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Along with Nintendo, Atari 2600, and Sega Tapes, references to the Intellivision gaming system often appear on

  • Email stupid stuff - When asked to say something intelligent, Homestar resonds "Yea, yea, intellivision."
  • Duck Guardian One - The sound effects for ducks jumping and dying are taken from the game Frog Bog and the sound effect for a duck being rescued is taken from the game SNAFU, both for the Intellivision.
  • 50K Racewalker - The cheering sound when you cross a line comes from several games for the Intellivision game system.
  • QWERTY - The promotional statement for the game is similar to the advertisements for many of the educational games released for the Intellivision and ColecoVision game systems.


There is also an additional refernce to the Intellivision contemporary ColecoVision in the email space program where the ColecoVision joypad is used as part of the the filmstrip, the joypad is almost identical to the Intellivision controlers except for the Intellivision controllers had a pad instead of a joystick.

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