Strong Bad Losing His Edge

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"Losing our edge? That's ridiculous!"

While Strong Bad claims to be pretty cool, there are occasions where he trips up and reveals himself to be not quite so cool as he always says he is.

Examples Of Strong Bad 'loosing his edge'

  • Email lures and jigs — Strong Bad accidentally admits that he doesn't know how to get ladies.
  • Email pizzaz — While questioning the duplicate Strong Bad's decision to wear a captain suit, Strong Bad tricks the duplicate into admitting he is not cool.
  • Decemberween Short Shorts — Strong Bad writes to the tube socks he'll be receiving that year, telling them that his bemoaning them is just a farce and that he actually appreciates them very much.
  • Email your edge — Gee Tee worries that Strong Bad might be losing his edge. Strong Bad accidentally justifies this concern by recounting the times The Cheat and he consciously decided not to re-inflate a deflated basketball, feathered Strong Sad, and spread mayonnaise on some cardboard boxes before cleaning the mess up, vacuuming and using air-freshener thirty minutes later. It is also revealed that the pair play "pretend-we're-grandmas-baking time". In an attempt to regain their edge, Strong Bad stomps on a casserole and The Cheat saws a hole in the floor, which the two fall into. They remain in the hole for at least three hours.
  • Strong Badia the Free — Strong Bad receives a package with pilot wings from TPA Airlines, which he explains as his reward for not crying through the flight flying and landing the plane and making out with all the stewardesses when the pilot suffered from a charlie horse-that Strong Bad gave him.
  • 8 Bit Is Enough — Strong Bad admits to owning the game "Lady Crate Ape" before correcting himself. Homestar Runner reveals Strong Bad has scheduled manicures and bubblebaths, which Strong Bad attempts to claim are 'codenames' for make-out sessions.
  • A Death-Defying Decemberween — Due to his parole, Strong Bad spends Decemberween selling Hot Choco instead of providing death-defying entertainment. He also takes longer than most people to reach the logical assumption that removing the mattress from Steep Deep would cause Homestar to die during his stunt.

See Also

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