Self-Narrated Actions
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Occasionally, characters will describe some movement or action as they are making it.
[edit] Appearances
- Email caffeine — Strong Bad: "Oh-ho-ho-ho! Devilish laugh."
- Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer — Rather Dashing: "I'm just going to WEAR MASK." and "THROW BABY."
- Email alternate universe — Strong Bad and Old-Timey Strong Bad: "Jump!"
- Email retirement — Strong Bad: "Slink..."
- Email strong badathlon — Strong Bad: "Wipe my brow."
- Email the paper — Homestar Runner: "Dribble, dribble, shoot!"
- Email business trip — Homestar Runner: "Roll my eyes."
- Homestar Ruiner — Homestar Runner: "Whisperingly..."
- Email email thunder — Strong Bad: "I'm almost, sniff, not totally disgusted!"
- Twenty THANXty Six — Stinkoman: "Whoooaaa, making small rocks float up off the GRRROOOOOUUUUUUUUND!"
- Where My Hat Is At? — Bubs: "Shrug."
- Email dictionary — Strong Bad: "Hurl!" and Homestar Runner: "Tooth!"
- I Killed Pom Pom — Strong Bad: "Stifle a laugh."
[edit] See Also
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