@StrongBadActual Tweets 2019

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(All current Tweets accounted for. I humbly ask any editor to check my transcripts for accuracy, and check if the ID links are okay, because I think they might be wrong. And upload photos.)
(St. Patrick's Day updates, and still no Fat Bluebird to assist me. Well, I wish you the luck of the Irish.)
Line 4: Line 4:
|text=People from @JoCoCruise '19 keep focusing on @QuelleChris's extendo-dab, but me and Coach Z think his Craig Mack tribute was the highlight. #flavainyaear
|date=18 Mar 2019
|text=Let us celebrate today with a gif of one of the only appropriate examples I could find. Newly colored for 2019!
|date=17 Mar 2019

Revision as of 22:33, 18 March 2019



This is a list of all the @StrongBadActual Tweets from 2019.


Text / Transcript Date / Link
People from @JoCoCruise '19 keep focusing on @QuelleChris's extendo-dab, but me and Coach Z think his Craig Mack tribute was the highlight. #flavainyaear
18 Mar 2019

Let us celebrate today with a gif of one of the only appropriate examples I could find. Newly colored for 2019!
17 Mar 2019

Forget hidden MouseMans! Passengers on the @JoCoCruise should be on the lookout for hidden Trogdors this week!
9 Mar 2019

Trog-cation All I ever wanted Trog-cation Had to get away
8 Mar 2019

Passengers on the @JoCoCruise, this is what I'm bout to endure so I can come play the Trogdor board game with y'alls on the boat. There is NO WORSE traveling companion than sidewise eyes puppet Homestar! (and possibly Strong Sad's severed arm?!)
7 Mar 2019

Another legend leaves us. We'll always have the time I drew King Kong Bundy in a Teen Girl Squad, executing a Big Splash from off a playground slide.

Fun Facts

5 Mar 2019


Text / Transcript Date / Link
This is def on of my favs.

Fun Facts

10 Feb 2019

Peoples keep sending me this comic movie website that's all Web 0.0. Lemme just remind all y'alls that Strong Bad unironically made an awesome/terrible website a million years ago with way better gifs and a proper broken hit counter. http://homestarrunner.com/sbsite/

Fun Facts

Strong Bad's Website was first presented in the Strong Bad Email website.

10 Feb 2019

In this week's edition of 'More Stuff Phife Dawg Inspired in Sbemail History,' we look at an easter egg from Sbemail 119: 'Animal' and the origin of my favorite wardrobe provider.

Video Transcript

{Fade in to the Easter egg from the Strong Bad Email "animal". The Deep Sea Fangly Fish is sitting on a counter with its lights flashing.

GENERIC ANNOUNCER: Second place contestants receive Deep Sea Fangly Fish. Promotional considerations by Sterrance.

{The words "Mr. Bad's Wadrobe provided by Styles Upon Styles" fades in}

GENERIC ANNOUNCER: Strong Bad's wardrobe furnished by...

{Cut to a music video. A rap artist with his eyes covered with plastic hits his finger against his palm as he raps.}

PHIFE DAWG: Styles upon styles upon styles is what I have! You want it just to fight for but you still don't know the hap!

{The music video stops, the text from before returns, and the commercial music resumes playing. The Homestar Runner head lure drops in from the left. Words appear below as he talks.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER LURE: Steep prices and trees!

Fun Facts

As stated in the Tweet, Styles Upon Styles is a clothing store introduced in animal.

8 Feb 2019

It's no 'wagon fulla', but @fancybane did a pretty good slopjob with these pancakes!

Video Transcript

{A pancake shaped like Strong Bad's head sits on a griddle. Music begins to play.}

PANCAKE STRONG BAD: {singing} I'm a girl, or maybe a Strong Bad, made out of pancaaakes!

{Cut to a pancake shaped like Homestar's head. Music plays.}

PANCAKE HOMESTAR RUNNER: A Homestar made of pamcakes? In the champeenship? I'd like to see me try!

{Fade to black}

Fun Facts

Both songs are from montage, where the Wagon Fulla Pancakes was first introduced.

7 Feb 2019

'Member the explodey collar app? If your device doesn't go into lockdown when it sees a Flash file, then have a go at it yourself! Can be very cathartisfying for those stuck at computers all day. https://homestarrunner.com/kotcollar.html

Fun Facts

The remote control collar head explosion game was first introduced in the Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Developer's Blog.

1 Feb 2019


Text / Transcript Date / Link
While we're on the subject of SBCG4AP, here's a little forgotten protest gem from the end credits of Episode 2. It's as if that song One Tin Soldier left its keys in a taxi and this song is the gross leather keychain from someplace in Arizona!

