Ever and More

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* Strong Bad's miner helmet was seen in the email [[cheatday]].
* Strong Bad's miner helmet was seen in the email [[cheatday]].
* The King of Town's German helmet is similar to the one [[The Kaiser]], his [[Old-Timey]] counterpart, wears.
* The King of Town's German helmet is similar to the one [[The Kaiser]], his [[Old-Timey]] counterpart, wears.
* The Broternal Order's secret handshake is another reference to [[Lack of Visible Arms]].
* The Broternal Order's secret handshake is another reference to characters' [[Lack of Visible Arms]].
== External Links ==
== External Links ==

Revision as of 08:17, 26 June 2007

Toon Category: Shorts
watch One Two, One Two Strong Bad Sings
"And now, to help me demonstrate the new secret handshake, I call forth Brother of Town!"

The Broternal Order comes to order!

Cast (in order of appearance): Coach Z, Strong Sad, Bubs, Strong Mad, The Poopsmith, Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Pom Pom, King of Town, The Cheat

Places: The Bar, Bathroom of the Brothers Strong (Easter egg)

Date: June 26, 2007

Running Time: 2:50

Page Title: B-O-D-H Local 1-1-Style



{Open on Coach Z and Strong Sad sitting at a table. Coach Z is wearing a Roman helmet, and Strong Sad is wearing his astronaut helmet}

COACH Z: Well, it's like a tricycle, but with nineteen wheels instead of three.

STRONG SAD: Coach Z, that's a horrible recipe.

COACH Z: Lemme run this one by ya. We start with a pound of rubber cement.

{Cut to another view of the table, with Strong Mad, Bubs and The Poopsmith. Strong Mad is wearing a football helmet on top of his head, Bubs is wearing a fireman's hat, and The Poopsmith is wearing a Judge Dredd helmet}

BUBS: I haven't been able to fit into my lucky pants for almost ten years! That's whycome I'm in such a bad mood all the time!


BUBS: Hey, that'd be a sweet deal I couldn't refuse!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} Order! {Strong Mad, Bubs and The Poopsmith pay attention. Cut to Homestar, who's wearing his horned helmet and banging a chicken drumstick on the table} Order! I hereby call this meeting of the Broternal Order of Different Helmets to order! Now let us begin with a rousing rendition of our frothy, shaky chant. {Waving drumstick like a conductor's baton} And one, two, three!

{Cut to another view of the table. Bubs, Strong Bad and Coach Z are visible. Strong Bad is wearing a miner's helmet}

ALL: {singing} Ever and more, ever and more, ever and more!

{Cut to another view. Strong Sad and Pom Pom are visible. Pom Pom is wearing a Samurai helmet. Strong Sad isn't singing and has his arms folded}


ALL: {singing} Ever and more, ever and more, ever and more!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: One more time!

ALL: {singing, getting higher at the end} Ever and more, ever and more, ever and more!

{Near the end of the song, cut to The Cheat next to Strong Mad. The Cheat is wearing an old-fashioned British policeman's hat.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Strong Sad! Why weren't you singing?

STRONG SAD: I don't believe in the message!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Uh, yes you do. All in favor?




HOMESTAR RUNNER: The ayes win! {To Strong Sad} You believe in the message now!

STRONG SAD: {Slapping Homestar on the back} I really do!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I now give the floor to our treasurer, regarding shiny new ways to misappropriate funds.

BUBS: Thank you, Brotherstar Runnerbro... ther. Well, I've taken the minutes from last's month's meeting, {holds them up} and sold them as rollover minutes to third world countries! {holds up another piece of paper with a picture of Homsar on it} Then I bought myself, I mean the Broternal Order of Different Helmets, a jetski! {holds up a jetski} But then I wrecked it and broke my shin! {Holds up leg} So now my rubbing ointment {holds it up} costs fifty bucks a tube!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Fantastic! And now, to help me demonstrate the new secret handshake, I call forth, Brother of Town.

{The King of Town comes onscreen, wearing an Imperial German Army helmet}

STRONG SAD: {Offscreen} Yaaaaay.

{Homestar and the King of Town move around for a second}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Everybody got it? This: {The word "This" appears onscreen, then Homestar moves around as three arrows appear onscreen} Then this: {The words "Then this" appears onscreen, then Homestar moves around some more and more complex arrows appear on the screen} And now Brother Strong Bad, with his weekly power play.

STRONG BAD: {Clears throat, then speaks angrily} What's the matter with you guys? I should be in charge here! Why is Homestar running this secret club? {Banging his fist on the table} Singing songs and secret handshakes? That's rejected Girl Scout camp material! Put me in charge, and we'll be hitting each other with wooden stools until the morning light! Eating triple-fried pork rinds and burping video game music six ways till Tuesday! "Ever and More"? That's horse pocky, you fools! It's all marketing mumbo jumbo! {upset} Don't believe a word of it!

{Strong Bad pants}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thank you, Strong Bad. We look forward to hearing from you next week.

STRONG BAD: {subdued} Thank you, Supreme Overlord.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: And with that, our meeting is adjourned. So everybody buddy up and get to work on that secret handshake. I'm gonna go take a bath in a pile of gold coins.

{Cut to Strong Bad and The Cheat imitating the movements Homestar and the King of Town made earlier, with their hands on their hips. Cut the words "end. friend." on a black screen}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the word "friend" at the end of the short to see Homestar Runner laying in a bathtub full of gold coins in the bathroom of the Brothers Strong.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: {to the tune of the DuckTales theme song} "Lasers, race cars, aeroplanes, doo doo, ah-doo doo!"

Fun Facts

Helmets of Members


  • When Strong Mad holds up the needle as he talks his lower lip overlaps on the needle.

Inside References

  • Strong Sad's astronaut costume was previously seen in senior prom.
  • The order's song was previously sung by Homestar in the movies. Homestar also wore the horned helmet in that email.
  • Strong Bad's miner helmet was seen in the email cheatday.
  • The King of Town's German helmet is similar to the one The Kaiser, his Old-Timey counterpart, wears.
  • The Broternal Order's secret handshake is another reference to characters' Lack of Visible Arms.

External Links

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