Weclome Back

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Toon Category: Big Toon
watch A Folky Tale The King of Town DVD
"What is it, like, mid-May or something?"

Homestar and the gang all reflect on their summer vacation.

Cast (in order of appearance): Marzipan, Bubs, Strong Mad, The Cheat, Homsar, Strong Sad, The King of Town, Coach Z, Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Pom Pom, The Poopsmith

Places: The field, Tope garden, deserted island/beach, Gluten Camp, an airplane

Date: July 3, 2006

Running Time: 4:37

Page Title: Your dreams were your ticket out...



{A closeup of a time clock attached to a telephone pole. A time card is punched in. The words "Weclome Back" are shown, and flash various colors. Pull out to see Bubs holding a cup of coffee, in front of a table with styrofoam cups and an urn, in the Field. Marzipan enters and also punches in.}

BUBS: Well hello, Marzi-person! Welcome back.

MARZIPAN: Well howdy, stranger!

BUBS: Stranger? I'm Bubs, remember?

MARZIPAN: {unimpressed} Uh, I know. It's a joke.

BUBS: That's hilarious. How was your vacation?

MARZIPAN: It was toot-sweet! I took the Cool Tapes on a midwestern tour {the tour map pops up} of bead shops and topiary gardens.

{Cut to a topiary garden; Marzipan, Strong Mad and The Cheat are playing in the band}

MARZIPAN: {singing}

Cool tapes are cool, and we're better than ever,
Cool tapes are cool, 'cause we're light as a feather.
Keep it down with that real cool flavor,
Me and The Cheat and our bass player.
Rockin' the spot.
Yeah, we're rockin' the spot.

MARZIPAN: Thanks, jah! And don't forget we've got cool 7-inches for sale over at our merch table.

{Cut to the merchandise table. Homsar is standing on it, it has a sign reading "Merch Masala" and another reading "Steven Inches $π"}

HOMSAR: I'm a little light in the leftovers.

{Homsar's hat flies off the left of the screen, and comes back on from the right and settles on his head. Cut back to Bubs and Marzipan at the coffee table.}

BUBS: I bet you drove the shape-ed plants wild.

MARZIPAN: Yeah, they were way into it. So what did you do?

BUBS: I drove my baloney sandwich truck down to the beach.

{Cut to the tropical island. Bubs's "Baloney Sammich Truck", which resembles an ice-cream truck, doesn't quite fit, and the rear wheels are in the water.}

BUBS: Baloney! Come on, people! Come on, palm tree! {gibberish, ending with} baloney sammich!

{An Atari seagull flies past.}

BUBS: You shut your face!

{Cut back to the coffee table.}

BUBS: I sold exactly zero baloney sandwiches!

MARZIPAN: Well that's great.

BUBS: Yeah, it was pretty much my best summer ever.

STRONG SAD: {walks in} Same here. I spent two glorious weeks at Gluten Camp. I learned more about this oft-misunderstood plant protein than I ever thought possible.

THE KING OF TOWN: Whateva! {puts a time card in the time clock} I was across the lake at Glutton Camp. And we challenged those pansies to an obstacle course!

{Cut to the obstacle course, pan across to see Strong Sad and the King of Town stuck in two tire swings.}

STRONG SAD: Well, should we call it a draw?

THE KING OF TOWN: Hecks no! I got stuck in here 10 minutes before you!

{Pan across to Coach Z.}

COACH Z: Lets go, Glorten Camp! Glorten Camp is pain and scranin' on yous!

STRONG BAD: Oh yeah? Well while you slo-mos were slounching around on your haunchy laurels, I was checking the most amazing email of my career!

{Cut through static to Strong Bad, holding the Lappy, on a plane. Screen markers and a recording light are visible, as though viewed through a camcorder. Strong bad leans in and adjusts the focus.}

STRONG BAD: Alright, Lappy, when I mash record on that camera, we're gonna perform the world's first death-defying midair SBEmail check! We'll make the cover of all the latest blogs! Now, are you psyched? I'm psyched, are you psyched? OK, 3! 2! 1!

{Strong Bad leans in and presses a button on the camera. Cut through static to Strong Bad standing on the ground. The camera drops to the ground and slowly falls over.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, the believing is hard to be doing, because that was so incredible. We met so many celebrities in midair. And the part with the Narwhal was so illegal.

{Cut through static to Strong Bad, back at the coffee table}

STRONG BAD: Oh, cuh-rap. What am I, your dad? I can't believe I pulled the old "Mash stop when you think you're mashing record and mash record when you think you're mashing stop" routine on myself.

