Lack of Visible Arms

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How does Homestar pick things up?

One of the ultimate mysteries of the series is that Homestar Runner, Marzipan, The King of Town and Homsar all lack visible arms and hands, yet in spite of this they have the ability to pick stuff up and carry it around. The most common explanations for the phenomenon are that they either have invisible arms or can manipulate objects with some kind of psychokinesis. Usually none of the other characters seem to pay attention to this curiosity, although sometimes their lack of hands is referenced.


  • Armless Invaders - Homestar is the "armless invader" of the title.
  • vacation - Strong Bad imagines, in a hypothetical email from Monkey D, "How does Homestar pick stuff up if he's not wearing any Marzi-pants?"
  • action figure - Homestar's action figure box reads "No arms! Like real life!"
  • your friends - Strong Bad asks Marzipan to hold out her hands; instead of replying that she doesn't have any, she just says she doesn't want to.
  • The Interview - Strong Bad refers to Homestar as a "no-armed whitey".
  • fingers - Homestar makes himself a pair of fake arms.
  • Strong Bad is a Bad Guy - Strong Mad starts to say that Homestar doesn't have arms, but is cut off by the end of the cartoon.


  • In Search of the Yello Dello - Marzipan slaps Homestar across the face, leaving a visible handprint.
    • In the commentary, Strong Bad says that Marzipan has really nice hands and Homestar replies, "Yeah, I suppose she does."
  • The Reddest Radish - Marzipan knocks on the door of Homestar's house with her head, despite the fact she could have used her invisible arms/telekinetic powers instead.
    • Likewise, in 3 Times Halloween Funjob, Homestar also knocks on Marzipan's door with his head, although he's probably just being silly.
  • marzipan - Strong Bad remarks that "Marzipan can't keep her hands offa" him.
  • the bird - Homestar flips Strong Bad off, and Strong Bad reacts as if he can see it.
  • time capsule - Homestar is able to manipulate the box, box lid, and wig all at the same time, as if he has multiple invisible arms.
    • This is also seen in the show and Main Page 19, where Homestar holds a microphone and sorts through a stack of index cards at the same time.
  • Decemberween Sweet Cuppin' Cakes - The Wheelchair is seen lifting the lid of his pot of Burled Holiday Cabbage.

See also

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