Medium At A Distance

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Strong Bad plays the board game "Medium" live on Tabletop Simulator with Greater Than Games.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad

Date: Friday, May 1, 2020

Running Time: 1:12:16

[edit] Transcript

MAGGIE: Hey everybody! We're live with Medium and our special guest, Strong Bad. Uh...

STRONG BAD: I came back! I'm still here!

MAGGIE: {overlapping} He came back!

MAGGIE: We've been lucky enough that he's agreed to help us read minds today. Uh, so I'm Maggie. I'm the marketing and sales director for Greater Than Games. Um, and below me is Chris Kirkman. What do you do?

CHRIS: I'm design community liaison for Greater Than Games, and one of the co-owners.

MAGGIE: And then below Chris is Alex.

ALEX: I'm an account manager for Greater Than Games.

MAGGIE: And then below Alex is Strong Bad. What do you do?

STRONG BAD: I'm a wrestleman that likes to kick things and, uh, also say words sometimes.

MAGGIE: {chuckling} Nice. That's a good job.

CHRIS: {overlapping} Good job.

STRONG BAD: I'm known for my words. I'm very well-reknowned for my words.

MAGGIE: {laughs} So we're here with Medium. Medium is a mind-reading party game that Strong Bad has never played before. Correct?

STRONG BAD: That is correct.

MAGGIE: All right. So-

STRONG BAD: {overlapping} We've never met before.

MAGGIE: {overlapping} Never!

STRONG BAD: I am not a plant.

MAGGIE: {laughter} So in this game, we're gonna attempt to read each others' minds, and the way that's going to work is that we each have a hand of cards that, um, we've already dealt out to each other, um, and they all say words on them like, um, "ship" or just like one single word. And we are going to try and lay down a card from our hand to a partner, and that partner is going to look at that card, think about what they have in their own hand, and try and lay down a word so that we can get to a medium word in between the two. And what's a 'medium word'? It's a word that's either inferred by the two cards, or directly between the two words on the cards. Um, an example would be, if I laid down "red", and Kirkman- Chris Kirkman laid down "white", a medium word might be "pink" because red and white makes pink, or it could be "color" because red and white are both colors-

STRONG BAD: {overlapping} "Redite". Why wouldn't it be "redite?" We're- we're not makin' portmanteaus here?

{all laugh}

ALEX: I mean, that would be-

CHRIS: That's a little- that's a little above our pay grade. I don't know what we-

ALEX: No, that's definitely a correct choice as well though

CHRIS: That's true.

STRONG BAD: Okay, so a real third word that somehow links the- the two. Seemingly.

MAGGIE: Yes. And you can't use any of the- the word that's on the card in your new word. So if I had "sun" and Kirkman laid down "beach", I couldn't say "sunset", because "sun" is in "sunset".

STRONG BAD: Gotcha. So none of those compound word things.


ALEX: {overlapping} Yes.

STRONG BAD: What if I say it in a funny voice, like a different voice?

MAGGIE: {considering} Then we might okay it.


MAGGIE: There's also the rule of the group gets to decide if the word is good.

CHRIS: {overlapping} That's very true, yes.


CHRIS: And we could leave it up to chat as well, if you want to.

ALEX: Mmm-hmm.

MAGGIE: That's true.

STRONG BAD: Don't give them any power!

ALEX: So- so Maggie, though, what happens if we get it wrong?

MAGGIE: If you get it wrong, you take the two words that you guessed- so let's say we had "sun" and "beach" and I said "ball" and Kirkman said "umbrella", we would then have to take those two words and guess another medium word between the two. So the two new words that we've said, "ball" and "umbrella", and a new word, which is obviously "rainbow" because beach balls are rainbow-colored, umbrellas are rainbow-colored, "rainbow".

CHRIS: Woooo, mind meld!

MAGGIE: Woooo, mind meld! So when you get it right, you get a certain amount of points, depending on when you get it right, and if you get it wrong, you have to keep guessing. So you get three attempts to get it right. Um, on your third attempt, if you don't get it right, then you know more about the player sitting across from you, and maybe you'll do better next time. It takes time to build that psychic link.


MAGGIE: {overlapping} I'll hear you.

STRONG BAD: Kirkman is obsessed with vegetables. That's what I'm gonna learn, I think, today.

MAGGIE: Yes, that is it.

ALEX: {overlapping} Oh def- yes, he is, he really is.

CHRIS: Everything but kale.

{garbled crosstalk}

STRONG BAD: I'm partially lost, but I think I'll pick it up along the way.

MAGGIE: Yes! You will. It's a really easy game. All right. So who goes first?

CHRIS: You do.

ALEX: Um yeah, I think you do. That way Strong Bad has as many chances as possible to see people do it before he has to do it.


STRONG BAD: Yes. I can harass you all while I wait for my turn.

ALEX: Yes.

MAGGIE: Definitely.

CHRIS: We're going to play rotating teams and not {gesturing} partners? Or what do you want to do?

MAGGIE: Uh, we'll do partners. So you're my partner and Strong Bad's my partner. The way the table's laid out.

CHRIS: Yeah, so the rotating-

ALEX: {overlapping} Clockwise, yeah. Standard rules, yes.

MAGGIE: Standard rules, yes.

CHRIS: All right.

MAGGIE: Yes, so the standard rules in this game are that the player sitting next to me, which, uh, in this little circle we've got goin', would be Kirkman. Uh, the person sitting to my left is my partner, and I will lay down a card for him. The person sitting to my right is also my partner, but we get to play last, because we'll go around in a circle. So I'm going to lay down a card: "Australia". I've been thinking about this for a while! So...

CHRIS: Oh boy...

MAGGIE: Yeah. I know. There's so much that happens in Australia that it's hard to pick, but...

CHRIS: {chuckling}, that's uh- you did something that I don't have anything in my- Okay, let's just try this! I'm going to lay down the card: "elephant".

