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Mario Party: Special Edition

Chapter 1: Prologue to the Party

It was a bright, sunny day in the Mushroom Kingdom, and Peach decided to throw a grand party…

Peach: Oh, because it's so bright and sunny I— wait a sec, who was that talking?

Who, me?

Peach: Yes, you.

I'm the narrator.

Peach: Narrator?

Author. Whatever. Just… erm… continue on.

Peach: Well, I'm going to throw a party. Now, where's that list of people I'm inviting? Ah… here it is.

Toad: Do you want me to mail the list?

Peach: No, I want you to mail invitations to the people on the list. You too, Toadette!

Toadette: Dang.

Peach: And be sure to send five invites to each person. You can't rely on the mail service here. At least one of them should reach the person.

Toadette: (looks over list) Okay. Oh-kay. We need to send invitations to…

Toad: Oh great, here it comes…

Toadette: Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Wario, Waluigi, Boo, Dry Bones, Birdo, Tumble, the Millennium Star, Game Guy, Belltop, that greedy Goomba who wears pink, the Koopa with the tropical shirt, that fruity Toad who dresses in—oh wait, that is Toad—, the Shy Guy with that explorer's hat, Eldstar, Mamar, Skolar, Muskular, Misstar, Klevar, Kalmar, Brighton, Twila, Toadsworth—hey, he lives here already—, and 'anyone else we can think of'?

Peach: Yes, that's exactly right!

Toad: Toadette, make coffee and lots of it!

(A month later)

Toad: We finished, your highness.

Peach: (playing Mario Party, uh… let's make it an advance copy of the next Mario Party game) …Finished what?

Toadette: Sending the invitations!

Peach: What invitations?

Toad: Oh, great. We do your bidding for a whole freakin' month and you don't REMEMBER what we were DOING? AAAAAAAAHHHH! (runs around in circles screaming until Toadette trips him)

Toadette: The party invitations. Remember, your highness?

Peach: Oooh… wait, yeah. I remember. What took you so long?

Toadette: (twitches) Well, you did ask us to send five copies to each person on the list and since you provided us with no paper or writing utensils we had to make our own quill pens, walnut ink and also made our own paper…

Peach: Ohh…right. I guess I should have told you where the paper was. Oh well. Now we just have to sit back and wait! (Turns off the Gamecube and sits back in her chair.)

Toad: (Long pause.) Um… your highness?

Peach: What?

Toadette: The party's not for another week.

Peach: Oh, really? Then I'm going on a little trip. I'd like to go back to Isle Delfino. I'll be back soon! Bye-bye! (Leaves out a back door.)

Toadette: Someone really should tell her that's just a sandbox. Isle Delfino's quite far away.

Toad: Nah, she'll figure it out.

Six hours later…

Toad: Okay, let's go tell her.

Finally, that week passes. Toad and Toadette made the preparations.

Toad: Do you think Bowser will come?

Toadette: Yeah, probably. He always does. We should make some space for him and the Koopa Kids, don't you think?

Toad: Yeah, I agree.

Toadette: You think Bowser would like the spiky chair?

Toad: Yeah. I wonder why the princess got that horrid thing, anyway…

Toadette: It was on sale. You know how girls get when an item's on sale!


Toad and Toadette pass a display of assault rifles that are 75 percent off listed price.

Toadette: Ooh, look at this!

Toad: …What would we need these for?

Toadette: Didn't you say you lost your bazooka? And look! They're 75 percent off! We should get two or three of them!

Toad: …

End flashback

Toad: Yeah, unfortunately, I do know.

Toad and Toadette make all the preparations. They're the only servants in the place right now because Toadsworth lost most of the princess's money to the slot machines in the hotel at Sirena Beach, at Grate Guy's Casino just off Bean Valley, or at Pianta Parlor in Rogueport. She could afford to pay only two for a while, so Toad and Toadette were forced to stay while the others left. Toadsworth had been in rehab for a while, but, alas, he was back.

Toad: It'll be great keeping Toadsworth away from that greedy Goomba and Game Guy…

Finally, everyone arrives. No need to go into detail there. Oh, and Bowser shows up, of course. Once everyone's there, they wonder what they're supposed to do…

And the point of view is changing here, since I'm a heck-of-a-lot more used to writing in either first person or third person with total or at least partial omniscience.


"Oh, why, I'm going to throw a party, of course," Peach told them. "The biggest and best party this place has ever seen!"

"Will I get to cheat people out of…I mean, let them play my games?" Game Guy asked.

"That's my call!" the greedy Goomba said.

DK made some kind of incomprehensible noise that no one could understand.

"Can I steal coins?" Boo asked.

"Who's hosting? I don't wanna host with that…freak!" Brighton said, referring to Twila, who then proceeded to hit him with her staff-thingy.

"I thought you two made up," Peach muttered. "No, no, no. Toadsworth is hosting, and so are Zess T. and some of their friends. Everyone else is playing!"

"…You must be crazy," Toad groaned. "Where will we play? How will we play with this many people?"

"Simple. I wanted to go out and play at my cake, but seeing that Wario, Yoshi, and Birdo ate it already, I turned my castle into a game board," Peach explained with a big smile.

"Oh, so that's why we had to spread those spaces all over the castle!" Toadette exclaimed. "There was a reason!"

"You owe me fifty coins," Toad snapped to Toadette.

"Er, yeah…"

"Anyway," Peach said, "Choose your teams, everyone! Teams of two, of course. Let the game begin!"

PRINCESS PEACH'S CASTLE Blue Spaces: 60 Red Spaces: 11 ? Spaces: 7 Duel Spaces: 12 Miracle Spaces: 5 Bowser Spaces: 3 Toadsworth Spaces: 8 Landing on one will cause Toadsworth to GIVE OR TAKE coins or a star, whichever the roulette chooses Millennium Star: Moves around, sells star for 20 coins There are capsules spread out at random places, and one capsule shop being run by Ms. Mowz from Paper Mario: TTYD.

THE TEAMS Everyone hurried to find a teammate, preferably, someone they could stand to be around. We end up with 14 teams, listed in alphabetical order:

AN EPITOME OF EVIL Wario & Waluigi (Wario: Wa ha ha! By having "an" in front of our name, WE'RE FIRST! Waluigi: Nya ha ha!)

BOOKWORMS Skolar & Klevar

CUTE COUPLE Luigi & Daisy (Luigi: Oh…Did you have to choose that name!)

DAZZLING DAMES Twila & Misstar

DEAD AND LOVIN' IT Dry Bones & Koopa Troopa (Koopa Troopa: I object to that name! Dry Bones: Shaddup.)

FANTASTIC FOOD FANATICS Yoshi & Birdo (Peach: Don't let them near the kitchen, Zess T.!)


FRIENDS OR FOES Mario & Donkey Kong

INCANDESCENT DUDES Brighton & Muskular

MOTHER AND SON Mamar & Kalmar (Kalmar: Are you really my mom? Mamar: Does it matter?)

PERFECTLY PINK Peach & Toadette (Toadette: Aren't we the "Pink Punishers" in Mario Party 6? Peach: Yup, I just thought this sounds better!)


777 Game Guy & Greedy Goomba

WISE AND STUPID Eldstar & Belltop (Eldstar: I guess I'm the only one with the patience to deal with this…thing.)

Toadsworth gives each team 10 coins. Let the festivities begin!

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