MARZIPAN: But if we've all been on vacation, who's been taking care of the website?

{Homestar Runner walks in, tired, wearing a dressing gown, a nightcap and Nebulon slippers, with a cinnamon 5 o'clock shadow.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {yawns} What's up my brothers? Let no one say the Homestar Runner don't know how to nap. What is it, like mid-May or something?

STRONG BAD: Uh, try "early July."

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Aah! I slept through June!


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Aah! Bet Agatha Christie would never sleep through June... neither would Angela Lansbury.

STRONG BAD: Aren't they the same person?

BUBS: Yeah.


MARZIPAN: I think they are.

STRONG SAD: Yes, they definately are.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, it's settled then. Now, what's this I hear about some of you guys sleeping through June? I'll let it slide this time, but June-sleepers will not be tolerated from this day henceforth. Now, whose turn was it to bring the donuts?


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, I'll let it slide this time, but donut-rememberers will do-not be tolerated from now on. Alright, everybody, everybody. It's time to get this www-dot-show back on the road-dot-com. Now, places! And...

{Cut to everyone standing in front of a plain blue background. The words "everybody, everybody" appear in front of them. The music from the Intro page plays.}

SINGERS: Everybody, everybody! Everybody, everybody! Everybody, everybody! Everybody, everybody!

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the "Steven Inches" sign on the Merch table to see a "The Freewheelin' Eh, Steve" album cover.
  • When the KOT first appears, click on his crown to see his "I'm with Glutton Camp" t-shirt.
  • Click on the left-side "everybody" at the end of the toon to see Pom Pom and The Poopsmith on a desert island thinking about baloney sandwiches.

Fun Facts


  • This toon is a reference to the real-life vacation that The Brothers Chaps took in the late spring/early summer of 2006, during which time the site went nearly seven weeks (48 days) without a major update (there were various minor updates during this period, but no toons).


  • The time card reads:
8:03 5:54
7:45 6:21
9:21 6:03
12:02 5:58
7:56 6:23
8:03 5:54
7:45 6:21
  • The Cool Tapes tour goes through East Westerburg, Beadsburg, Bead Store City, Sculpted Busheton, New Beadshop, Topiarianapolis, Beeeeeds and Tope Gardens. Other towns on the map are Northtime, Pantsburg, Shoigut, Thuxtable and The Slickster.
  • There are trees in the topiary garden shaped as an ice-cream cone, Trogdor, a tree stump, and Van Buren.
  • According to the sign on the side of Bubs's truck, he's selling:
    • "Gumball surprise"—A baloney sandwich with a purple gumball on top.
    • "Open Smiley Face"—An open baloney sandwich with a smiley face drawn on it in mustard.
    • "I Heart Baloney"—A baloney sandwich with heart-shaped bread.
    • "Dog Food"—A baloney sandwich with bone-shaped bread.
    • "It's Not a Real Popsicle"—A baloney sandwich with popsicle-shaped bread.
    • "Inside Out"—A piece of bread between two slices of baloney.


  • Coach Z's line about "Glorten" Camp echoes a similar line from him in mascot. There, he refers to the same entity in two different ways, and here, he refers to two different entities in the same way.
  • When Marzipan says "toot sweet", she is actually misusing the French phrase "tout suite", which roughly translates to "immediately".

Inside References

  • One of the bushes, where Cool Tapes play, is a Trogdor shaped bush.
  • When Strong Bad says "I can't believe I pulled the "Mash stop when you think you're mashing record, and mash record when you think you're mashing stop" on myself" is a reference to mashing go/play on something
  • The Atari seagull is from huttah!
  • Marzipan's Cool Tapes band comes from Cool Things.
  • The toon's title includes Weclome.
  • Homestar appears to be wearing Nebulon slippers
  • Bub's "Baloney Sammich Truck" has a Marshie lookalike baloney on the top.

Real-World References

  • The design of the Cool Tapes Marzipan amps are based on the design of the classic Marshall amp.
  • A Vlog is a Video Blog, made popular by Youtube.com, a short video of the host sharing a part of their lives.
  • The page title references the theme song from the sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter ("Welcome back / Your dreams were your ticket out...").
  • Athletic competitions between summer camps occupying the same campground are common in family movies and cartoons.
  • The "Freewheelin' Eh Steve" album cover is a reference to Bob Dylan's early album, "Freewheelin' Bob Dylan."

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