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Real Name: Jared Jones

Hey h*r dudes and dudettes. I'm a college student, majoring in computer programming (for now at least). I attend STLCC Meramec, so look me up if you're from 'round hur.

I first learned about H*R back in 8th grade...ish from a cousin of mine. I watched a sbemail first, probably dragon, and then watched more until she was absolutely sick of them.^^ I'm looking forward to this year's Hallo-special, because last year's was a bit disappointing. totally still lovin' Jibblies 2.

My birthday is the same as TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR...'s. Funny fact: it's actually been my birthday for longer than H*R has existed! (wink.)

I suffer Crohn's disease, a very rare disease of the intestinal tract. Please, if you can, donate to research through the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America.


I enjoy gaming--more than I should. I own a Wii, plenty of Gamecube games, and I've had my girlfriend's PS2 for so long that it might as well be mine. I also enjoy reading gaming comics (see below for a list) and playing RuneScape , on which my username is Dragoon5464.


What? Oh. Um...I'm mostly a gnome. A ruthless gnome, at that. But no pages made yet. I'm not fast enough to keep up with you guys. I did consistence...ize...ise...the Trivia sections on emails sent in by wiki users, though.

Fave Quotes

  • "Hey, stupid, I bwought you this stuff." -- Homestar Runner
    • I use this one all the time on my girlfriend.
  • "You're not a broom?!" -- Homestar Runner
  • "It's like I'm right there, wheeling Grandma through the old town. Do you want to stop in here and get a kielbasa, Grandma?" -- Homestar Runner
  • "Shinin' up a chicken in the mo'nin', mo'nin'..." -- Bubs
  • "I cut the crust off in the morning light..." -- Homestar Runner
  • "Oh no! You shanked my Jengaship!" -- Homsar
  • "DaAaAa, I'm forever your girl!" -- Homsar


Be warned, young'uns--most of the following contain adult language, and maybe some violence, but rarely sexual content.

xkcd An awesome comic with plenty of math jokes. Chances are, it would take everyone on this wiki put together to get all of the jokes in every one. I know I don't.
Penny Arcade The gaming comic reader's mainstay. Nearing their ten-year anniversary!
8-Bit Theater Among the best-known sprite comics of the web. Final Fantasy ftw.
CtrlAltDel More gaming commentary, much like Penny Arcade. Naughty mouth is common here, be warned.
Dueling Analogs See the above.

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