MAGGIE: {considers} Okay. All right. Um...okay. So now me and Kirkman are sitting here, looking at the cards "Australia" and "elephant", we're going to try and find a medium word between the two. And we're going to get the same word, because we're really good at this game. Definitely gonna match right away. Definitely isn't weird that you laid down "elephant"!

ALEX: And normally they would go "Three, two, one..." and then shout out the answer. But because, uh, playing over video, that- it can be just hard to hear each other, if you're talking at the same time, uh, we're all going to write down the answer. Except for Strong Bad. Strong Bad's going to shout out his answers.

STRONG BAD: Because I'm awesome! And people want to hear my pipes.

ALEX: Yes.

MAGGIE: {giggles} Okay. Kirkman, I've got my answer written down.

CHRIS: I have mine as well.

MAGGIE: You took a long time writing, so...

CHRIS: No, I messed up the first one, so I had to rewrite it.

MAGGIE: {laughing} All right.

STRONG BAD: He wrote "vegetables"!

{All laugh.}

CHRIS: Remember, it's all about the vegetables!

ALEX: Yes, it is.

MAGGIE: All right, so...three, two, one!

{Maggie and Chris hold whiteboards up to their cameras, which focus after a moment: Maggie's reads "animal" and Chris's reads "kangaroo".}

MAGGIE: Animal?

CHRIS: Kangaroo.


CHRIS: So we're close!

MAGGIE: So we're close.

CHRIS: You were on the right- but you had to think about what animal's in Australia.

MAGGIE: "Elephant" isn't there.


CHRIS: It's an animal!

MAGGIE: Okay, so now we have "kangaroo" and "animal".

CHRIS: Oh, boy.

{Both consider while they write.}

CHRIS: We can't use "Australia" again.

MAGGIE: Yeah. And we can't use "elephant," not that we were going to. I, hmmmmmm, I got a word.

CHRIS: "Kangaroo" and "animal"? Um...

ALEX: Vegetable.

CHRIS: Vegetable! Oh yeah, I gotta think about vegetable...

MAGGIE: Don't!

STRONG BAD: I like the way you think, Alex.

MAGGIE: Oh no, now I've got to erase it.

{All laugh.}

MAGGIE: Okay, I've got a word.

CHRIS: This oughta be fun. There's no way we're going to match, but that's fine.

MAGGIE: I love seeing chat's suggestions. Okay, are we ready? Three, two, one...

{Both turn their whiteboards around. Maggie's reads "koala (spelled wrong)" and Chris's reads "joey".}

MAGGIE: "Koala"?

CHRIS: "Joey".

MAGGIE: Oh, okay.

ALEX: Awwwww.

STRONG BAD: Whoaaaaaa.

CHRIS: My camera is also not reversed.

MAGGIE: Mine said "koala," and then it said "spelled wrong"? I'm pretty sure I spelled "koala" wrong. Um, okay, so. Now we have "joey" and a "koala". Um. This is hard.

CHRIS: Yes, it is. This one's-

MAGGIE: "Gupdoo"? In chat actually had a good suggestion, but I can't use it now. It's "desert." We won't be using that one. Um...

STRONG BAD: I think there's like an episode of Friends, like Season Five of Friends, that would come in real handy right now.

CHRIS: With Joey and a koala?

STRONG BAD: Probably. I'm just assuming.

CHRIS: Probably, yeah. Maybe you're thinking about Marcel in Season One or Two. Which season was that?

STRONG BAD: That show really did have a monkey on it, didn't it? They went there!

CHRIS: Yep, they went there. Yep, Ross had a monkey. Hey, and that monkey started Outbreak!

MAGGIE: That's true, it did. Uh...oh man, I have to write down a word. That's what I need to do.

STRONG BAD: Everyone should watch the beginning of Outbreak. It has some of the worst CG I've ever seen. That ever graced the silver screen.

CHRIS: {overlapping} That's saying a lot.

STRONG BAD: There's a really bad, like, uh, relief box that's actually a bomb that explodes some poor village.

CHRIS: Oh, yeah.

STRONG BAD: Really, really terrible.

MAGGIE: Real big. Yeah. Anyway. Okay, I have a word written down.

CHRIS: Ready?

MAGGIE: It's not the right word. Three, two, one...

{Both turn their whiteboards around as Maggie's cat jumps up in the background. Maggie's reads "brushfire" and Chris's reads "zoo".}


MAGGIE: Brushfire? {laughs}

CHRIS: Brushfire! Brushfire is fine. A little dark, but uh...

STRONG BAD: Yeah, ouch.

MAGGIE: Now everyone's going to learn something about me. It's a little dark.

STRONG BAD: Yeah. Maggie likes to envision baby koalas on fire.

{Chris laughs.}

MAGGIE: All right. So that's how you play if you DON'T want any points. So these cards are discarded. {On the Tabletop Simulator screen, Maggie's green cursor moves the "Australia" and "elephant" cards to the middle of the table.} This is gonna be the discard pile, uh, very slowly. And we draw two new cards.

{Chris repeatedly rotates his camera around.}

MAGGIE: Er, one new card.

ALEX: You each draw one new card, yes.

{Chris reverses his camera.}

CHRIS: All right, there we go. I fixed my camera so the words will appear the correct way. {His camera is actually backwards now.}

MAGGIE: Awesome. So now Kirkman and Alex are going to play, and they'll do way better. Show us how you're going to mind meld on the first time.

ALEX: Oh, Kirkman, I'm sorry. Uh, your camera is wrong for yourself, but it was actually- er, now it's right for yourself, but it's wrong for everyone else.

CHRIS: Oh! {He reverses his camera again so the view is correct.} Oh, good. Glad you told me that.

ALEX: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

CHRIS: Okay good, now I can actually-

STRONG BAD: Are my words going to come out backwards when I speak? {Strong Bad begins imitating speaking backwards. All laugh.}

ALEX: Yes, exactly like that.

CHRIS: All right, so I'm going to lay down a card. I'm going to lay down the card "write". W-R-I-T-E.

MAGGIE: Uh, so somebody wants to know- Whalelover wants to know: "Strong Bad, why are you in the middle of Strongbadia with your computer?"