Video Transcript

{The Stave It Off Guy is sitting on a stool, strumming a guitar. The words "Justice Combo Meal by Stave It Off Guy" are in the corner}

SINGERS: Come on, everybody, now, can't you hear the wind blow?

{The words "just listen" fade in, then later fade out}

SINGERS: We don't like the King of Town making people's heads explode! What's the price of freedom, man? Can you cut me a deal? A crate of wholesale liberty, or a justice combo meal?

{The words "there's only this looping animation" fade in, then out}

SINGERS: So gather 'round, short children. Listen to what I sing. Remember those who went to waaaaar... all for creamy dings.

{The words "nothing else to see really" fade in, then out}

SINGERS: Come on, everybody now, can't you hear the wind blow? We don't like the King of Town making people's heads explode!

STRONG BAD: My head!

{The words "oh, except for this:" fade in, then out}

SINGERS: So come on, everybody now, can't you hear the wind blow?

{Close up on the Stave It Off Guy's mustache}

SINGERS: We don't like the King of Town making people's heads explode!

{A pair of yellow eyes open on the mustache, and a single tear wells and drops off}

STAVE IT OFF GUY: That was nice.

Fun Facts

31 Jan 2019

Ah yes, @The_BaconStrip, the slip cover dvd release. I think they might have put just a liiiittle bit less effort into that one (backwards Homsar, backwards Coach Z, ripped-from-a-swf Strong Mad complete with weird Flash masking issue on his mouth).
30 Jan 2019

Here's the Videlecdiculous text from the back of the box.
30 Jan 2019

For those asking about a physical release of SBCG4AP, there was a very brief one for the PC version! It had this awesome reversible cover with hidden Videlectrix goodness (with amazing 2600 art by @markdarin I believe?).
30 Jan 2019

In honor of the death of the Wii Shop Channel, I will repost this interview I did with Nintendo Power about SBCG4AP. Note how I refuse to take their Chuck Norris-bait and give Skulltulas a shout.
30 Jan 2019

Sbemail Factoid: did you know that the email song from 'dragon' is an homage to Phife Dawg's flow from La Schmoove by the Fu-Schnickens?

Video Transcript

{Strong Bad is sitting at the Compy 386, typing in his e-mail client}

STRONG BAD: {rapping} Here I go once again with the e-mail. Every week I hope it is from a female.

{Cut to a man rapping within a large crowd}

PHIFE DAWG: {rapping} Here I go once again with the ill-so! All the MCs, their rap style is so-so!

{Cut back to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: Here I go once again—

{Cut back to Phife Dawg}

PHIFE DAWG: —with the ill-so! All the MCs, their rap style is—

{Cut back to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: —e-mail!

26 Jan 2019

Ah, that's clearly the stickly-armed Wingalasaurus Trog, a Surreptaceous Era ancestor of the modern beefy armed burninator. @GoogleDoodles wouldn't know beefy if it came up and punched em in the face!
25 Jan 2019

That rules! But he's so tiny! He's like the Minish Trog!
25 Jan 2019

Though Puffed Salt Dries do claim to be a 'soup-or-food.' Y'know, cause they're pretty sure it's at least ONE of those things.
23 Jan 2019

To be clear, these are NOT the official munchies of the CGNU dorms. That honor goes to Cheap as Free Food Service's Potato-Glanced Puffed Salt Dries. (yes, they are trying to pass off a 'dry' as a type of snack medium) Available in ranch and thrice-ranch!
23 Jan 2019

Not sure why I deleted this awesome line and easter egg from sbemail208. Maybe because I didn't want to get in the middle of the "looptie-loo vs. looby lou" debate. Trust me, you do NOT wanna kick that hornet's nest!

Video Transcript

{ACheap As Free Little Golden Book titled "Here we Go, Looptie-Loo! (and nothing more)" by Old Maid Bevulon Sportsinterviews with three bored children on the cover hovers in front of the Lappier}

STRONG BAD: Sincerely, Mollie B. Chowderworth Gruelmanger. Y'know, of the Puntington Farms Gruelmangers. Now you sound like an important adjacent historical figure! She's the lady that discovered going looptie-lie! It used to just be looptie-loo! And Saturday night wasn't even involved!

20 Jan 2019

I found more old dvd menu tests! Watch as I boot my The Cheatbrick into Fisher Price Strong Sad!

Video Transcript

{a 3D, CGI Strong Bad walks into the office. He has no mouth.}

STRONG BAD: And all the ladies say {TGS Voice} Strong Bad is on point!

{Strong Bad flips a switch, and cringes as the rave lights blink and techno music plays. Strong Bad screams and flips it off}

STRONG BAD: Wrong switch.

