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The word cheese is a running gag that has made it's way through many an episode in the H*R galaxy. Below is a list of the times that it has been shown on Homestar Runner. The word itself is in bold text.

  • Email huttah!Strong Bad: "He's not even that cute. He looks like a... a cheese".
  • Email cheat talk — Monkey Dude wears a shirt that reads, "I (red heart symbol) THE CHEESE"
  • Email from work &mdash Pom-Pom is referred to as "the big cheese". That is because he is the boss but it might be making fun of his cheese-like color and maybe his partial cheese wheel shape.
  • Email secret recipes — One of the recipes is cottage cheese and The Cheat hair.

Cheesed Off

The term "cheesed off", or a slight variation of it, has also appeared a few times. Below is a list of the times that it has been shown on

  • If you type "buy kerrek a cold one" when with Kerrek, the game says everything that it says in the sbemail: for kids and adds "now you've really cheesed him off".
  • STRONG BAD: Cheesing People Off... (naming one of the things that you can get your cerificate in at CGNU (CGNU)

See Also

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