
From Homestar Runner Wiki

Revision as of 14:31, 15 June 2005 by Cheatachu72 (Talk | contribs)
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Why hello? I dont do much on this web site. You probably dont even know who I really am. However I do use this web site quite abit, but refuse to edit any pages except this one because my spelling is so atrousious. Any dang way, I am a freak on h*r.. So this web page could be like, my life...

I do some EXTREMLY minor HTML and web design, so minor that I probably shouldn't even put it in here. However, I do tinker around with it more the the average gi joe. Fireworks is pretty much the second best thing to hrwiki. My duel monitors usually consist of fireworks in one, and a firefox brower in the other.

And if anyone wants me to make some coolish buddied icons, (animated or not), just message me your detailed request and i'll do my best.


Cheatachu72, here is your icon of the cheat. I'd love someone to tell me how to upload pics onto the server, so the best i can do is paste a link, sry.

Good News Bad News

  • Bad News- My computer is terrible at uploading, so I don't bother or know.
  • Good News-I have pix all over my User Page as you can see. However, I didn't ever use the button "Upload File" although Pac-man might.

Here's how I do it

1) I just find the pic I want to put wherever. 2) I click it. 3) A page should come up with a larger version of the pic along with something along the lines of Image:blahblahblahblahblah.png. For example, the picture for Strong Bad Email #125. If you go to the page "rock opera", you click on the pic and you'll find on the top of that page that the pic's URL or something is Image:sbemail125.png. 4)Do some copy action on that Image: thing. 5)Go to the page that you want to put the pic on. 6)Edit the page and wherever you want to put the pic, just this [[(paste the URL thing here)]]. Make sure you do the [[]] thing. 7)You got a pic! You'll get used to it. Now even I didn't understand Pac-man's instructions, so I hope this was some help. Cheatachu72 14:30, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC)

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