Email Processing Room

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Revision as of 03:28, 21 May 2007 by The Cheatbot (Talk | contribs)
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Print. Chew. Crumple. Repeat!

The Email Processing Room is the nexus of all Strong Bad's e-mail processing. It is linked through the animated GIF of a mouse on Strong Bad's Website.

Page Title: MEN AT WORK


Processing Details

The Cheat types on an old computer (telling by the shape of the computer case and the monitor on top, probably an Apple II) and prints out a potential email candidate. Strong Mad grabs The Paper, puts on his reading glasses, and reads the email carefully. He then chews up the paper, spits it into a cylinder, and sends it via pneumatic tube to Strong Bad. Strong Mad takes off his glasses. Strong Bad just laughs at the paper and rips it into tiny pieces. This cycle repeats.

Noted Inconsistency

Behind Strong Mad can be seen a poster reading "GET BACK TO WORK!" and three signs that say, "PRiDE," "DETAiL," and "ETHiCS." They include a link to the former website of "The Rumor." The site has since expired and been turned into a weight loss advertisement page. This is notable because in an early FAQ, requests for links from Homestar Runner were rejected on the grounds that they do not use links to other sites. This has been corrected in the later FAQ. It now says that they "link to a couple sites here and there but only when it's appropriate."

The Rumor

"The Rumor" eventually became DumpyUSA, a website run by Brent McNeal and Adam Sterritt, who are friends of Matt Chapman and Craig Zobel, the latter being the brother of Ryan Sterritt, who are all Homestar Runner creators and contributors. The "Pride," "Detail," and "Ethics" signs in the cartoon refer to corresponding signs posted in Rumor South headquarters, i.e. Adam's bedroom.

The new site includes a photo page of Matt and Adam's blog with archives.

Fun Facts

  • Back in the Tandy era, sending Strong Bad an email would get an automated response that linked here.
    • In that email, he explains the order of events in an acronym. The email gets "R.E.D. The Cheat Reads it, Strong Mad Eats it, and I Deletes it."
  • Strong Mad's right arm is messed up: he appears to "grow" another arm out of it the second and third time he lifts it.
  • There is also a layering problem the second time he lowers his arm.He places the tube into the tube, then his fist moves in FRONT of the table and disappears.
  • The printer shown here may be the printer Strong Bad uses at the end of emails.
    • If this is true, then until email lady fan, this was the only toon on the site where we saw the actual printer, not just the paper.
  • You can find the SWF file for processing if you explore disc 2 of "sbemail.exe- The First Hundred Strong Bad E-mails" in your computer's DVD drive (if you have one).
  • If you look closely enough, you'll see that Strong Bad is slightly floating above his stool. His computer appears to be floating as well.
  • When Strong Bad takes the chewed-up e-mail out of the tube, he doesn't unscrew the lid, but he takes the note out through the tube.
  • Just before Strong Mad sends the cylinder down the tube, the lid closes itself.
  • There is a little gray line that goes through The Cheat's computer (you will have to zoom in to see this). The gray line is just like the line that goes through Coach Z's foot in In Search of the Yello Dello.

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