The Graveyard

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"If stinky dead people is all you want..."

The Graveyard (named "Always Been Here Acres") is a 200 acre (.3 square miles, or .8 square kilometer) cemetery located behind the King of Town's castle and home to a carnivorous undead sheep that prowls the grounds. First appearing in the Halloween toon Most in the Graveyard, many of Bubs's relatives are apparently buried here, including his great-great-grandpappy's Cousin Harold, and his great-great granduncle who Coach Z also claims is his great good-aunt.

[edit] Known Graves

  • Harold
  • Mort
  • Zgor
  • Jimnelius Hog-chigger
  • Hebby Screbby
  • Plutis

[edit] Appearances

[edit] See Also

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