STRONG BAD: Uh, I have a really long extension cord, and like thirty different adapters to pull this off. It is currently smoking and steaming, and I have like ten cooling fans and an entire refrigerator at my CPU.

MAGGIE: Acceptable. Acceptable reason.

ALEX: Mm-hmm.

CHRIS: Is it hot in Strongbadia?

STRONG BAD: No, it's just that all this streamin' is- is causing all my ancient technology to overload.

{Chris laughs.}

CHRIS: Your MS-DOS 1985 setup...

ALEX: All right, let's try this: "cabin". "Cabin" with "write."

CHRIS: "Cabin" with "write"...


MAGGIE: I think it is-

STRONG BAD: I wanna guess this one too!

MAGGIE: Oh, you can-

STRONG BAD: I won't reveal it until at the end.

MAGGIE: Okay. You could also, if you wanted to...there's a card called "Psychic Link." {Alex highlights the card in Tabletop Simulator.} You can guess along with them if you think you know what one of them is going to say.

STRONG BAD: And you can just play that at any time and be like "I know it! I know what they're doing!"?

ALEX: Yeah, but you can only do it once.

MAGGIE: Yeah. And if you choose not to use it, it's worth two points at the end of the game. If you choose to use it, uh, if you are successful, then you will get a certain amount of points back. Um, but if you're not successful then you just don't get anything.

STRONG BAD: Oh. I can't decide if it's worth it. I'll just watch. I'll keep watching! I won't get, uh, I won't get too ambitious.

MAGGIE: Yeah, we need to get to know each other first. We need to learn each others' minds. This is, uh-

STRONG BAD: I can read Alex like a book.

ALEX: Yes. {He laughs.}

CHRIS: Do you have your word?

ALEX: I do!

CHRIS: Mmm, hang on...

MAGGIE: Every time the {unintelligible} because Kirkman's probably got the longest word ever.

ALEX: Right, well, but also when you're the second person you like, you're like "Oh, what word do I have that I can think of that goes with their word," right?

CHRIS: Exactly. All right, this is not exactly correct, but I'm going to do it anyways, so okay.

ALEX: All right. Three, two, one...

{Alex and Chris hold their papers up to the screen. Alex's camera is backwards. Alex's paper reads "Uncle Tom" and Chris's reads "misery."}

ALEX: Uncle Tom?

CHRIS: Misery.

STRONG BAD: Aww, I was with Kirkman! You and me! I shoulda psychic linked with Kirkman!

CHRIS: Yeah, you woulda got points! So glad I wasn't completely out there.


ALEX: No, you weren't. I honestly had no idea, like...I'm like "Kirkman, what do you think of Uncle Tom's Cabin?" I don't know.

CHRIS: It's a perfectly reasonable answer.

MAGGIE: Yeah. You're a professor, I just assume you're-

CHRIS: {overlapping} So now we have "Uncle Tom" and "misery." Um, you've set us up to a very awkward situation here, Alex.

ALEX: {wincing} Yeah, yeah...that's true.

CHRIS: I mean, I'm just gonna put it down.

MAGGIE: "I'm just gonna put it down." Woof. That makes me nervous.

ALEX: Okay, I am just putting it down-

MAGGIE: {overlapping} This is a family-friendly stream.

ALEX: I'm putting down as family-friendly. It's serious, but it's family friendly.

CHRIS: {agreeing} It's serious, but it's family friendly. I'm the same way. You ready?


CHRIS AND ALEX: Three, two, one...

{Alex and Chris reveal their papers. Chris's reads "slavery" and Alex's reads "racism"; Alex's camera is still backwards.}

ALEX: "Racism"?

CHRIS: "Slavery".

ALEX: Aww, close.

CHRIS: Close.

MAGGIE: Yeah. {nervous chuckling} Related.

ALEX: See, that's the kind of moment where we can be like "Hey Maggie and Strong Bad, is that close enough?" Like, we're obviously thinking the same thing, but...

STRONG BAD: I mean, I'm going to say "yes" so we can move on and not offend anybody.

{All laugh.}

MAGGIE: Same. Agreed.

CHRIS: I think that's fair.

STRONG BAD: Let's get outta that situation as soon as possible.

MAGGIE: Yeah, let's just shimmy on outta here.

CHRIS: All right, so, which one is the second guess? {In Tabletop Simulator, he starts moving the cards to piles in the center of the table.} This one? Okay.

MAGGIE: The teal one is the second guess.

{Chris's blue cursor in Tabletop Simulator grabs a second guess tile.}

CHRIS: So we both get "Second Guess."

ALEX: Yeah, so that one goes between the two of us. Yeah, and so we are sharing those points and um, depend on how we're scoring, we're either scoring as a team and the team that gets the most points wins, or each individual who gets the most points between their two teams wins.

MAGGIE: Depends on how friendly we want to be. If you want to win with someone else or just take the glory for ourselves...which, we, you can do. Uh... {She reads comments from chat.} "Number three guy's camera is backwards." {laughs} I think we fixed this already, I think that we're just delayed enough that-

CHRIS: Yeah, probably-

MAGGIE: Kirkman, "number three guy," I think you're it.

CHRIS: Number three guy.

ALEX: Uh, though, that could be me somehow. My camera's coming backwards.

MAGGIE: Oh, you ARE three. Actually.

ALEX: Yeah, let me look at that and see if that's true. {He holds his paper up to the camera again. It is clearly backwards on the stream.} Yeah, that's backwards! That's true. {He lowers the paper and adjusts his camera settings.}

CHRIS: Looks right to me.

MAGGIE: {She continues reading comments from the chat.} "How come Homestar Runner isn't playing this game instead of Strong Bad? He'd be perfect for this game." Question marks??

STRONG BAD: That's a- that's a good point. He uh, he wasn't rigged yet. On time.

{All laugh.}

STRONG BAD: Maybe he can get rigged. I'm always saying "Get rigged, Homestar!" when he comes and bothers me, but he hasn't done it yet. That's a good point. Maybe wi- since this is a psychic game, maybe I'll get psychically possessed by Homestar later on!


