Juice Box
From Homestar Runner Wiki
A juice box is a paper or plastic container for juice usually served in grade school lunches. It has shown up in strange ways in the Homestar Runner universe.
[edit] Appearances
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 4 (Easter egg) — So and So, while in the bottomless pit, asks for Lunchables or maybe a juice box.
- Email 4 branches — Homestar Runner roasts a juice box while inside a mascot costume.
- Email looking old — Marzipan's drink appears to be a juice box of L'chaim Kosher Tea.
- Fan Costumes '09 — Homestar tells Strong Bad that he needs a juice box, acting as if Strong Bad is a child having a tantrum.
- Sbemail 136 Alternate Versions — Under Strong Bad's computer desk, Homestar roasts a juice box over a flashlight in a similar manner to 4 branches.