the reason we're funny' in a DVD commentary."
- For DVD commentary transcripts, first names are preferred.
- RYAN: I'm not afraid to say that you guys are very good.
- When referring to the creators of Homestar Runner, use The Brothers Chaps for at least the first mention. If the content of the article necessitates referring to them separately, link Mike and Matt Chapman upon their first individual mentions. It is not necessary to include their last name. For example:
- "The Brothers Chaps were featured in Giant magazine. Mike and Matt were interviewed individually."
[edit] See also
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