Stinkoman 20X6

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Always looking for a fighting or a challenge.

Blue hair, anyone? Stinkoman's always got fightings and challenges to keep him busy. Jump and shoot your way to all ends of Planet K. End Boss feature!! --Videlectrix description

Stinkoman 20X6 is a side-scrolling platformer game which stars Stinkoman. This game is based on the classic Capcom Mega Man series. It also parodies the poor "Japanese to English" translations (a.k.a. "Engrish") common to video games of that era, similar to those that appear on the current Games Menu.

The Brothers Chaps showed it off at their talk at NYU before it was released.

Stinkoman 20X6 box art


Easter Eggs

  • Hover your mouse below "Controls" on the main menu to access the Instruction Booklet.
    • When you click it, "loading manuél" appears briefly.
  • Wait long enough at the title screen to see an intro cinematic.
  • Stay still long enough and Stinkoman will yawn.
    • On the Level 4 stages, after yawning Stinkoman will rest against his giant fist.

Fun Facts


  • This game is the first official mention of the actual name of Homestar Runner's 20X6 version, 1-Up.
  • This is the first time we have seen Stinkoman's House, or any 20X6 character's house, for that matter.
  • According to the Strong Bad Email time capsule, it would seem that Planet K is Earth in the future.
  • This is also the first complete platform game that Videlectrix have ever made, as of course Jon Howe programmed it and composed the music, while the Chaps were simply the graphics designers. (Super Kingio Brothers was meant as a joke and was impossible to play past the first enemy)
  • This is the first appearance of Strong Bad's green tongue since Super NES. In the "Game Over" screen, Stinkoman's green tongue is shown, although it's red or pink all other times you see it in the game.
    • Stinkoman's green tongue may be due to the fact that his "stummy hurts".
  • When you click for the manual the first time, if your computer is slow, it says "LOADING MANUEL". This will flash by quicker the second time you do it.


  • The game plays entirely backwards from most NES games - the robot is beaten first, and then you guide stinkoman home.
  • There is a hidden power crunch right before the end of the 1st level. Stand at the top of the triangular set of platforms and then jump up to a hidden platform and jump again.
  • In the bottom right-hand corner of the PLAY GAME! screen is says "V2.0 EPISODES 1-4"
    • It said "V1.X EPISODES 1-3" until April 26, 2005, when the fourth level was added.
  • This is the second instance of sprites modeled after 8-bit Megaman, the first instance being with Coach Z in Hip Hop Dance.
  • This game used to not feature the regular links at the bottom of the screen to move to other parts of the website. But when Level 4 was added the links were added also.
  • Play the .swf version. When you die, right click and do the "play" function. The "More to Come!" screen with Stinkoman with the grey fist will pop up.
    • On that screen, do like you did with the "Game Over" screen, and you'll start the level over with 0 lives. If you die, you gain one life, but die. Repeat the process for a lotta lives (or to start on THAT level, including bosses.)
  • On Levels 4.1 and 4.2, Stinkoman can actually fall down in certain spots to join 1-Up, but you will eventually lose because there will be no one to press the buttons.
  • On levels 4.1 and 4.2, you can't go too far from 1-Up, or he will die, even if he is not near any danger.
  • In Episode 4, the Pink Cham Cham laser graphic is the same graphic used for the Saargtsson laser animation.


  • To get power crunches that are hiding behind enemies without having to kill the enemy, run into the enemy with health to spare. You will take damage, grab the crunch and will be invincible long enough to escape unharmed.
  • The manual has Kolkaryu listed under level 2, but Kolkaryu already appears in level 1.
  • The manual has Old Sage listed under level 2, but Old Sages already appear in level 1.
  • Greggo will not stop or become indestructable unless you are parallel to him.
    • Note: this was done on purpose to make it possible to destroy it. fire and then quickly jump or vice versa to kill it.
  • Level 3 is called "Dumb Wall" on the level select screen, but it's called "Up 'n' Down" in the instruction manual.
  • In Level 1 in the manual, the original version said "face treats" instead of "fave treats."


