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Revision as of 04:31, 20 November 2004 by oddtodd (Talk | contribs)
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Hellboy Funfact, if you insist on having the Hellboy funfact then you need to explain where it comes from. -YourFuzzyGod (sorry about not signing)

Yeah, I agree with YourFuzzyGod. Seriously, WHERE is the connection? Not all of us have read/watched Hellboy, so some kind of explanation would be nice. Shadow Hog 16:41, 10 Nov 2004 (MST)
We've not gotten any explanation. Therefore, I don't see why this thing is still in here; it's just too obscure for me to get, and I seriously doubt I'm alone.
Either way, I'll leave the code here for people to mull over. Shadow Hog 21:01, 18 Nov 2004 (MST)

*Homestar's pronunciation of "pamcakes" could be a reference to the comic (and movie) ''[[Wikipedia:Hellboy|Hellboy]]''.

Doesn't Coach Z say "The pamcake wins!" - i.e. echoing HR's mispronounciation? -- PrinceOfTown

-- I think so, I changed it.

Is this the best way to represent a montage?

Some of the scene changes are off slightly. At least one photo is missing from the end credits.

Uh, in the fun facts it says this is the first email to be written by a Hrwiki member. You guys should clarify that you mean the email itself, not Strong Bad's response, unless an HRWiki member actually wrote the script (which I doubt you meant).

Background of the spinning scene

I watched the e-mail again just now, and noticed the background of the scene where Strong Bad and the wagon are spinning around has been corrected to a bunch of blurred trees. I watched it several times when it first went up though, and I'm fairly certain it was static then. So I restored the fun fact.


porplemontage wrote it

Warning: Bad spelling ahead

Watered Down

Need the Watered Down fun fact be there? There's really nothing indicating that it is a reference to Watership Down in the slightest. (And as I've read the book about three times, I've noticed the lack of any real connection even more.) --TheNintenGenius 00:45, 14 Nov 2004 (MST)

I have nothing wrong with it having been removed. I had a problem with it being removed with no explanation to back it up, or any summary at all. That's the kind of Wiki-ing that we don't want.
That said, your reason works for me. Shadow Hog 17:45, 14 Nov 2004 (MST)

Question Mock

(Forgive the pun.)

From "Fun Facts:"

Strong Bad, who makes a point of criticizing every e-mailer's
spelling and grammar, makes a critical mistake here himself.
"Why don't you creat an alternate reality where you don't have to spell
correctly and I talk like this." should have a question mark, but it doesn't!

Since Strong Bad is trying to mock the e-mailer, I think his use of a period instead of a question mark was intentional. In the e-mailer's "alternate reality," proper punctuation could go out the door too. --oddtodd 21:31, 19 Nov 2004 (MST)