STRONG BAD: And I can creep you out by having his voice come out of my fleshtangular mouth.

MAGGIE: Someone also said, uh... {She reads another comment from chat.} "And Strong Sad." They, they would like Strong Sad to play as well.

STRONG BAD: Yeah, I think Strong Sad is an expert at this game already.

ALEX: Oh definitely, definitely.

STRONG BAD: He plays this with a Ouija Board at the same time and plays it by himself with spirits in our basement.

ALEX: Well, speaking of Ouija Boards! {In Tabletop Simulator, Alex pulls the "ghost" card out of his hand and places it on the table towards Strong Bad.} Strong Bad, how about "ghost" for your word?

STRONG BAD: Oh dang. Okay, okay...and now I put down another one, right? And then I'm thinking of one that m- I want to think one one that would have a good link, correct?

ALEX: Yeah. Yes. Potentially one you think that I would get, but-

STRONG BAD: Right. Okay. Here I go, here I go. {In Tabletop Simulator, Strong Bad pulls a card from his hand and places it on the table.} I got "Caribbean!"

ALEX: Oooh. {thinking hard} Oh.

CHRIS: So what are the words here, again? "Ghost" and "Caribbean."

ALEX: Yes. "Ghost" and "Caribbean."

CHRIS: Oh! I- I-, you know what?

ALEX: Yeah, I-

CHRIS: You know what? I'm playing my card, I'm playing my card.

ALEX: Okay.

STRONG BAD: Oh, dang.

MAGGIE: That's fast.

CHRIS: I'm gonna play my psychic link. No, because I know exactly what it is!

STRONG BAD: And wait- and like I said, this is just one, it's not like it can be like a phrase. We're talking one singular word, like Codenames style.

MAGGIE: It can be a phrase-

STRONG BAD: Oh, it could be!

MAGGIE: It's just harder to match on a phrase.

ALEX: And it can be like a proper name. So, like, I said "Uncle Tom" in the previous one.

STRONG BAD: Oh right, right, those were two words. Okay. Um.


STRONG BAD: Okay. Okay. Okay. {Maggie laughs.} I'm going to keep saying "okay."

MAGGIE: I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you-

ALEX: Okay.

MAGGIE: All right, all right.

CHRIS: Okay, good to go, okay!

ALEX: Uh, yeah. There's- there's...mmmm.

STRONG BAD: I hope we're on the same wave length. {He pronounces it like two distinct words.}

ALEX: Yeah, I- I think we're definitely on the same wavelength, I'm just trying to figure out specificity.

MAGGIE: There are just so many ghosts in the Caribbean.

ALEX: All right, um...all right. I am ready.

STRONG BAD: Okay, so I'll look at yours and then yell out? Or should I yell out first because then I could cheat and see yours and say the same thing?

MAGGIE: So, uh, you'll try and count down together, and Alex will try and reveal as you're saying your word out loud.

ALEX: Yes. So plan to yell out first, though.


CHRIS: And I'm revealing at the same time, too.

ALEX: Okay.

{Alex and Strong Bad try to count together.}

ALEX AND STRONG BAD: Three, two, one...


{Chris and Alex hold their sheets up to the camera. Chris's reads "pepper" and Alex's reads "Davy Jones."}

ALEX: Davy Jones.

CHRIS: Pepper!

{There's a pause while they all process the very different words.}

STRONG BAD: Wait, what was Kirkman's?


STRONG BAD: Pepper?!

{All laugh.}

CHRIS: Yeah. Ghost pepper!

STRONG BAD: Ghost peppers! Oh! You're talking about like Mojo Sauce.


CHRIS: Yeah.

MAGGIE: That makes sense. Actually, Kirkman, I think you're right. {laughs}

STRONG BAD: I was thinkin' of those movies, man! And the ride!

CHRIS: I thought you-

ALEX: Yes, yes.

CHRIS: But I thought you'd be on my wavelength, 'cause it's a vegetable.

STRONG BAD: {cracks up} I thought- I thought that was a joke. I didn't realize we were going literal with the veggies. {Chris laughs.} I also was going to say either "Le Chuck" or "Monkey Island," but I didn't know if those were two- two people would have got.

MAGGIE: Monkey Island!

CHRIS: Oh, Monkey Island was-

ALEX: Monkey Island was the best.

MAGGIE: That was a suggestion in chat. We should have-

ALEX: Yeah.

STRONG BAD: Aw man. The chat peoples feel me.

ALEX: Yeah, no, so I knew it was either "pirate" or "Davy Jones" and I was like "I don't know how specific you're going to go."

STRONG BAD: I went broad. Because I figured- I thought that was easier. I'm sorry.

ALEX: No, no, no. You did the right thing. I probably did the wrong thing, going with Davy Jones.

STRONG BAD: All right, so we gotta discard both? No? How do we go to the next round.

ALEX: So, so now you and I have to pick between "Davy Jones" and "pirate" and try to get the same word, but we can't use "Caribbean" or "ghost".

STRONG BAD: Right, right, okay. Oh! Uh, that's easy. I got- I'm like, ready to go.

ALEX: I am too.

STRONG BAD: All right. You count it down.

ALEX: All right. Three, two, one...

{Alex reveals his paper, which reads "Jack Sparrow".}

STRONG BAD: Lockerrrrrrr!

CHRIS: Jack Sparrow! I new Jack Sparrow was coming.


STRONG BAD: Aww, come on!

CHRIS: "Locker" is a great answer, though.

ALEX: That is a great answer, yes.

STRONG BAD: So now do we have to think of what's in Jack Sparrow's locker?

CHRIS: {laughing} Yes.

ALEX: Oh, but I have an answer for that one. "Jack Sparrow" and "locker"? I have that.

STRONG BAD: Oh dang. Um...uh...I think I do too.

ALEX: Okay.

STRONG BAD: All right, go for it.

ALEX: All right. Three, two, one...

