Talk:Strong Bad's (Mis)use of English

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Revision as of 02:17, 14 February 2006 by (Talk)
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This is off to a great start. If I might offer a suggestion, I think it should stick to instances that were obviously errors (i.e. not Strong Bad simply choosing to use non-standard usage for colloquial effect, e.g. "all i gotta say"). And I'd prefer to leave out situations where his own self-consciousness shows that he really knows he's making stuff up (e.g. trembalo), but that's your call. —AbdiViklas 16:35, 4 January 2006 (UTC)

I agree. "Gotta" is informal but perfectly acceptable in context. — It's dot com 16:39, 4 January 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, I just threw gotta in there to see what people thought. Having reread it since, it makes little sense in the context of what I'm trying to archive here. Trembalo is one of the made up words I want to have in here and I may make a seperate section for just those, depending on how many I can find. The only ones that leap to mind are burninate and fangoriously, so I don't recall how many there are. Thanks for the input guys!
---Jeff J. W.(Talk·Contribs)hr.png 21:11, 4 January 2006 (UTC)



Ok, if you find anymore spelling errors or new words please include a description of the error and italicize the word/words in question. Also, thanks to everyone who's worked on this page and to the few people i directly ripped off while making the bare bones of it. I tried to be original on my descriptions and not just cut and paste, but there were a few brilliant quotes in the episode pages.

(In particular, I "stole" the quote about Strong Bad's curiousity misspelling. I don't know who wrote it, but it was a cool quote and I tried to find out who it was, to no avail. If you wrote that and are reading this, you rock.)

Anyway, keep on tranglin' everyone.
---Jeff J. W.(Talk·Contribs)hr.png 18:43, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

Credit User:It's dot com, per this edit. -- Tom 20:18, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
Thanks Tom! How'd you do that? I sifted through that history for half an hour and never found that edit! Is there some kind of search parameter I missed in there that I missed? Thanks again.
--Jeff J. W.(Talk·Contribs)hr.png 20:52, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

All up ons?

Should the phrase "All up ons" from suntan be regarded as a made-up word? I guess technically only the word "ons" is made up, but it is still clearly an example of substandard language, so I suggest that it should be included somewhere. Heimstern Läufer 21:35, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

I think it should be included. We included other made up phrases like anydangway and somethetimes so I think it should be fine. Good work by the way! Keep 'em comeing along.
--Jeff J. W.(Talk·Contribs)hr.png 21:44, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

Further Standards and practices

Just in case anyone is curious, I didn't include any spelling or grammatical errors Strong Bad makes while imitating or otherwise insulting people by copying their mistakes. All the errors listed on this page should be genuine accidents made by S.B., and not his clever attempts to be funny. Also, the second heading has been changed to include made up phrases as well; stuff like "all up ons" or "all is on" should be included as well. Keep on Tranglin'!
--Jeff J. W.(Talk·Contribs)hr.png 05:10, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

Also, I don't care if you've used some of Strong Bad's slang in the past. The fact is, if it's slang and Strong Bad uses it, it goes on this page. None of us are as famous/infamous as Strong Bad, so we don't make words well-known. He does. --Jeff J. W.(Talk·Contribs)hr.png 04:48, 17 January 2006 (UTC)

"I'm-a" - Not A Made Up Word

Not a word made up by Sara, anyway. I'm-a is a real hip-hop term. I'm a really crappy rapper, I'd know. Ebonics is older then English, so should the mention of "I'm-a" just go, or should we make a section for him using hip-hop slang or something? PS. I'm pretty gay. Darth Katana X (discussionitem_icon.gif user.gif mail_icon.gif)

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