Glitch for slow computers.
  • When the game was first released, you could skip (press space or click) the first part of the final movie (any part before the MORE LEVELS TO COME SCENE) to enter stage 3.4. It was the Stlunko Battle arena without Stlunko: a slightly elevated platform above the ground with two Pooru-Poorus on either side. You could continue traveling rightwards into a barren land before reaching an endless cliff.
    • This glitch is now fixed. However, if you play the swf you can still play 3.4
    • This again happened in level 4 when it was first released. However, this glitch has been fixed as well.
      • Also, if you die once on level 4.4 there will be no ground when you return.
  • When you run right and jump, you will flip as if you were running left and jumping.
  • If you fall long enough and don't touch anything, Stinkoman will stop doing his falling pose and act like he's standing and will even start to yawn. Such a long fall can be found in stage 2.2.
  • You can float in mid-air on level 1.1 if you land on the right spot next to the gray pole close to the beginning, or if a Browntant hits you while you're falling against it.
Stinkoman stands on air!
  • If you jump at the right time at the end of a level, you can do your victory pose in midair.
  • If you die with only one life left after defeating a boss, the usual "die" sequence will happen, but then Stinkoman will do his victory dance with no ground beneath him and you will start the next stage with no lives, which will increase by one life and the "Game Over" screen will appear the next time he dies in the next stage.
  • Sometimes you can start up a new game and it will be nothing but Stinkoman and the background. Since there's no ground, you can only fall and die. This may be linked to older versions of Flash.
    • A possible reason that this happens is because earlier versions of Flash may not be able to read the levelData xml files. For more information on these files, please see the talk page.
  • Not exactly a glitch, but when Stinkoman is about to yawn, his sprite character moves down one pixel.
  • There is a spot in level 2.1 where you can fall between a refrigerator and an adjacent stove, and not be able to jump back up.
Stuck Terrell on level 2.2
  • In the beginning of level 2.2, there's a Terrell just behind a refrigerator. It seems that it's possible for the Terrell to get "stuck" just to the right of the fridge. It will continue to hop up and down (without moving horizontally at all), and Stinkoman can pass through the Terrell without becoming injured. It also becomes impossible to kill. I've only been able to reproduce this behavior once, on version 1.3.
  • The Terrell on level 2.1 can get stuck too(the one above the second burner).
  • In level 1.1, if you don't kill the Jaro by the first wall and instead just go past it and the wall under the second browntant, the Jaro will be jumping in mid-air.
  • If you use a seek bar, then it is possible to access level Undefined.Undefined. This level is just a grey hole, which Stinkoman is doomed to fall down. Stinkoman's MANS are always either 8, or not there. Regardless, after he falls down once, the game over screen appears. The music is from the boss levels, and Stinkoman even shouts "Are you asking for a challenge?" as you enter. The items counter is also shown, as it is in level 3.1. It even has the "Try level" screen!
A Pink Cham Cham firing only the left laser
  • In level 4.2, if a and s are pressed at the same time as you're falling into the level from the left, Stinkoman will float instead of walk.
  • In Episode 4, when Stinkoman is facing to the right, his giant fist powerup is a left hand but when he turns around the fingers are still facing the player so it turns into a right hand. This "sprite mirroring" is common in older games to conserve memory. A notable exception is Metroid, in which Samus is always right handed.
  • Sometimes if you die on the boss after the 2.2 or 1.2 level, you will restart at the boss but there's no ground.
  • In level 4.2, if you approach a Pink Cham Cham from the left and see only the left side of it as it fires, when you approach towards the right to see the rest of it, it will only have fired the laser on the left side.

Inside References

  • "Check out my new gameplay!" is a reference to Stinkoman's quote "Check out my new cosplay!" in 3 Times Halloween Funjob.
  • The nuggets in Level 3.1 are a reference to Strong Bad's Character Video.
  • Level 3.2 reveals that Stinkoman hates apples, just as Strong Bad does in The House that Gave Sucky Treats
  • The health-restoring pills are a reference to "power crunches" from the Strong Bad E-Mail time capsule.
  • Grundy's illustration in the manual shows him running in a manner similar to Homestar Runner.
  • Stlunko, the level 3 boss, bears a striking resemblance to the Visor Robot.
  • The Rose Blake's description in the manual as a "'Lectric burner" is a reference to the email extra plug, where Strong Bad gets 'Lectric Boots.
  • The line "blast em up Dan!" is an adaptation of "fry 'em up, Dan!" from TROGDOR!
  • The sentence in the manual, "Falling from the skies and bove", is a reference to That Time of Year.
  • The chickens in Level 2 blow up like the ducks in Duck Guardian after being hit with the hatch ray.
  • 1-Up Saying "I'm going this way!" is a reference to Meet Marshie.