{Alex reveals his paper, which reads "heart".}

ALEX: "Heart."

STRONG BAD: "Lots of eyeliner"!

{All laugh.}

MAGGIE: "Lots of eyeliner."

CHRIS: Perfect.

STRONG BAD: Wait, what was yours, Alex?

ALEX: Mine was "heart."

MAGGIE: "Heart."

STRONG BAD: {disappointed} Ohhh...

ALEX: I was going for the actual Pirates trilogy and I was like "Oh yes, Davy Jones's locker, it had the heart." It had-

STRONG BAD: I don't remember anything from those movies, man!

CHRIS: Yeah, that was pretty- that was a deep cut, Alex.

ALEX: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

MAGGIE: Listen, those like five fans of Pirates of the Caribbean really appreciate that you did that, though. So...

ALEX: Yep.

CHRIS: That's true. You'll be getting your cheque from Disney any day now.

MAGGIE: All right. {In Tabletop Simulator, Alex moves the two cards to the center discard pile.} So those words are discarded. You guys didn't get any points, but that's okay. You know a lot more about each other than you did before, so next time you'll do better!

ALEX: It's okay. Uh, Maggie and Kirkman didn't get any points together either.

MAGGIE: Yeah, that's true.

CHRIS: That's true.

ALEX: And Strong Bad, here's another card for you. {In Tabletop Simulator, Alex deals Strong Bad and himself each a new card.} Put it in your hand.

STRONG BAD: Oh boy, another card.

MAGGIE: And you'll get to pick your card first this time. So Strong Bad, you'll lay down a card for me, and then I will pick one from my hand, and we'll go from there.

STRONG BAD: Right. Here we go. Ba-DING! {In Tabletop Simulator, Strong Bad plays a card from his hand that isn't clearly visible to the audience.}

MAGGIE: {reading the chat} Other people also said "eyeliner." Just so you know.


ALEX: And rum.

STRONG BAD: I'm gonna start playing with the chat people. You guys are useless.

{All laugh.}

MAGGIE: Although, a bunch of people did say "heart" also, so...and then someone also said "jar of dirt," which is a very deep cut. Um... {to Strong Bad} you said "ring?" Um...

{In Tabletop Simulator, Alex mouses over Strong Bad's card to show that it says "alien".}

STRONG BAD: "Alien". "Alien" is my card.

ALEX: {overlapping} So, Strong Bad put down "alien."

CHRIS: "Alien"? All right!

MAGGIE: Oh, "alien". Okay. {She pauses to think.} Mmmmmm...all right, all right, all right. I've got- surely there's something? {She clicks her tongue.} Oh! {In Tabletop Simulator, Maggie pulls a card out of her hand without revealing it, then changes her mind and puts it back.} Oh man. Okay. {She lays down the original card again.} I'm going to lay down this card because...I'm committed to that. I picked it.

{Chris looks at the card himself and chuckles. In Tabletop Simulator, Alex mouses over Maggies card to reveal "plumber".}

CHRIS: Ha! "Plumber"!

MAGGIE: So I'm thinking of something kind of specific. Um.

STRONG BAD: Alien plumber.

CHRIS: Alien Plumber. You remember that failed sitcom from the late 1980's, right?

ALEX: Yeah. The- The Alien Plumber?

STRONG BAD: It was a spinoff of Alf.

CHRIS: Yeah, yeah, Alf!

STRONG BAD: Shumway- Shumway and Sons Plumbing. It was great!

MAGGIE: All right, I've got my word. Are you ready?

STRONG BAD: {stammering} I- I- Uh, no. Hang on. I gotta feels some, uh, mystical vibes coming through here. Um...

MAGGIE: All right, all right. I'll try this. If we were in person, I would make direct eye contact with you and be like "We're gonna link up on this."


MAGGIE: It's really hard to do through a webcam, but I'm trying.

CHRIS: Yeah normally you do like... {He points from his head to the camera with both hands, gesturing repeatedly.}

MAGGIE: I'm trying to send you these wavelengths.

ALEX: Just- just look straight into Strong Bad's eyes.

STRONG BAD: {muttering} Plumber. Alien. Plumber.

ALEX: And he will understand her.

STRONG BAD: Okay. I'm...I...this is so wrong! But let's do it!

MAGGIE: All right. Ready?


MAGGIE: Three, two, one...

{Maggie holds up her whiteboard, which reads "Men in Black".}

MAGGIE: "Men in Black".

STRONG BAD: "Harry Dean Stanton"!

{All laugh.}


MAGGIE: I don't know WHO that is!

CHRIS: Yeah, I'll just say: you're way out of your league with Maggie on this one.

ALEX: Yes.

CHRIS: But that's a good answer.

STRONG BAD: All right, but what did you say?

MAGGIE: "Men in Black".

STRONG BAD: What is it? I missed your answer, Maggie.

MAGGIE: "Men in Black".

STRONG BAD: Oh. Oh no, that's- yeah, you're in the ballpark. I just went way older. {Chris laughs.} I just thought of that park where he's, like, in that room, and there's the drippy stuff everywhere, and he's chasin' the cat. And that's when he gets killed by the alien. Right? Harry Dean Stanton?

CHRIS: Harry Dean Stanton. This is-

STRONG BAD: {overlapping} I don't think he was actually plumbing at the time. He was more of a space trucker, but uh...

CHRIS: That's true.

STRONG BAD: I've always thought about plumbing. In that scene.

CHRIS: Maggie, Alien is a 1979 film-


CHRIS: -by Ridley Scott that you've probably seen.

MAGGIE: I've seen it. I just don't know who that person is.

STRONG BAD: {incredulously} You don't know who Harry Dean Stanton is?


STRONG BAD: All right. We're going to watch Cool Hand Luke. Right after this, me and Maggie are going to livestream watching Cool Hand Luke together.

MAGGIE: {laughing} Okay.

ALEX: All right.

CHRIS: That's a great idea.

ALEX: But- however, neither of you-

STRONG BAD: {overlapping} And then you're gonna watch Twin Peaks Firewalk with me.

