Talk:Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold

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Revision as of 09:11, 25 December 2016 by It's dot com (Talk | contribs)
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Mister Beatles

We have two warring versions of which song Homestar is referring to with his first line, and thing is... both are correct. Both "Broken Wings" and "Blackbird" contain the phrase Homestar says ("take these broken wings and learn to fly") in their lyrics. Now, given the other two lines, obviously he is referring to a song. But which do we report? The Beatles did come first, but Mr. Mister is more contemporary of the other two... --Jay (Talk) 07:47, 25 December 2016 (UTC)

Literally nobody knows who Mr. Mister is. -- 08:57, 25 December 2016 (UTC)
I don't see why we can't mention both. For the record, I was thinking of only the Mr. Mister song (it's right in the title) and had to give the Beatles song a fresh listen to remember that that lyric was in it too. — It's dot com 09:11, 25 December 2016 (UTC)
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