Real-World References

  • There are many references to the Mega Man game series:
    • The sprites used for Stinkoman are patterned after 8-bit Mega Man sprites.
    • In fact, the poses of the white silhouette in the logo are taken directly from the NES Mega Man series.
    • The sounds of the text appearing in the cinematics are also the same as in Mega Man.
      • The chime noise for the main menu is taken from the first Mega Man X game.
    • In Mega Man V, there is a chicken robot similar to the chickens encountered in level 2.
    • When Stinkoman says that the large gray fist could be a new powerup and takes off with it, this is an obvious reference to Mega Man taking the power of defeated bosses.
    • At the start of side-scrolling stage the little theme played is very similar to the old Mega Man starting theme. In fact, the whole soundtrack was probably meant to sound like Mega Man game music.
    • Stinkoman being unable to clear the wall using his normal jump is also a joke from Mega Man.
    • When all three characters flash onto the screen during the intro, that is also a Mega Man reference, where in one of the arcade games (namely Mega Man: The Power Battles) Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass would flash onto the screen in a similar way.
    • The spikes that can kill Stinkoman instantly (Old Sage) are a reference to similar spikes which were placed under moving platforms in Mega Man games and which would also kill Mega Man instantly.
      • Similar spikes were also in the Sonic the Hedgehog series of games.
    • The dropping platforms are a reference to the original Mega Man, in which similar platforms were found in Guts Man's stage.
    • Only three of Stinkoman's flying fists can be on the screen at the same time. In the Mega Man series, Mega Man's bullets also suffer from the same drawbacks.
      • Early sprite-based video games suffered this fate as well. Limiting the number of sprites on screen prevented slow down.
  • Stinkoman's yawning animation is a reference to the waiting animations of characters in earlier games, where they'd often yawn or tap their foot if no buttons were pressed for a certain amount of time. However, they'd often cycle through these animations very quickly, much like how Stinkoman yawns every three seconds.
  • Right after Tampo blows up in the cinematic, you can hear the same sound that is played in Metroid when Samus phases in.
  • Stlunko, 404 is a reference to the 404 error that browsers give when a webpage cannot be found.
  • Hold B is a reference to Super Mario Bros and a few other Nintendo games in which if you held down B, you would run faster. In this game, holding S (which is like a B button) allows you to rapid fire.
  • Stinkoman doing a forward flip may be a reference to the Metroid series, where Samus does very similar flips.
    • Its likely just a reference to the 20X6 Main Page, in which Stinkoman does a forward flip.
  • The fading blue boxes around Stinkoman's face on the title screen are a reference to large NES sprites, which sometimes had a similar problem.
    • Actually, the fade-in is a reference to NES games that had large images in the background fade in. Because the NES did not have many colors to choose from, there would be weird color glitches with some games when they'd have something fade in.
  • The first boss, Tampo, may be a reference to the final boss of Star Fox 64, which was the giant, floating brain of the enemy, which had the same weak point (medulla).
  • The phrase "Table the Label" is from a hilariously bad motivational video hosted by Mr. T called "Be Somebody or be Somebody's Fool!"
  • The manual mentioning this game has no "weepy princess crap" is a reference to the Super Mario series, the Legend of Zelda series, and a few other games where you had to rescue a helpless princess.
    • Likewise, Pan Pan being kidnapped references the countless games which featured a random character being kidnapped, such as in Donkey Kong Country 2 or 3.
  • The bulky, muscular Stinkoman on the box art is probably a reference to the first and second Mega Man games, where the original American version of the game's box art had a big, muscular Mega Man that looked nothing like the character in the game.
  • The pose with the large fist is a direct reference to the old NES game Battletoads.
  • The fact that P's are a collectable item in level 3.2 may be a reference to Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, in which at one point, Mario needs to find the missing letter P in order to get his name and body back from a foe named Doopliss.
    • Or, likely, the vast number of seemingly unexplainable appearances of letter P in NES-era games. Ranging from P-blocks, P-wings, P-gauges etc. in Super Mario Bros. 3, to the Arm Cannon/Mega Buster character designation in Mega Man 2.
    • Jaro's explosion appears to be modeled after many of the character explosions in Rad Gravity for the NES.
  • Lundsford may be a reference to the symbol and/or mascot of Georgia Natural Gas. Billboards featuring this symbol and character can be seen in many places in the Atlanta area where The Brothers Chaps live.
  • Levels 3.1 and 3.2 of the game may include a reference to the old Sega Genesis game "Castle of Illusion" - you collected varying items throughout the different levels, such as Apples or Marbles, and they were shown in your status bar exactly the same way as in this game: The word "Items", a picture of the items, the multiplication sign, and how many of the item you had. In fact, The whole status bar copies the one from Castle of Illusion almost exactly, with the current level replacing score on the bar.
  • Saargtsson is most likely a reference to Moldorm from Zelda, who was almost exactly the same.
  • If 1-Up dies, he is encased a cartoony black circle that stays there for a few seconds. This also happened in Conker's Bad Fur Day if Conker happens to die.
    • Or, It may be from "PacMan 2: The New Adventures" For the SNES, in which, the same would happen.
  • Pink Cham Cham (from level 4) is possibly a reference to a fighter from the Samurai Shodown/Spirits series, a catgirl by the name of "Cham Cham."
  • In the instruction manuél, Saargtsson says something based on a Herman comic, on which a man says to Herman, "I'm an equal oppurtunity employer. That's why I'm giving others an equal oppurtunity on your services."

See Also

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