CHRIS: Ooh, yes.

ALEX: Neither of you went with "Roger Wilco", which is also the correct answer.

STRONG BAD: I totally- that's what I was gonna say! Space Quest 5! Specifically! For some reason. I don't know why.

ALEX: Yes! That's the Spinal Frontier, right?

STRONG BAD: I believe so, yes. It was just the straight-up Star Trek-y one.

ALEX: Yes.

STRONG BAD: Uh, yes. Yeah, that's a good point. I thought- but he's technically a janitor, and not a plumber, but I thought the same thing. But I didn't know how, if Maggie would know-

MAGGIE: Maggie doesn't know.

ALEX: Oh, definitely not. Definitely not.

MAGGIE: Oh, no no no no no.

STRONG BAD: All right, so what do we gotta-? So now do we gotta go...which one do we go with? "Harry Dean Stanton" or yours?

MAGGIE: Uh, I can't say.

ALEX: Both. So you have "Harry Dean Stanton" and "Men in Black".

STRONG BAD: Okay. He was probably in that movie, technically. I dunno. There was a period there where he showed up everyplace. Uh, okay. "Men in Black", "Harry Dean Stanton", and Maggie doesn't know who Harry Dean Stanton is. {He cracks up a bit.}


MAGGIE: So fun! It's really fun for me. Um...

STRONG BAD: But hey! Hey. Let's-? Can I-? We shouldn't- are we allowed to discuss at all? I mean, you can assume a few things about him, right? Based on my, uh


ALEX: I think it's okay to, like, explain who he is a bit.

MAGGIE: {overlapping} Sorta like Kirkman said, and...yeah. Yeah.

STRONG BAD: He's an actor! There you go. Okay. So let's go with "Harry Dean Stanton" and "Men in Black"...uh, let's see...

CHRIS: He was also in Cool Hand Luke, so you know he's aged quite a bit.

MAGGIE: {unconvincingly} Yeah, that...helps.

CHRIS: So he's an older actor, is what I'm saying.

STRONG BAD: I've got an answer. I've got an answer.

MAGGIE: Oh no. Uh...okay.

STRONG BAD: You got this, Maggie. You got this.

MAGGIE: {chuckling} All right. I've got- I wrote an answer down.

STRONG BAD: Staring too hard, it looks like our crystal ball melted in the center of our table. I feel like that's part of the problem here.

{All laugh.}

MAGGIE: Probably, yeah.

STRONG BAD: All right, ready?

ALEX: I'll work on getting a prop the next time we play?

MAGGIE: Yes, please do. Thank you.


MAGGIE: Okay. Three, two, one...

{Maggie reveals her whiteboard, which reads "Agent K.".}

STRONG BAD: "Tommy Lee Jones"!

MAGGIE: "Agent K."!

CHRIS: {excitedly} "Agent K."!

MAGGIE: Agent K. is Tommy Lee Jones, yeah?

CHRIS: Yeah. You got it.

STRONG BAD: All right!

{All four begin talking at once.}

ALEX: Yeah, that's- that's fair. Yes, yes.

STRONG BAD: That counts? That counts if we let you guys's count.

CHRIS: That's fair.

MAGGIE: I couldn't think of Tommy-

STRONG BAD: After the "racism" one, of which we will not speak.

{All laugh.}

MAGGIE: Which we will not speak of. All right. {In Tabletop Simulator, Maggie grabs a Second Attempt token and places it between her and Strong Bad.} So we had a Second Attempt Mind Meld Token. That's not that bad. That actually went way better than I thought it would, given what we started with.

ALEX: All right. {In Tabletop Simulator, Alex deals new cards to Strong Bad and Maggie.} Here's a card fro Strong Bad, here's a card for Maggie. You both said you can't draw a card, so I'm going to do that for you.

MAGGIE: Thank you, I appreciate that.

STRONG BAD: {simultaneously} No, I appreciate it.

MAGGIE: {In Tabletop Simulator, Maggie fiddles with her hand.} Oh wait, it just flipped over. All right. {Maggie lays a card from her hand on the table between her and Chris.}

STRONG BAD: In the real world, cards and boxing gloves don't always mix so great. Uh, so I appreciate that. I may have you come over to my house later on, Alex.

ALEX: Uh, yeah, absolutely. Just, um...I was going to say "get me a plane ticket," but uh...that's- that's complicated right now.

STRONG BAD: You don't wanna get on a plane right now, man.

MAGGIE: {overlapping} I think that you need more than a plane ticket to get to Strongbadia.

ALEX: Oh no, there's-

CHRIS: {interrupting} All right, Maggie, we got this one!

{In Tabletop Simulator, Chris plays a card next to Maggie's. Alex mouses over both to show that they read "magic" and "chimney".}

MAGGIE: What did you lay down?

CHRIS: "Magic" and "chimney".

ALEX: "Magic" and "chimney".

MAGGIE: {perking up} Okay! Okay, okay, okay.

CHRIS: This is easy.

ALEX: Yes it is.

STRONG BAD: You guys got the easy one.

ALEX: But, but once again it's the question of which route do you go? Like there are several different options that answers that- that those two connect to.

MAGGIE: Alex, stop! Stop making us feel bad! We definitely picked the right words.

STRONG BAD: You going to go with the 1968 local public access children's show from Detroit, called "The Magic Chimney"?

CHRIS: "The Magic Chimney"!

ALEX: Yes!

{All laugh.}

MAGGIE: You can't say either of those words! All right. Three, two, one...

{Maggie and Chris show their whiteboards. Both read "Santa".}

MAGGIE: "Santa"?

CHRIS: "Santa"!

STRONG BAD: Yayyyyyy!

CHRIS: Mind meld!

ALEX: No! "Dick Van Dyke".

{Everyone starts talking at once. Strong Bad begins singing the theme song from The Dick Van Dyke Show.}

CHRIS: Well, that was the other one that I-

MAGGIE: Just thought about that!

CHRIS: "Mary Poppins" was one and "Dick Van Dyke" was another.

