Ice Cream

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Super Sugar Taste!

Ice cream isn't just a yummy treat. It is a yummy treat enjoyed by the characters of the Homestar Runner universe.


  • In the Museum, there is a whole folder dedicated to ice cream.
  • In island, Homestar asks "Is there ice cream yet?" and Strong Bad pictures Homestar as a bowl of ice cream.
  • In the bet, Strong Bad threatens to punch the King of Town if he doesn't get a lot of ice cream.
  • In part-time job, Strong Bad reveals that he is part of the "The League of Me and The Cheat Ice Cream Socials"
  • In Bug In Mouth Disease, Homestar eats the King of Town's prescription ice cream.
  • In secret recipes, Strong Bad offers prank ice cream to Coach Z and Homestar.
  • In Old Characters Page, Homestar is describe as a terrific athlete that shares his ice cream.
  • In Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 11.2, Łukasz wants to take Marzipan out for an ice cream date.
  • There is a not-yet-available Videlectrix game Sundae Drivin', in which you can drive a bowl of ice cream.
  • At the end of, Strong Bad says he has a date with a bowl of creme brulee ice cream.
  • In kids' book, Strong Bad ends the email by claiming that he needs to get an ice cream sandwich.
  • In 8-Bit Is Enough the Copy Protector wants know Paul Revere's favorite ice cream flavor.
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