Cheat Commandos: Two Part Episode: Part 1

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Toon Category: Big Toon
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"Who needs the Cheat Commandos anyway?"

Flashfight appears at last, jails Blue Laser, and tears up the Cheat Commandos.

Cast (in order of appearance): Gunhaver, Crackotage, Silent Rip, Ripberger, Firebert, Fightgar, Flashfight, Green Helmets, Blue Laser Commander, Reynold, Reynold's Brother, Strong Bad (Easter Egg), Homestar Runner (Easter Egg), Blue Laser Minions (Easter Egg)

Locations (in order of apperance): Cheat Commandos HQ, Reynold's Office, Jaded Teen Pizza, Kitchen Commandos, Basement of The Brothers Strong (Easter Egg), A Soccer Field (Easter Egg)

Date: Monday, June 1, 2009

Running time: 4:10



{Opens to a view of the Cheat Commandos base. Firearms are heard going off and the Commandos are laughing offcreen. The screen opens to " "Two Part Episode: Part One!!" amd the words "Wrtitten with a veangence by A. Chimendez".
{Cuts to the Commandos. Fightgar is holding a gun and Gunhaver is wearing a vest with bulletholes in it.
GUNHAVER: Ha ha ha! That was awesome! {Takes off vest} Here, now someone else put on the bulletproof vest!
{Doorbell rings, and the Cheat Commandos begin to scramble}
GUNHAVER: Doorbell stations! Prepare to pretend we're not here, sign for a package, or receive pizza! {Moves closer to the camera} Let's move, C. C.dos!
{Cut to Silent Rip, who looks confused.}
SILENT RIP: "C. C.dos"? Wouldn't just "C.C.s" be shorter, and make more sense?
{Gunhaver grabs Silent Rip by the vest.} GUNHAVER: Making sense is not part of my mission plan, soldier. I'm sticking with the "do". {Cut to the front door. It opens, revealing Flashfight.}
ALL: {gasping}
CRACKOTAGE: I can't beleive I'm seeing this sight.{cut to a shot of Crackotage} Why if it isn't Admiral Flashfight. GUNHAVER: To what do we owe the pleasure, admiral?
FLASHFIGHT: I'm here to clean up your act, Cheat Commandos. The Bureau of Elite Fighting Forces, or "BEEF", is not imprssed with your-
SILENT RIP: {interrupting}: Uh, that's "BEFF".
FLASHFIGHT: Alright, the Bureau of Every Elite Fighting Force, is not-
SILENT RIP: {intrerupting again} That's "BEEFF". {exagerates the last F}
FLASHFIGHT: Yes, and what is your name, soldier?
SILENT RIP: {Saluting} Silent Rip, sir!
FLASHFIGHT: Thank you, Smarty Drip. You're fired.
ALL: {offscreen} {gasping}
GUNHAVER: Uh, good call, sir. That guy was always way too concerned with acronyms. Who else can we fire?
FLASHFIGHT: Well, you, of course.
GUNHAVER: Me? But then {pulls out his gun} who will have gun?
FLASHFIGHT": {taking the gun} I will!
GUNHAVER: {shaking} Buh-buh-buh.... Wuh-wuh-wuh? Zuh-zuh-zuh...
FLASHFIGHT: You're allowed to stand there stammering for fifteen more minutes {two Green Helmets walk up} and then you will be escorted out by Green Helmets.
GUNHAVER: Have you no dignity? At least let a Cheat Commanding Officer like me by escorted out by someone who isn't availiable in a discount three pack.
{Cut to a discount three pack of Green Helmet toys. Music plays and the Cheat Commandos theme plays in the background.}

Easter Eggs

  • at the end click on the T
  • at the end click on ...

Fun Facts

Inside References

  • The video game music comes from StrongBadZone.
  • The tagline of "Jaded Teen Pizza" is similar to the lyrics of a song Reynold's Brother listens to in Let us give TANKS!
  • This is the first time Flashfight has ever talked.
  • This is the second time Gunhaver has been "kicked out" by another member.

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