K.O.T.H.S. Junior Varsity Marching Band

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K.O.T.H.S. Junior Varsity Marching Band
"A-break it down for me, fell-as!"
Origins Free Country, USA
Genre(s) Marching band
Members The King of Town (Drum major)
The Poopsmith (Cymbals)
The Hornblower (Buisine)
The Knight (Bass drum)

The K.O.T.H.S. Junior Varsity Marching Band ("K.O.T.H.S." apparently standing for "King of Town High School") is a marching band consisting of The King of Town (drum major), The Poopsmith (cymbals), The Hornblower (horn), and The Knight (bass drum). They played in the 4Tst Annual Fall Float Parade, in which Coach Z announced that it was one of his favorites. Coach Z also rapped to a march of theirs; however, Marzipan told him to stop, insisting it was "really annoying".

[edit] Appearances

[edit] See Also

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