ALEX: Yep.

{In Tabletop Simulator, both Maggie and Chris reach for First Chance Mind Meld tokens.}

MAGGIE: I got us our point. Get outta here, kid.

CHRIS: Oh, you got it already? {In Tabletop Simulator, he puts the token back in the center while Maggie discards the cards from last turn.} Hey, that's good rendition of The Dick Van Dyke Show, Strong Bad.

ALEX: Yeah, it was.


MAGGIE: I just knew Mary Poppins. Yeah.

STRONG BAD: From the episode where he tripped over the couch, and then hit the chimney and, like, busted his head open. They- they never aired that one.

CHRIS: That was an unaired episode.

STRONG BAD: Mary Tyler Moore, covered in the blood of Dick Van Dyke. It's terrifying.

CHRIS: And then walnuts poured out of the chimney everywhere.

STRONG BAD: Exactly.

ALEX: Yeah, they figured it was just too close to Mary Poppins that they couldn't do it.

MAGGIE: People were gonna get confused. {She begins reading comments from the chat.} "Strongbadia's airport is made of cardboard, and the plane is powered by The Cheat."

STRONG BAD: That is true. It's powered by a vinegar baking soda drive.

{In Tabletop Simulator, Chris plays a card from his hand, which reads "pie".}

ALEX: Yeah, that's- that's fine. I've been on-

STRONG BAD: {overlapping} That's our preferred method of nuclear fission in Strongbadia.

ALEX: I've been on sketchier planes. It's fine.

MAGGIE: That is true.

STRONG BAD: It's the same thing that Ryanair uses.

CHRIS: There you go. It's Ryanair. Or- what's it? Spirit Airlines, that flies out of Florida.


CHRIS: Oh, AirTran, yep.

ALEX: {He mouses over Chris's card to get a better look.} Oh, "pie"!

CHRIS: Or {putting on a heavy Southern accent} "pie", as we say down here.

MAGGIE: Yeah, Kirk-

ALEX: I'm going to go with "glove".

CHRIS: "Pie" and "glove". Of all the words you could choose, you chose "glove". Okay.

ALEX: Yes.

MAGGIE: This is so easy! Hang on. {In Tabletop Simulator, Maggie grabs her Psychic Link card.} Psychic Link.

STRONG BAD: Oh, dang. Maggie thinks she's got it!


STRONG BAD: {singing} I'm wearin' my pieeee glooooooooves! Bakin' something nice for you, girl! Wearin' up my pieeee gloooooves!

{All laugh.}

MAGGIE: This is my favourite romance song. It's a good love song.

STRONG BAD: It's pretty good.

MAGGIE: Yeah. Okay.

CHRIS: Okay. All right, all right, I got one.

ALEX: Okay, okay.

MAGGIE: I was born ready.

ALEX: Yep. No, this was so straightforward. Yep.

MAGGIE: Three, two, one...

{Maggie, Chris, and Alex all hold their whiteboards and papers up to their cameras. Each reads "oven mitt".}


STRONG BAD: Yesssss!

CHRIS: Oh, yay!

STRONG BAD: I am tied for last!

ALEX: I am impressed that we all got the correct version of that, too.


STRONG BAD: Somebody coulda said, like, "potholder" or, you know-

MAGGIE: "Oven glove".

STRONG BAD: -"silicon fancy ones from Cook's Warehouse" or whatever.

ALEX: Yeah.

CHRIS: Yeah, and I considered even "baking", because I was thinking "glove" is maybe the baking oven mitts, so they're all involved with baking. I'm glad we all got that. That was good.

ALEX: Yeah.

MAGGIE: {reading from chat} Chat says "biscuit dough hands man", so...

CHRIS: Oh, that was my first thought.

MAGGIE: Yeah, that was ACTUALLY what I wrote down first, so...

STRONG BAD: That's what I woulda had, yeah.

CHRIS: Biscuit, what was the chat saying?

MAGGIE: {emphasizing each word} Biscuit. Dough. Hands. Man.

STRONG BAD: He's- he's on the Most Wanted List in Free Country, USA. Biscuit Dough Hands Man.

ALEX: Yeah, yeah.

CHRIS: Biscuit Dough Hands Man.

STRONG BAD: He always commits crimes. Some day, we will catch him! He's always three steps ahead!

{All laugh.}

MAGGIE: All right.

STRONG BAD: I dunno, is it you and me, Alex?

ALEX: Yeah, it is.

CHRIS: Yeah.

MAGGIE: Y'all are up.

ALEX: Let's go with something really similar to what we've done before, okay? {In Tabletop Simulator, Alex draws the "captain" card from his hand and places it on the table.} How about a "captain"?

STRONG BAD: Oooh, a cap-tain! {He pronounces it "cap-tane".} Okay. {He hums and mutters to himself while flipping through cards.} Ooh, oh yeah. Okay. You better be on my wave lengths. {pronouncing it as two words}

ALEX: Okay.

STRONG BAD: Okay, here we go. This is it. {In Tabletop Simulator, Strong Bad places the "shark" card on the table.}

CHRIS: Oh, this is an easy one. Wish I had my card left.

MAGGIE: What is it?

CHRIS: It's "captain" and "shark".

ALEX: "Captain", "shark".

STRONG BAD: It's "captain" and "shark"! There's only one choice, Alex!

CHRIS: Only one choice.

STRONG BAD: If you get this wrong, I'm going to rage quit {cracking up} and flip the table! But not really. 'Cause we should probably play a whole round.

ALEX: Oh, is really worrying me that it's not immediately coming to my head.

MAGGIE: Oh, me too.

CHRIS: You must not be...oh, hmm.

STRONG BAD: Come on!

CHRIS: I'm not surprised with Maggie, but Alex, you should get this.

MAGGIE: I know it! Rude.

CHRIS: Do you?

MAGGIE: Yeah. Rude!

CHRIS: Nice! All right.

