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Revision as of 11:40, 24 May 2005 by Benol (Talk | contribs)
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Wow, I finally got my own account, after like FOREVER of trying. well, ummmm, I'm Benol, and , ummmmm Hi, I guess.


Hey there, ho there! I'm Benol! The Coach B, I'd guess you'd call me. Or plain old Coach is fine, seein' as I'm the only one around, so, probably no one else would answer to that. You say "Hey Coach!", and I'd say "Yeah?" or..."That's me!" or..."Hoo-hah!"

Coach Z is the best jengajam on the whole website. I won't lie to you. Strong Bad is no way as cool as him. I mean, even the cheat doesn't even compare to his awsomeness.

E mail me at I don't have AIM, or MSN or YIM or any of that, and I will never get it. no, not even for you, Nebulon.

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