Date Nite

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Revision as of 07:12, 24 April 2007 by (Talk)
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Toon Category: Big Toon
watch Strongest Man in the World The King of Town DVD
"Whoa-ho, Marzipan! You look like a fox's mother!"

Cast (in order of appearance): Marzipan, Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Bubs, Coach Z, Strong Sad (Easter egg)

Places: Marzipan's House, Strong Bad's Basement, Marshmallow's Last Stand, The Stone Bridge, Bubs' Concession Stand, House of the Brothers Strong (Easter egg)

Date: April 24, 2007

Running Time: 4:17

Page Title: Meet me on down at the Chez Perez!



{Scene in Marzipan's house, where Marzipan is applying mascara while looking in a hall mirror. She is already wearing lipstick. After a second, Homestar enters from the right.}

HOMESTAR: Wha-hoa, Marzipan! You look like a fox's mother!

MARZIPAN: {Still looking in mirror} Homestar, if you're trying to say I'm a foxy momma, that's actually more offensive.

HOMESTAR: Right, right. You know what I mean. The more offensive one. So where are we goin' tonight? {leans over} The Chez Perez?

MARZIPAN: {Still into mirror} Uh, no. I have a hot date with the Cheat, thank you very much. I suspect you'll probably stay home and run in place or something.

HOMESTAR: Well I was planning to--you WHAT?!

{Cut to Strong Bad's basement, where the Cheat is applying a fake mustache with Strong Bad looking on}

STRONG BAD: You WHAT?! {Starts quivering with outrage}

'THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: I can't believe

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Easter Eggs

  • At the end, click on the period to hear the national radio station:

Fun Facts


  • "L'est" means "the east" in French. "Chez" (which Homestar mispronounces) means "At the home of" and is often used in names of French restaurants.


  • Marzipan's mascara tube reads "Hot Vegan".
  • Strong Bad and Homestar are drinking 'old ones.
  • Marzipan strokes her right eye with mascara 18 times. When she and Strong Bad change places, the mascara is nowhere to be found.
  • "My name is waiter, I'll be your Homestar this evening" is an example of a spoonerism

Inside References

Real-World References

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