Made-up Places

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There are many times where characters make up certain places.

Place Mentioned in Context
Bumdumbourge secret recipes A region near Totalslava in which Strong Bad claims he grew up, and where his "poopaw" taught him to cook "the Chekt". Strong Bad invents this place to cover up his supposed recipe to cook The Cheat.
Cubeland the facts Place where Strong Mad is normal, according to Strong Bad.
Dortugal In Search of the Yello Dello One of the Far Off Lands, whose geography is dominated by a prominent mountain range and whose name is taken from the real country Portugal. Dortugal borders Prance and Potamia, through which Homestar Runner and his friends had to travel to find the Yello Dello.
Far Off Lands In Search of the Yello Dello A collection of countries outside of Free Country, USA, including Prance, Dortugal, and Potamia, through which Homestar Runner and his friends had to travel to find the Yello Dello.
Mundelow Teen Girl Squad Issue 5 The place where What's Her Face lives, as well as the headquarters for the Thorax Corporation
Potamia In Search of the Yello Dello One of the Far Off Lands and home to the very rare Yello Dello. Judging from this map, this land features a large lake. Potamia is a reference to Ancient Mesopotamia, a region of Southwest Asia. "Potamia" literally means "Place of Rivers", and "Mesopotamia" means "Place Between Rivers".
Prance In Search of the Yello Dello
One of the Far Off Lands. whose name is taken from the real country France. Prance borders Dortugal and Potamia, through which Homestar Runner and his friends had to travel to find the Yello Dello. Also, the Hairstyle Runner game was manufactured in Prance.
Totalslava secret recipes A region neighboring Bumdumbourge.
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