News Articles

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The Local Newspapes

News articles are often used for humor purposes on Homestar Runner cartoons. They are usually written about bizarre stories and occurrences that are largely irrelevant to the toon's main plot. Several of the articles contain some variation of the line "His mother was very proud".


  • Email sb_email 22 - As well as an article about Strong Bad offending the royal family in England, the issue of The Guardian that appears at the end of the email also includes stories titled "Cricket Still Pretty Weird Sport", "King of Town Eats Treacle", and "Officer Actually Named Bobby".
  • Email privileges - In Fretmagic magazine, there is an article about Gary Palaroncini mastering "the hardest chord ever", which apparently requires 11 fingers to perform.
  • Email stunt double - There is a newspaper called "The Local Newspapes" that has an article about a polar bear who wandered from the North Pole and interrupted a baseball game, injuring Mark Lemke. The headline is covered with a taped-on piece of notebook paper that reads "MISSING TAPE STOLEN!!! Dangeresque seen on the case. For real."
  • Email colonization - In the book about the colonization of Strong Badia, Strong Bad is seen reading a newspaper with a "RENT FOR SALE!" ad and a page saying "Homestar declares eggs not a fruit."
  • Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon - Marzipan is reading a newspaper titled "The Latest News", which features an "article" about crime possibly being on the rise in Free Country, USA. The article is repeated 8 times in order to fill up the paper.
  • Email time capsule - There is a current newspaper clipping with an article about a boy named Geoff, who saved a turtle named Slowbie by finding it in his shoe.
  • Email portrait - A "rich-guy newspaper" is shown, with stories about mulligatawny stew rising in the markets and about large cell phones making a 4th quarter comeback as the "it" toy of the Decemberween season. A lower headline reads "Banks have 'money'".
  • Email candy product - Strong Bad is reading Da NewsPapes in the bathroom. The two shallow articles visible on the papes employ many words to say, essentially, that "stuff continues to happen in the world" and "famous people did some stuff".
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