Rumble Red

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Revision as of 17:19, 21 December 2006 by Awexome (Talk | contribs)
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"But Earthling, they don't have polymascotfoamalate on my planet."

Rumble Red first appeared in the Old-Timey era to The Homestar Runner, presumably after his UFO crashed into a factory.

Rumble Red is a humanoid with pincers instead of hands, horn-shaped ears, and three eyes that blink sequentially. He frequently brags about the lack of Earth amenities on his home planet and has been accused by both The Homestar Runner and Mary Palaroncini of being a communist fool. He also frequently adds the phrase "Eh, Rumble?" after he says a sentence.

Rumble Red's planet doesn't have much. According to him, it has long lines and expensive bread. This appears to reference the Soviet Union prior to its collapse. Rumble Red seems to have been killed by a Decemberween gift from Old-Timey Marzipan.

Rumble Red appears to be based on The Great Gazoo from The Flintstones.


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