Talk:Trench Coats

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Revision as of 00:40, 24 March 2008 by The-homsarrunner (Talk | contribs)
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Do we need this?

These uses of trench coats are not a running gag, they are just a few uses of them when they are appropriate for a scene. Seems like Spoons to me. Homestar-Winner (talk) 12:29, 22 March 2008 (UTC)

I am split. It is starting to become a running gag because it is showing up more and more often. But it is also is a spoon. Hmmmmm.... I will go with Keep it for now. The-homsarrunner 22:13, 2008 March 22
According to the Inclusion Guidelines, for Page content relating to a very generic item or even: Needs at least five to ten appearances and must be of at least moderate importance to the toon (i.e. not just in the background and never mentioned) in half of its appearances. Trench Coats don't cut the mustard, or any other yellow condiments for that matter. DeleteFlashfight 21:08, 23 March 2008 (UTC)
Ok we can Delete this page but i will keep it archived because it will become a page someday. The-homsarrunner 00:40, 2008 March 24
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