{The camera turns across the room showing the window with the sycamore, the desk with the Compy 386, and an incompletely-rendered CGI Strong Sad in the doorway on the far end}

STRONG BAD: My mouth tastes like... DVDs. Hey, The Cheat!

{Strong Bad kicks an incompletely-rendered yellow block into the incompletely-rendered Strong Sad. Strong Sad falls over. Camera turns back to Strong Bad at the desk}

STRONG BAD: A direct hit!

{Strong Bad jumps onto the stool. A white box drops down from the top of the screen}

STRONG BAD: The Paper, show these morons what to do!

18 Jan 2019

THIS is the kinda stuff you find on Strong Sad's old hard drives. In a folder called "Chef's Whims" no less!

Image Transcript

{A head with a helmet made of clay sitting on a pedestal in a glass dome rotates around on a black, starry background. The animation loops}

15 Jan 2019

Also Happy *Trogday. Autocorrect knows not to change 'Trogdor' anymore but now it freakin' changes 'Trogday' to 'Trogdor!'
13 Jan 2019

Happy Trogdor! Let's celebrate Trogdor's big 16th by posting your fave Trog-sighting or Trogdor-shaped item! Here's mine!
13 Jan 2019

Sorry @Lin_Manuel, I chickened out on screaming "It's over!" at the end of your performance. Instead I butchered the lyrics to your styles!

Video Transcript

{In front of a building where the promotional image for the Hamilton musical is prominently displayed. Zoom out. The Strong Bad plush doll pops up.}

STRONG BAD: {rapping} I'm Strong-Lawrence in the place to be! Two pints of Cold Ones but I'm workin' on three! Do what I do, professionally, but to tell the truth I am exactly what I want to be... {stops rapping} Oh. I mixed up my hip hop styles.

12 Jan 2019

Check out this old dvd intro previs nightmare! Why does Homestar look like he's got a wireframe cheek fulla chaw?

Video Transcript

{The Everybody! Everybody! song plays throughout. A pre-rendered grayscale of the words "Homestar Runner" are onscreen. A prerendered wireframe Homestar Runner strolls past the word "Homestar" from right to left, then scrolls across the word "Runner" from left to right. Halfway through the word, the camera focuses on Homestar from teh front. He flips the letters of the word has he passes, and the final letter converts into an h*r logo. Homestar fills the screen.}

{Cut to Homestar's wireframe feet. Then cut to Homestar's wireframe face in front of the website intro. Homestar moves off-screen as a round wireframe ball comes into view. Zoom in on the ball.}

{A wireframe Homestar Runner is strolling along the outside of the wireframe ball past some wireframe hills. Zoom in closer on Homestar. Blue ovals and red squares pass him by.}

{Cut to wireframe Homestar as seen from below. Pan up to his head.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {singing} Everybody! La-DVD-do!

{The music cuts out}

HOMESTAR: {singing} Everybody! La-DVD-do!

10 Jan 2019

Here's last night's livestream playthrough of Trogdor!! The Board Game in case you missed it. JIBBLIES WARNING: Puppet Marshie may appear without warning. https://live.kickstarter.com/homestar-runner/live-stream/trogdor-playthrough-with-strong-bad-and-friends
09 Jan 2019

Thanks to everybody who watched the livestream playthrough with these jokers! Can't wait to get the game into the hands of all o' dang y'all! Paper Rat forev!
08 Jan 2019

In 20 mins! Livestreamery playthrough! Join us for fun! (It'll get archived for those who can't)
08 Jan 2019

Kong! I meant Diddy Kong, autocorrect! Diddy King is the name of the last northern Indiana Dairy Queen ripoff I would ever stop at!
08 Jan 2019

This is like the soundtrack to my unrealized Tinstar-like Super Scope Six game! (it goes to a very Diddy King Racing place in the middle there)
08 Jan 2019

Join puppet me + humans Mike, Lucky Yates, and Ryan Sterritt tomorrow night at 8pm EST for a livestream playthrough of Trogdor!! The Board Game. Against my better judgement, I will crowdsource all my moves in the game from chat suggestions! https://live.kickstarter.com/homestar-runner/live/trogdor-playthrough-with-strong-bad-and-friends
07 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 4 Jan 2019
I'm a day late, but as you can guess, the Announcer is pretty bummed at the passing of Mean Gene. He took inspiration from Gene's ability to stay calm in the face of sweaty, dinosaur tranquilizer-fueled rants.

Fun Facts

  • The GIF is from yes, wrestling.
    • The phrase "dinosaur tranquilizer-fueled [rants]" also originated from the email.
  • "Mean" Gene Okerlund was a wrestling interviewer, announcer, and television host. He died two days prior to the Tweet.
4 Jan 2019
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