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Subtitles logo These are the English subtitles for Main Page 20. watch this toon
To watch the toon with subtitles, we recommend that you install either the All-In-One Greasemonkey script for Firefox or the Homestar All-In-One extension for Chrome.
It will give you the option to automatically display subtitles when you view toons on and those mirrored locally. Alternatively, you may use our local viewer.

en  de  he  es  fr  nl  fi  pl  pt-br  tr

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<transcript xml:lang="en-us" file="main20.swf" width="550" height="400">
  <line start="21" end="33">
    <sfx>boombox playing</sfx>
    <bookhomestar>Go to the store!</bookhomestar>
  <line start="34" end="36">
     <sfx>boombox playing</sfx>
  <line start="37" end="66">
    <sfx>boombox playing</sfx>
    <princeoftown>Crank it, SeƱor. This here is the joint!</princeoftown>
  <line start="67" end="162">
    <sfx>boombox playing</sfx>
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