STRONG BAD: Maggie's like "Yeah, uh, it's the name of the guy from Deep Blue Sea", or like, some terrible 90's CG shark movie. {Maggie laughs.} I'm just kidding, Maggie.

MAGGIE: No, that is fair. I deserve it.

CHRIS: Ian Ziering in Sharknado.

STRONG BAD: There you go.

ALEX: Right, see, this is where I'm going like "Is this some sort of Jaws reference or Sharknado reference, and I'm not going to think of the name of the character"? Like, that seems likely.

MAGGIE: It's okay. Go with your gut. You know what? Go with what your mind tells you.

ALEX: Yeah, yeah.

STRONG BAD: I'll only think worse of you, Alex, that's- that's it. It's okay.

ALEX: I mean, I'd like to think you can't think better of me. So...that's fine. There's only one way to go.

MAGGIE: You can only go down from here.

STRONG BAD: Well, I'm pretty convinced now that we're not going to get this right. So let's just get it over with, Alex! {Alex chuckles.} I thought this was a shoe-in, but it's okay.

ALEX: Yeah, yeah, yeah, um...sure. Okay. Great. I've got it, I've got it.

STRONG BAD: All right. Three, two, one...

{Alex holds his paper up to the camera, which reads "movie".}

ALEX: "Movie".

STRONG BAD: "Quint"!

CHRIS: "Quint" is the correct answer.

ALEX: Yeah, so who is Quint?

STRONG BAD: Aww! Come on!

CHRIS: He's the captain of the Orca!

STRONG BAD: "Here's to swimming with the bow-legged women!"

CHRIS: Yeah.

STRONG BAD: It's the name of the captain of the boat from Jaws.


STRONG BAD: And then you said "Is this going to be some specific character from the movie Jaws? I'm not going to know that!" and I realized we were hosed.

ALEX: Yes.

CHRIS: But round two is going to be super easy!

ALEX: Right.

CHRIS: Because you got "movie" and "Quint"...

ALEX: Yeah.


STRONG BAD: Oh! That's a good point. All right, well, this is a gimme.

ALEX: Okay. I'm ready when you are.

STRONG BAD: All right.

ALEX AND STRONG BAD: Three, two, one...

{Alex reveals his paper, which says "Jaws".}

ALEX: "Jaws"!

STRONG BAD: "Jaws 3, in 3D"!

{All laugh.}

STRONG BAD: I'm just kidding. Regular "Jaws".

ALEX: Yep.

MAGGIE: Good job.

ALEX: Yeah, so that was like, advanced strategy there, on my part. I was like "Well, I'm not gonna get this, so I'm going to pick a word that I think will make it easy to pick something from there."

STRONG BAD: That's smart.

CHRIS: Smart.

MAGGIE: Yeah, that was very good.

STRONG BAD: Yeah, that's good strageggies.

{In Tabletop Simulator, Alex cleans up the last round, grabs a point token, and deals new cards for himself and Strong Bad.}

MAGGIE: Oh yeah, now it's my turn. Somehow I don't have enough cards.

CHRIS: You got two right there.

{Alex deals another card to Maggie.}

STRONG BAD: Wait, I got another one, and then, okay, so I select one of mine, correct?

ALEX: Yes.


STRONG BAD: All right. {Strong Bad plays the "dirt" card from his hand.} So, this is a word I am very well acquainted with, as you can see from my background: "dirt"!

MAGGIE: "Dirt".

CHRIS: {laughing} Yes.

STRONG BAD: We have lovely fallowed, furrowed fields of dirt here in Strongbadia.

MAGGIE: Uh, okay.

CHRIS: Oh, you're thinking of your word?

MAGGIE: I'm thinking of words. I think that we can get to a matching word on this. {In Tabletop Simulator, Maggie plays the "pyramid" card from her hand.}

CHRIS: Oh. So easy.

ALEX: Yeah. "Pyramid" and "dirt".

MAGGIE: Yeah, that'll work. I think that'll do.

STRONG BAD: Okay. I think, uh...

ALEX: I will in fact Psychic Link on that.

STRONG BAD: Oh dang. I wouldn't. But if you- if one of you Psychic Links with Maggie and not me, you get some points, but I just get...I get nothing.

MAGGIE: We just keep guessing.

ALEX: Well, I get points, but neither you nor Maggie do.

MAGGIE: Yeah, we just keep guessing. So if he matches with me, which, he might? I think he will. Uh. {reading from chat} Someone says "That's dirt? I thought it was a deck." No. It's just dirt. Just rows and rows of dirt behind him.

STRONG BAD: You've always thought it was wood? Well, one time Homestar covered it with a deck, when he made a deck that just never ended and covered all of the lands. But, uh, no, it's nice- nicely rows, nice rows of dirt. Anyways. Let's do it, then!

ALEX: It's very nice dirt, yes. It's good dirt.

MAGGIE: Three, two, one...

{Maggie and Alex hold their whiteboard and paper up to the camera. Both read "sand".}


STRONG BAD: "Sand"! Wait, did we all three get it?

CHRIS: Yeah.

MAGGIE: Yeah, we did.


CHRIS: Nice.

STRONG BAD: I couldn't decide if we were going "desert" or "sand" and I switched my choice at the last minute.


{Alex and Maggie start cleaning up the round and passing out First Round Mind Meld tokens.}

STRONG BAD: All right! First- so, first round style! Do I get one?

ALEX: You split one between the two of you.

MAGGIE: We share... {She fumbles around in Tabletop Simulator.} I'm picking up all of them. I can't, I can't stop.

ALEX: I've got it, I got it. {Alex puts all the tokens in the correct spot.}

MAGGIE: Thank you.

ALEX: So, uh, right over here is your pool of points that you and Maggie have. {He indicates a pile of tokesn with his cursor.} And right here, the single card is the pool of points that you and I have.

STRONG BAD: Gotcha. I'm going to flip the table at the end of the game, no matter who wins, anyways, so.

ALEX: Okay.

CHRIS: Well, we would be disappointed if you didn't.

STRONG BAD: I'm only partially paying attention.

{Transcribed through 36:48.}

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