Happy T!
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Happy T! is a bizarre little sign reading precisely that. It was put up on the Main Page for Thanksgiving 2002. Click on a letter to hear a character speak!
Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Strong Bad, Bubs, Strong Sad, Coach Z, Strong Mad, Homsar (Easter egg)
Date: Thursday, November 28, 2002
Running time: 0:24 (all 8 sound clips combined)
Page Title: N/A
Contents |
[edit] Transcript
{It's a sign reading "HAPPY T!" Clicking on each letter (and the exclamation point) from left to right yields each of the bits of text outlined below}
MARZIPAN: Happy T, everybody!
STRONG BAD: Happy freakin' T... losers.
BUBS: Happy dappy T, everybody.
STRONG SAD: What are we all talking about? I mean, "Happy T"?
COACH Z: Horpy Tor!
[edit] Easter Eggs
- Clicking near the bottom right (this was the bottom right corner on the main pages) reveals a hidden Homsar voice clip. It's easiest to use the Tab button to highlight it, as the clickable area is very small.
- HOMSAR: Nooowowowow, this is the thrill of a lifetime.
[edit] Fun Facts
- On the 2010 Calendar, it says "(Happy T!!)" on Thanksgiving.
- The King of Town is the only main character with intelligible speech not to say anything.