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![]() | These are the French subtitles for First Time Here?. watch this toon
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <transcript xml:lang="fr" file="firsttime.swf" width="550" height="400"> <line start="30" end="60" speaker="clapper" voiceover="voiceover">Discours d'accueil pour Homestar, prise une.</line> <line start="60" end="74" speaker="cherrygreg" voiceover="voiceover">Action !</line> <line start="77" end="127" speaker="homestar">Oh, bonjour. Bienvenue sur</line> <line start="136" end="149" speaker="cherrygreg" voiceover="voiceover">C'est point com.</line> <line start="151" end="187" speaker="homestar">Oh, oui. Homestar Runner point net. </line> <line start="190" end="220"> <homestar>C'est point com !</homestar> <cherrygreg voiceover="voiceover">Coupé !</cherrygreg> </line> <line start="225" end="253" speaker="clapper" voiceover="voiceover">Discours d'accueil pour Homestar, prise deux.</line> <line start="254" end="268" speaker="cherrygreg" voiceover="voiceover">Action!</line> <line start="271" end="308" speaker="homestar">Oh, bonjour. Je suis Homestar Runner.</line> <line start="316" end="329" speaker="homestar" volume="0.7">Texte ?</line> <line start="330" end="342" speaker="cherrygreg" voiceover="voiceover" volume="0.7">Bienvenue.</line> <line start="344" end="356" speaker="homestar">Bienvenue !</line> <line start="370" end="384" speaker="homestar" volume="0.7">Texte ?</line> <line start="390" end="398" speaker="cherrygreg" voiceover="voiceover" volume="0.7">Sur.</line> <line start="405" end="419" speaker="homestar">Sur !</line> <line start="432" end="445" speaker="homestar" volume="0.7">Texte ?</line> <line start="451" end="469" speaker="cherrygreg" voiceover="voiceover" volume="0.7"></line> <line start="471" end="500" speaker="homestar">Quelque !</line> <line start="506" end="511" speaker="cherrygreg" voiceover="voiceover">Coupé !</line> <line start="515" end="526" speaker="clapper" voiceover="voiceover">Prise 6</line> <line start="540" end="590" speaker="homestar">Bienvenue à bord de l'USS Homestar Runner point com.</line> <line start="592" end="620"> <homestar>Je suis votre capitaine, Homestar Runner !</homestar> <cherrygreg voiceover="voiceover">Coupé !</cherrygreg> </line> <line start="621" end="656" speaker="homestar">Bienvenidos a</line> <line start="660" end="680" speaker="homestar">¿Conoces a Miguel? ¡Sí!</line> <line start="681" end="710"> <homestar>Somos buenos amigos...</homestar> <cherrygreg voiceover="voiceover">En français !</cherrygreg> </line> <line start="712" end="721" speaker="clapper" voiceover="voiceover">Prise treize.</line> <line start="738" end="793" speaker="homestar">Bon. Ce coup-ci je vais vraiment y arriver. Sérieusement, les gars.</line> <line start="800" end="820" speaker="cherrygreg" voiceover="voiceover">Vas-y. On tourne.</line> <line start="821" end="860" speaker="homestar">Oh ! Je suis Homestar, et ceci est un site web !</line> <line start="863" end="880" speaker="clapper" voiceover="voiceover">Prise 25</line> <line start="887" end="900" speaker="cherrygreg" voiceover="voiceover">Coupé. Non.</line> <line start="905" end="910" speaker="homestar">Quoi ?</line> <line start="916" end="937" speaker="clapper" voiceover="voiceover">Prise 126</line> <line start="941" end="981" speaker="homestar">Oh, bonjour ! Je suis Homestar Runner.</line> <line start="990" end="1027"> <homestar>C'est pas génial ?</homestar> <strongbad voiceover="voiceover">Argh, je le supporte plus !</strongbad> </line> <line start="1031" end="1097" speaker="strongbad">Bonjour, et bienvenue sur Je Suis un Imbécile Qui ne Se Souvient Pas de Son Texte Point Com !</line> <line start="1102" end="1140" speaker="strongbad">Non, sérieusement. Je suis Strong Bad, et vous ne le savez pas encore,</line> <line start="1143" end="1173"> <strongbad>mais c'est pour moi que vous êtes là.</strongbad> <homestar>C'est vrai.</homestar> </line> <line start="1180" end="1196" speaker="strongbad">Admirez-moi !</line> <line start="1200" end="1225" speaker="strongbad">Non, sérieusement, admirez-moi.</line> <line start="1236" end="1270" speaker="strongbad">Bon, jetez un œil dans le coin.</line> <line start="1273" end="1306" speaker="strongbad">Je vous recommande fortement de regarder les Strong Bad Emails.</line> <line start="1312" end="1333" speaker="strongbad">Et ce cartoon n'est pas mal.</line> <line start="1336" end="1350" speaker="strongbad">Et ce jeu est plutôt amusant.</line> <line start="1361" end="1375" speaker="strongbad">Je veux dire, j'y ai joué.</line> </transcript>