Dangeresque (film series)

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Crooked cop and private eye


Dangeresque: The Man

Whether crooked cop or private eye, nobody sticks it to the man like Dangeresque. This cool dude plays both sides of the law, gets all the ladies, and doesn't pull no punches. Dangeresque is Strong Bad's Shaft-esque film personae.

Strong Bad was asked if he did all his own stunts in the email "stunt double." He says he does, and shows his new film: "Dangeresque II: This Time, It's Not Dangeresque 1." as proof.

Dangeresque: The Movie

The Dangeresque films are shot with The Cheat's video camera, then very sloppily edited together. Strong Bad plays Dangeresque, a wisecracking action hero who fights both "the law and the crime" with the help of Renaldo, played by Coach Z. The other Homestar Runner characters play bit parts in the films, and Strong Sad is not-so-subtly edited in as a stunt double for any character that might get hit in the head or take a painful fall. Dangeresque's method of crime fighting is patent nonsense, but the timely delivery of catch phrases like "Looks like I'm gonna have to jump!" always makes the ladies smile. Three and half gold stars, rated PG for mild Strong Sad violence.

Homestar Runner co-stars as Dangeresque's partner in Dangeresque 1. Strong Bad insists that the third Dangeresque film is coming soon, but he hasn't actually started on it yet.

Known Films

  • Dangeresque 1: Dangeresque, Too? — Not in 3D
Featured in dangeresque 3
  • Dangeresque II: This Time, It's Not Dangeresque 1
Featured in stunt double
  • Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective — in 3D!
Mentioned in stunt double but not finished yet (probably never).


Since nothing says vintage cop shows like a funky groove, Dangeresque employs a Shaft style anthem in "The Theme from Dangeresque II." The end credits of Dangeresque 1 have a softer, 1980's buddy movie feel with "Today is Alright 4 2Nite."

Fun Facts

  • Dangeresque's cool glasses are illustrated in the liner notes of the Strong Bad Sings CD. Strong Bad himself is obviously the illustrator, since he does not fail to remember the hatching (see suntan).
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