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Revision as of 14:36, 14 January 2006 by The thing (Talk | contribs)
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Umm, hi. I'm Bluebry muffin. I got my name from one of Homestar's lines in the Experimental Film commentary. I like to program software. Nothing much, just no use programs. Like a random number generator. Not really too important. Or a slot machine with graphics done in Paint (the program)? They're BITMAPS! But uh, anyways I do like the song Experimental Film. Yeah. Yeah. Ok then, um, bye.

Oh yeah, bye the way, I have a computer similar to Tangerine Dreams, The Cheat's computer. Except mine's a different color (not blueberry).


Bye Bubsty!

I didn't really know you, but I'll still say bye.

Other stuff!

Oh, bye the way, I talked to a lamp. I said "hi!".

And uh, User:Has Matt? was the user who welcomed me.

And User:Salty was the first person to sign my guestbook. I mean, second. Yeah. That stuff about me at the beginning is true and so NOT written by me.

Oh and hey, does Chairscoot really exist? I think yes.

Favorite Sbemail

Also, I need some ThnikaGirls to dance around in some Go Go boots.

Oh, and uh,

Sign My Guestbook!!!!!!!?##!!!!hi!!!!!

  • NOT Bluebry muffin Oh yeah, you're so cool, I must've gotten your autograph, like, 9,000,001 times man. Bye. I'm also NOT you.
  • SaltyTalk! 02:30, 14 January 2006 (UTC) SECONF FIRST SIGN!!
  • DBK! 02:50, 14 January 2006 (UTC)
  • TheThin 14:20, 14 January 2006 (UTC) #4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The Chort 14:26, 14 January 2006 (UTC) My autograph? Sure!

No, but seriously, sign my guestbook. ^

No.TheThin 14:21, 14 January 2006 (UTC) OK fine

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