Coches Mountains
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From the geddup noise DVD Commentary:
MATT CHAPMAN: We came up with the Coches Mountains— was that on a flight somewhere? I remember a long time ago, we were flying somewhere and it was going to be one of those cut-into-the-middle-of-a-conversation situations.
MIKE CHAPMAN: Right. Talking about "snowboarding in the Coches."
The Coches Mountains have made a few appearances in the Homestar Runner universe, typically mentioned as either a vacation destination for snow sports or a remote foreign locale. While their exact location is unknown, their name likely refers to Las Coches Mountain in California.
- Email geddup noise — Strong Bad states that, after its sudden burst of fame, The Geddup Noise bought a house in the Coches and currently snowboards all day. An Easter egg shows a postcard from the Coches featuring Monkey D.
- Email looking old — Strong Bad claims his age is closely guarded by a sect of monks atop the Coches Mountains. An Easter egg shows three Keepers of Trogdor surrounding a locked chest in the mountains.
- Sam & Max Season Two Alternate Ending 101 — Homestar Runner claims to have smuggled rye toast through the Coches Mountains.
- Strong Badia The Free — After Strong Bad orders The Cheat to wrap chains around the Tire for anti-war protests, Strong Bad denies that he implied they were going snowboarding in the Coches Mountains.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 16.2 — Marzipan, in her original outgoing message, says she is volunteering in the Coches Mountains teaching the heathens how to bend pipe cleaners.
- Dangeresque Roomisode 3: Keep My Enemies, Loser — Perducci mentions having a timeshare in the Coches.
- The cocktail menu at Perducci's offers a "Coches Twist".